I've never seen any Miyazaki movies.
Anime Confessions Thread
I've never, nor will I ever, watch Death Note. It's for edgy middle schoolers from 10 years ago.
I strongly dislike nge and jojo
I never watched anything that aired past 2004 and don't intend to do.
I have over 200 anime that I have started but not finished.
I can't fap to anime girls.
Despite the fact that I loved the VN, I'm really hesitant to watch the Togainu No Chi anime because I'm afraid it won't be as good.
I like 3D anime like Sidonia and Ajin, even Show By Rock
I have seen more movies than shows.
I easily have like 500-600 series watched, but never watched FMA and Cowboy Bebop.
Cowboy Bebop isn't even that long. Definitely overhyped though.
I completely do not mind CGI mechs.
I never watched anything that aired before 2004 and don't intend to do.
One day for sure.
i think most of this board has shit taste but dont hate them for it
i think their taste in waifus is decent as a whole though
i think moefags have the most shit taste
i think i will never understand self-insertion and am probably missing out
i think a lot of the hate for re:zero is for stupid personal reasons that dont really count, at least get better arguments
i think subaru is best girl
i think no one here really knows how to criticize shit
i think hating a show for its fandom is unfair
i think every fandom sucks but in a way is great because even shitposting has quality moments
i think /ss/ was fine and fun for a thread at a time and had more worth than half the threads made daily
i think im going to get shit for this but thats ok
i think girls should love girls, and boys should love boys
dont it sucks
I don't have a waifu.
Haven't seen anything from Ghibli
Haven't watched any of the big 3
I hated Evangelion but will someday watch it again
>i think a lot of the hate for re:zero is for stupid personal reasons that dont really count, at least get better arguments
>I think subaru is best girl
>i think no one here really knows how to criticize shit
>i think hating a show for its fandom is unfair
>i think every fandom sucks but in a way is great because even shitposting has quality moments
>i think /ss/ was fine and fun for a thread at a time and had more worth than half the threads made daily
Literally me
haven't watched any Ghibli movie
>dont it sucks
Elaboration is required plz
Don't worry, they're shit. They are overblown. They were just picked up for the circlejerk.
my brother of african descent
terrible pacing, hardly any dive into the characters, poorly animated, generic route, much unexplained things or story left out
your usual poor adaptation kinks
I hate anime which tries too hard to be art, it's kind of hard to put into words but shit like Flip Flappers makes me roll my eyes, same thing with Serial Experiment Lain and Ergo Proxy. They just feel like someone woke up one day and went "I'm gonna make art!" As opposed to letting it occur naturally like NGE
On the topic of NGE I fucking hate the show however I deem it to be art and a valuable part of anime as a medium.
I despise both fujos, yuri fags and het shipper equally.
Fujos are perverts who spend there time dreaming about how 2 straight men pack fudge together.
Yuri fags are delusional and easily manipulated into believing that just because a show has a majority female cast who interact with each other must mean they're gay which makes it easy to bait them into watching an otherwise mediocre show.
And last but not least het shippers are cancerous because of the fucking tantrums they throw when their favourite girl doesn't win, she's shit get over it.
Is the manga any better?
You're missing out
That is the patrician way to consume anything, let nobody tell you otherwise.
Black lagoon is edgy trash.
Cowboy Bebop was boring.
fucking really?
havent tried it, though i predict its decent at best. i could be wrong though
adaptations are usually poorly handled. even worse it theyre BL shit
when I watch ecchi anime,I only seek for the "plot" moments
Toradora is SHIT and nips don't know how to right romance in general.
Marnie and The Cat Returns are top tier Ghibli, right up there with Mononoke Hime
Never seen cowboy bepop, FMA, Evangalion, Death Note, Jojo, K-On is shit, moeblobs are shit, Oreimo is trash,
I haven't completely watched Code Geass
Never seen Cowboy Bebop
Only seen bits and pieces of FMA
Never seen EVA
I enjoy most things with no problem
I still haven't finished Kill la Kill and I started when it first aired
I think most of you have irrational hate for popular things and none of you realize it because you cannot fathom the idea of someone enjoying it
Incredibly ecchi anime and manga are boring and it needs to be toned down because it makes all of the girls seem like shallow puppets being controlled by some neckbeard who was home schooled
Well, thanks user. I guess I won't watch it then, although I may take a look at the manga.
Art doesn't "occur naturally"
And stop using "art" as a word indicating quality, a scribble you do in paint is still art.
What characters are these? I like their design.
I dropped LOtGH at episode 30.
Even if I wanted to watch it again now,I can't watch 30 episodes again.
Art fundamentally must have no other purpose than itself, if you make something to be art its purpose is to be art contradicting what art fundamentally is. Also I never used art as an indication of quality, if you read my post you would know I mentioned that I hated NGE despite me considering it art.
I quite literally will think of you as a socially inept subhuman deprived of any human experiences if you genuinely like moeshit like Kyoani turds.
I have tried watching some miyazaki movies, but on tv, and they have that terrible english dub or spanish dub, and I just can't, coupled with the terrible art, I just end dropping them before 20 minutes.
>Art fundamentally must have no other purpose than itself, if you make something to be art its purpose is to be art contradicting what art fundamentally is
Is "making money" a purpose other than itself? Because that will disqualify NGE as art immediately, along with most of the shit you see in museums.
Making money is a byproduct of art and while I did use NGE, most artists didn't get recognition or praise for their works until long after they died.
I think Miyazaka is extremely overrated
I watched 700-800 series but never watched Eva and Cowboy Bebop
I enjoy Isekai
I don't understand.
sure thing senpai
>attempt at sweet pool anime[/spoiler?] when?
Shinji is just a worse written Amuro. NGE is not a very good deconstruction as it does very little well. People only like NGE because they haven't seen the older mecha shows and think its doing something new. I really like the design of the the eva units and the angels though.
I've never spent a dime in support of the industry ever.
Your loss faggot
I've bought 1 volume of Berserk, that's it. I'm considering buying Aku no Hana, Boku Wa Mari no Naka and other Oshimi works just to support the mangaka. I would also buy the Shinsekai Yori novel in a heartbeat if it was ever translated.
I can't enjoy them. They are boring.
watch bakuman, the superior show from these guys
same, but only brotherhood, I watched FMA 2003
I actively avoid the 'classics'.
Like mayazaki movies, cowboy bebop, akira, that type of thing.
I just don't care.
Give me more cute girls doing cute things.
I refuse to watch a single minute of Dragonball Super. Its a washed up gig at this point.
-Goku dies
-New Super Sayian levels are reached
-Goku eats a bunch
-Bulma is still a bitch
-World is saved
-Goku eats a bunch...again
It's the same shit over and over and over again. Enough, let it die while it still has a shred of dignity left.
I've never seen NGE, FMP FLCL and GitS.
Bakuman is objectively worse than Death Note
>muh dream
>hurrrr let's wait for our dreams to come true
>oh noes the autist beat us again whatever shall we do
Only good thing that came out of it was the explanation/apology for the Death Note trainwreck, other than that it's really nothing special.
I unironically like Tomino. No matter how badly some of his works flawed, they're still very entertaining.
I hated shit like lucky star and haruhi
I only watch anime now a days for the guilty pleasure of watching titties
I wish there where more gurren laganns and nges
Dragon ball has and always will be for incompetent homosexuals.
Yeah I cant either cartoons just don't do it for me like they did when I was 13.
I keep my obsession with anime/manga a secret from everyone I know IRL (0 friends I talk to atm though so not really a big deal rn)
I haven't seen any of these either bro.
Sweet tap dancing Christ thank you. Cannot agree with this more.
What are incompetent homosexuals, you circlejerking fucks?
I relate to Guts more than any other character, but I don't tell anyone because
>too mainstream
>too edgy
>trying to seem cool
I lie about how many series I have watched to my friends: probably adding 100~200 series more than I have actually watched
Never watched Code Geass, NGE or Jojo and probably never will.
I usually pick up all of the typical harem shows each season.
Glasslip was actually pretty fun to watch.
Dropped Mob Psycho after 1 episode.
The last few anime seasons have not been shit.
I never watched code geass before but decided too since s3, 6/10 id show it to a friend.
I've watched 600+ TV anime but only about 10 movies.
I regularly pick up shows after listening to the soundtrack.
I alwasy put off watching LOGH because it seems like a slog to get through.
G-Reco was fun.
All those mecha series that try to be like Code Geass are complete trash. The only one that came close to the same feel was Cross Ange.
K-On is great.
Nichijou is the best thing KyoAni has done.
I like several Bee Train shows.
You know what a circle-jerk has in common with Dragon Ball, its mindless repetitive movement, and still substantially less gay than the fanboys that cream as Goku attempts to squeeze out a shit..err... go Super Sayian I mean.
I hate death note and code geass with a passion
I don't like anime
I dropped Cowboy Bebop at episode 4. It was boring as fuck
When I watch shows with like ~100+ episodes, sometimes I watch them at 4x speed to save times.
I've never watched Haruhi, Code Geass, Death Note, Ghost in the Shell or Full Metal Alchemist. Probably will one day though.
I like video games more than anime.
Not really Sup Forums related, but I want a Guzma daki. I've had zero interest in dakis prior to this.
I'd still like to know what a incompetent homosexual is. That sounds like a Beavis & Butthead-tier made-up insult.
nadeko is best monogatari girl and shinobu and blue hair girl is so shit I've yet to resume watching the show
It's pretty fuckin self explanatory, I must have been right on the mark when I said it then.
Clearly one of homosexual origin who is incompetent. Synonyms: insufficient, inept, disqualified, useless, just to name a few. Seems like the poster was pretty clear to me. Reading comprehension is tough, I know.
One they you'll find the right girl user
user, you didn't tell him what a homosexual is.
How can someone be incompetent at being homosexual?
Thanks for posting what those guys seemed to clearly miss.
I want to keep up with the trend of calling jojo shit because of the shitty fanbase but I actually finished watching the series up to part 4 and I honestly can't call it bad even if I want to piss off jojofags.
Erectile Dysfunction maybe?
Frodo pls go.
>all these people that havent seen NGE
Keep being contrarian user, it always gets at people.
Why, transformers is better (the western one)
-I have no intention to watch LoGH because I dislike the space opera genre.
-I will never watch Jojo because the character designs are ugly as fuck.
-I love talking shit about the current isekai trend despite not having watched a single modern isekai show. The last isekai I actually watched was Zero no Tsukaima which I enjoyed
-I miss the loli tsundere trend
-I dropped Lain at episode 5 because it was boring
>I will never watch Jojo because the character designs are ugly as fuck.
What? Maybe for part 1 and 2 but the designs are pretty creative and good.
I only watch anime because of escapism, I'm horny about the cute girls and I haven't got the attention span/concentration to do anything more worthwihle.
i hate dropping shows so instead of dropping them i just watch bad shows at 2x speed
Kill yourself jojoshitter
Ever had one of those days where you just fucking loathe anime? Like, all the time?
Just read Death Note then. The manga is better, really.
After you my friend
I'm having a hard time believing this isn't bait. What are your favourite anime?
>tumblr art
>cancerous newfag