Do you agree?

Do you agree?

Change it to FMA 2003, then I'll agree.

>Reddit weather
>instead of using a box spring on his bed he fucking puts a gay as tent above it instead
>Full Pleb MALchemist
>Meme food

Kill yourself

>Reddit weather

>4 reddit things

Like, do you think you're actually cool?
Tent bed is retarded though.

>nice cool rainy day while staying indoors
>comfy bed set up without those retarded christmas light

>"its reddit"

it shouldnt be possible to be this autistic

>fucking plebs
>only redditors eat pizza


Don't steel Sup Forums memes

>>Reddit weather


Thank you so much

all of those things don't sound too pleasant though. I don't get how rain is comfy.. bitch you're inside, you don't even have to see it. hearing it is annoying anyways. the tent bed? what's the point? it's just dumb. pizza? biggest meme food ever. it's not even that good. it's like a once every other week food but every other faggots wants to have it every day. the anime? never seen it and don't plan to.

>Reddit weather

God bless you user

>Sup Forums is so contrarian they'll hate on pizza

>>Reddit weather
Thanks for the laugh

>Reddit weather

Here's a funny reaction image.
Include me in the screenshot please.

>reddit weather

Shut up


Hagaren is best anime of all time but it's not for comfy feeling

>reddit weather

>Reddit weather
>Meme food
We have gone too far and there is no turning back.

>Reddit weather

>replying to a meme comment for that epic leddit screencap

when did Sup Forums turn into Sup Forums?

>Reddit weather

What did he mean by this?

>Reddit weather

This man gets it as long as it isn't an obnoxious amount.

Your buzzword game is on point senpai.

Sup Forums was always like Sup Forums
It was only less shit because it had less users

when people started to use the word 'reddit' to describe the weather.

Come on man "Reddit weather" is fucking funny

>Sup Forums memes on my Sup Forums

Just fucking kill me

>Reddit anti-meme post

I love rain
Am i redditor?

We're all redditors now.

You have to go back.


If it was a janitor that just deleted that post and not the thread then this site has gone downhill even further than I thought

I have seen shit in my time but this is a fucking game changer right here, weather will never be the same.

How can food be considered a meme?

>I'll show everyone how cool and contrarian I am by calling things "Reddit"
This is what Sup Forums is like now.

Great job hotpockets


reddit is the new gaia

This thread and that exact reply pops up on Sup Forums about once a week. Calm down you fucking Sup Forumsutists.

Just a heads up guys, not only is rain a Reddit weather, but jeans are Reddit pants and dogs are Reddit pets.
If you are associated with any of these things you are a Redditor and you need to kys right the fuck now.

It's new for us fuck you let us have fun.

Cats are more reddit than dogs

Both cats and dogs are reddit tier pets you fucking normalfag.

Parrots/lizards/fish are the official Sup Forums pets.

>le doggo xD
The most Reddit animal on Earth. Kill all dogs.

>jeans are Reddit pants

Literally every high school to middle aged male is Reddit.

what does that expression even convey?

cats are literally meme animals, kys

>not wearing strictly cargo shorts
Your reddit is showing.

Iguanas and snakes are reddit as fuck, too, pleb.
Crabs, spiders and ferrets are the master race pets.

That's my image, don't post it.

>implying I don't


It's mine now.

>Crabs, spiders and ferrets

Thankfully my superior handpicked fashion of slav-approved track pants, work boots and homemade sweaters protects me from the reddit virus.

You'll pay for this in due time, trust me.

Pretty much every species in the animal kingdom is reddit tier.

janny should have just deleted the thread desu.

Pet rocks or bust

>homemade sweaters
A true patrician.

>no fun allowed

>cargo shorts

Cats are perfect waifus and will always belong on Sup Forums

>using a reddit meme

played yourself.

If there was a cute girl waiting for you to cuddle whilst watching anime then it would be perfect.

inb4 3dpd

This thread is not fun

>love rain
>anons go to reddit
Sup Forums is dead to me.

Cats are pleb tier

Fuck off redditor

>wearing reddit, smoking reddit, drinking reddit, going outside in reddit, looking at reddit

I can't believe redditors do this

Anime is a reddit medium.


Sure, by the Reddit definition of fun.

>reddit weather
>anons arguing over top tier pets
>pants v cargos
This thread is loads of fun.

Your mother got fucked last night.



All you fucks arguing over the reddit shit are worst than reddit itself.

Get that reddit garbage out of here
nice quints

Outside of "craft beer", what is the most reddit liquor of the following


That's not possible, I slept in the same bed as my mother last night.

I'd agree if the pizza had more toppings.

How reddit of you to say

*tips fedora* ara ara desuni~

well played

wtf i hate rainy days now

Vodka might be one of the most reddit things in existence.

Memes have gone too far.

What is the most Reddit anime?

Jojo? Re:ddit Zero?

we did it reddit

Jojo is Sup Forums. Re:Zero is facebook. Reddit is monogatari.


day and food are good
>not getting hugh and drunk and watching sobaditsgood shit with friends