Code Geass

Based Gino is so based.

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I watched R2 8 years ago and I don't even remember him. Like for real. He was such a forgettable character.

Why is Rolo such a literal faggot

How can you forget him? He was a based character.
Too bad he didn't take a part in Zero Requiem.

I'd literal his faggot, if you know what I mean.

How many time a day does Gino pound Kallen and Milly's tight pussies?

Over 9000/day

Gino is popular with nips

Gino can fuck everyone out there easily.


He's the least popular character in that image by far.

He might be a bit less popular but still popular.
He is a based guy.

Of course he's the tallest

None. Kallen still wants Lelouch's dick.

What a cuck-queen.

>Callencucks are so scared that they have to deny something even when the posts weren't about kallen or anything.
Also kallen willing to be another shirley doesn't really mean anything, at all.
What's more, her own personality is getting ruined by being forced to be another harem bait character and her fans are okay with it.
Gino might fix that, I remember some staff neither confirming or denying her relationship with Gino in some interview.
I remember the guy saying something like they being still young and that we can't be sure about what happens in the future and all.

Gonna need to that translated into earthspeak, user.

Gino was such a Chad

>Hated characters
>1. Ougi
>2. Schnizel
>3. Kallen
>4. Nina
>5. Nunnally

>Liked Males
>1. Lelouch
>2. Suzaku
>3. Rolo
>4. Lloyd

>Liked Females
1. C.C.
2. Shirley
3. Kallen
4. Cornelia
5. Sayoko

>Kallen both 3rd most hated and most liked(female) character

>Kallencucks projecting this hard
HAHHAHAHHAHA. I will laugh so hard when they open the season with a pregnant Kallen carrying Gino's babies.

It wouldn't really surprise me but you know Kallen would drop whatever and become Lelouch's soldier again if he really tried to ask her to.

He was a shallow and irrelevant character that only existed to reel fujos in. Now we're trying to turn him into a meme.

>I remember some staff neither confirming or denying her relationship with Gino in some interview. I remember the guy saying something like they being still young and that we can't be sure about what happens in the future and all.

Yes, because "some staff" is very credible alright and it never actually happened in any interview at all and the fact that you can only remember it by memory and not be able to pinpoint where it exactly happened already shows how hard you are trying. Kek. Stay delusional.

Which doesn't make sense at all. Kallen and Gino has no chemistry at all. They're complete opposites which is why they're seen just as a rival kind of friend in the drama picture episodes.

>Hated characters
>1. Ougi

Thank God people are sane.

Just can't get it through my head that the are people that actually liked Rolo. Dudes a complete disaster and annoying.

Of course, Gino is a new r2 character and have limited screen time but still manage to enter the Top 10 of most popular characters of the classic CG cast.

Schneizel did nothing wrong.

He lost

>Liked Females
>2. Shirley

Too bad the preview for the sequel already proves you wrong. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Fujos. That's the only explanation that makes sense to me.

>Liked Males
Where's number 5?

Killing Shirley made him good in my book.

>C.C beside Gino
Don't tell me Gino is alao fucking her behind the scenes.

>nips like rolo
Does their shit taste know no limits?

>all these people who hate Rolo
The only reason why you faggots hate Rolo is because he has a dick. If he were a girl, you'd all be calling her best girl just because she was willing to kill everyone and sacrifice her life just for Lelouch.

For once in your NEET life, stop thinking with your dick.

It seems there was a mistake
>1位 ルルーシュ   593pt ぶっちぎりです!最初から独走!!やはり主人公は強し!!!
>2位 スザク     310pt 集計途中までロロと拮抗してましたが、最後に頭1つ抜けた!やはり裏主人公!!
>3位 ロロ      238pt 「かわいい」というコメント多かったな・・・あと「ヤンデレ」w
>4位 ジェレミア   234pt オレンジ卿!トップ3に一歩及ばず残念;;
>5位 ロイド     166pt ロイド伯爵は幅広い支持を集めてました!良心キャラ!!
>6位 星刻      101pt 天子様一筋のこの方、最後はどうなったのかな?
>7位 ジノ      100pt 友達として良いと言うご意見多かったです。
>8位 ギルフォード   54pt 姫様一筋、コードギアスは忠義の物語でもありますね・・・
>9位 シュナイゼル   40pt 黒いと言われつつもランクイン、決め手は顔と頭脳か?
>10位 リヴァル     32pt コードギアス随一の一般キャラ、何か同情票が多かったような・・・?

>Liked Males
>1. Lelouch
>2. Suzaku
>3. Rolo
>4. Jeremiah
>5. Lloyd
>6. Xinke
>7. GINO
>8. Gilfold
>9. Schnizel
>10. Rivalz

Why is Schnizel hated?

He's the bestest

I don't hate Rolo. He turned Shirley into a pizza.

> all this gino posting
Literally from where this comes from? I watched CG last year and there wasn't anyone lusting after him. Can someone explain?

Also what the fuck, I don't remember him exchanging more than 10 lines with Kallen in the entirety of the show.

>Liked Females
>No Kaguya
Fuck that list.

If he was a girl I'd hate him even more since that would just feel incredibly cheap. He's a shit character and an unnecessary one, there was nothing interesting about him. Unfortunately he became somewhat important for no fucking reason and instead of blowing his brains out for killing Shirley, Lelouch actually gave in and forgave him.

>Only one vote difference
You can pretty much say /Gino/ is #6
Nice going Gino! As expected of /our guy/.

Trips confirm GINO as #6

>Liked Females
>No Kaguya

Sounds about right.

>Gino in Top 10 again

>There are people still not following CCreayus on twitter yet.
Follow her right away and be sure to get this art over 10k already (embed)

>female ranking
>nani, my honey not best girl
>villetta not actual best girl

>Lelouch actually gave in and forgave him.
That's because otouto > imouto.

They even made him sing a character song.
Gino is popular, maybe not on the same level as Lelouch in his S+++ league but you can put Gino in an one or two tier lower league.

But why? He's a boring character.

It it because blond/tall/blue eyes? Of course it is.

Only Gino, Chinkei, Schneizel, Rivalz, and Orange are the actual male on that list.

What are the others? Lizard people?

lol what? He is fucking classy and entertaining.

Guilford is the most honourable man on the list though.

>GINO's name is in all caps.


Forgot to add him.

Gino is meme

Why? For making nu-male betafaggot manlets like you cry.

That was the user, Sherlock. There is no capitalisation of letters in Japanese.

When will they learn?

I know and I praise him for doing it.

Of course you do.

>2008 poll
>relevant in 2016


Why would the old polls be irrelevant now even though there wasn't anything new that could influence people's choices?
>muh it is old
It is still legit.

We'll see if Geno can land a good spot on the S3 poll. He won't

It is GINO.
Also until the new polls come around, the old ones are still legit. I will vote for GINO and make sure he gets a good ranking,but I think S3 will be movie so there might not be a new poll at all.

You'd go out of your way to vote for a character in a Japanese poll?

I think you should buy a gino dakimakura and get on with your life.

Underrated post.

It will most likely a online poll, they ever make one, so I can vote easily.

An online poll, if they ever make a new one*

Gino was kind of, just there.
He was a comparatively dumb guy who looked at the whole war as just having fun, and couldn't even begin the comprehend the whole ideological conflict behind the clash of the real cast.
His only question that was related to that theme was asking why Kallen didn't become a Britannian pilot, and suggesting she does so now, which only solidified the appearance of him barely understanding things.
He was a simple, cheerful, carefree guy who was a good pilot and followed orders for the most part, and didn't give things much thought.

tfw this shit will never be translated

>Those clothes
Holy shit, literally Chad: The character

>Gino was kind of, just there.
He wasn't just there. HE WAS EVERYWHERE! Gino was blasting Gooks in his Knightmare and picking up chicks like Kallen at the same time. How can betas like Rivalz even compete. Gino probably has a 10 inch cock that he regularly fucks Kallen and Milly with. Fuck he even probably pounds Cornelias pussy.

Fujos like him because he's all touchy touchy with Suzaku in the op an many times in the show.
I thought Sup Forums wouldn't like him unironically.

Well if you look at the poster count in these threads its a maximum of 3 people.

He killes the annoying clingy girl, he's a best. Plus he was just a poor and sad kid.