When was Europe at its best and when was Europe at its height in terms of being redpilled?

When was Europe at its best and when was Europe at its height in terms of being redpilled?

pic unrelated

those words don't belong in the same sentence desu

Says the guy whose country wouldn't exist if it weren't for Europeans

>Best: late 19th century
>Bluepilled: 60s, now

Heil fucking hitler.

I meant Europe as a whole instead of just national socialist germany

When the men left for the new world and left the cucks to slowly destroy Europe over the next 500 years.

And what have they given us since? Europeans have been at war with each other for all of modern history, in between getting invaded by muslims. Literally the only thing stopping them from killing each other were inbreeding the royals into alliance marriages. So tell me why Europe is so great

Creating the majority of modern civilization is pretty great mate

Every civilizational, scientific or cultural advancement in the last few centuries came either from Europe or its colonies.
Without it the world would still be in the middle ages


They did give us some pretty great stuff m8s, ancient Greece and Rome and all other Technoloical advances are not to be discounted. But what the question posed was is there a time frame in Europe where it was objectively better than all other times? In other words at what time was Europe at is height?

I would day we peaked around 1800s. By the beginning of the 20th century we were already declining.
I blame mass society, population boom and mass industrialization.
Progress, be it scientific, social or in any other field is a double edged sword

>Progress, be it scientific, social or in any other field is a double edged sword
Then why call it "progress"? What is "progress"?

There is no such thing as progress in an objective sense. It was bullshit that derived from Hegel and Zoroastrianism.

>pic unrelated
but who is stronger?

Europe was at it's best in the time following the hundred years war. This was when euro-nationalism took hold, the mations became very wealthy which is what funded the voyages that discovered the new world. Britian became extrenely powerful in the late 1700s early 1800's but got fucked by the first world war and crashed into irrelevancy.

There's no cosmic struggle ending with victory in light. In fact, there is no movement towards greater light. There are just erratic peaks and troughs throughout history. One should just focus on his or herself and live a decent life and fade away peacefully. There is no true triumph in this world, it's all insufficient.

Progressivism is false*

I thought WW1 was the peak of Europe. A brutal but very formal struggle that defined the laws of modern conflict.
>if it weren't for Europeans
They were American at heart, rejecting Europe... American is an affiliation you know, few people say their ancestry is American, they say European, Mexican, Chinese, etc. other countries.

What do you mean we?

>best: the belle epoque, obviously
>most redpilled: middle ages

This completely. The primitives of the world were all under occupation. A couple generations of the great empires sitting on them and we might have had a civilized world. It could have been the great adventure of the 20th century.

But no, they had to fuck it up and use their armies on each other and ruin it all. No fucking chance of it now.

>Ai,.. maed,...fhred powst

A massive European war was inevitable

Not really. Historical determinism is mostly BS.

Bullshit. Everything seems inevitable in hindsight.

Does the war -have- to start? If so, could it have only started in one way?

If it does, does Britain (or anyone) -have- to join? Wouldn't the participants depend on where/if it starts?

Even IF everyone's involved, does the geography/strategy -have- to lead to a brutalizing stalemate?

We very well could have lived in a world where generations of young European men went forth to a whole continent of opportunity instead of onto each others bayonets.

Ripped the heart out of the civilizing mission of western civilization with two world wars and replaced it with (((neo-liberalism.)))