
ITT: Richfags teach poorfags how to get rich

No political movement can survive without money, and that goes especially so for right-wing political movements which are more susceptible to doxxing. ITT we will discuss how to make money, how to hold on to it, and how we can then use this money to fund our projects and interests.

Me first
Living at home to save money, will continue to do so after I graduate with my degree (applied math + philosophy), hoping to start buying properties within two or three years after graduating. Eventual goal is to get into commercial real estate and be able to generate large monthly returns while retaining the ability to give right-wing politicians a base from which to operate. Will probably use shell companies or other methods of obfuscation to ensure that I remain at-a-distance from everything.

Can lions teach gazelles to be meat eaters?

This is more akin to lions teaching housecats to hunt big game. Both cats eat meat, but do they have the inborn tools to obtain the same quantities of meat?

I dunno, can Amerifats teach Europoors to shart in mart? Growing wealth is easy.
Set up your life such that Income - Expenses > 0

After that, it's just a matter of how fast you can grow your wealth. Either decrease your expenses or increase your income. Idc whether you grow by addition, multiplication or exponential, but so long as that formula remains true, you will be wealthy eventually. You might be dead before you accumulate very much, but that's what this thread is for.

IMO it's all who you know. That and obviously working in a field that is much needed. I work a special niche in IT, that isn't super popular anymore but the GOV needs it. So much that I do the same thing, at a higher rate, part time.

Both my gigs pay 6 figures.

Nice. Working is good, and how are you planning to leverage that into some assets? You'll never get rich just collecting a paycheck, we need to expand into owning property, owning businesses, owning patents, owning systems and owning processes.

Being the owner also means that you are able to help your in-group, and thus make their pathway to abundance easier. Imagine how fantastic it would be to have a bursary for young white families? Or job opportunities for whites? Housing, food, all that stuff. If you own a rental complex, you can run it like a little white people ant farm

well I start my degree in computing & it (focus on cyber security/programming/networking) after that i'm not sure. maybe do cyber security work or whatever pays best so I can use spare money to invest in property and savings accounts/isas to make a profit each year all the while funding right wing movements and organisations. maybe fund or even make a network of right wing sites, social networks, dating sites specifically for whites to encourage white relationships and white babies and white meetings. once i have enough money setup a registered charity for white people, to help white people get educated, to help white people into work using the earlier networks as a springboard and self-advertisement to spread the word among whites in trouble/in need. hopefully whites will still be around by the time I finish my degree and put all this in action..

Nice, user! One thing that I'm mulling over a lot is how to best take advantage of the coming wave of automation/AI. Lots of small businesses will be yugely impacted by these technological advancements, as you can imagine the appeal of slashing labor costs by installing a robo-teller like McDonald's has, or being able to have a robo-chef, or w/e. For lots of 'turnkey' places, these kinds of tech advancements are going to make a huge change to the way they do business, and could potentially put a lot of people out of the low-skill labor market. There's lots of work available in the high-skill market, but the low-skill labor pool is going to get crushed to death by the relentless advances of technology.

Need advice for those of us who got royally fucked with health issues that keep us from being able to hold a 40-hour-a-week job. Chronic pain on a regular basis. How can I create income when the usual way is no longer an option?

There's also the possibility of becoming a franchise owner, and (hopefully, eventually) a multi-unit franchise owner, running carbon copies of your restaurant/whatever. If you're a good owner, you'll be concerned with keeping employee morale high, so you'll be happy to invest in things like higher than average wages, employee training, uniforms, etc. All these things translate well into being a 14/88 friendly investor.

Can you work from home? Can you teach yourself something valuable via the internet? What is your mobility like? Your options have literally never been better, user.

Other things you can do with your money are to ruthlessly hunt down and destroy degeneracy in your city. One city here in Canada did just that by making sure literally everyone had a place to go at night. People initially complained because of the optics of giving houses/rooms to deadbeats, but the end result was lower crime, less delinquency, and thus higher profitability for business owners.

>How can I create income when the usual way is no longer an option?

Online trading.

I should add being able to pick up part-time work to help in the mean time with things like groceries, rent, etc. is a good idea. I fortunately don't have chronic health issues, but like OP said, it's a matter of increasing your own wealth. If it means sacrificing full-time work, because working part-time while saving, by not buying nearly as much gas, and shitty overpriced fast food, it's a net win.


>If it means sacrificing full-time work, because working part-time saves you more money, by not paying more money in expenses, then do it.

>giving money to politicians
More like creating institutions from scratch. Building up our own research academies with unpozzed social sciences, creating our own communities as rightwing territory, owning communications infrastructure so we can never be silenced or cut off from each other. Politicians are fake power, think about real power, think about what it takes to build imperium and watch it displace the pozzed crumbling edifices all around it.

Crypto and Urbit, great examples of getting rich while building up new structures that will destroy the pozzed ones. Don't follow the established road, we must pave new ones.

Some other thoughts on making money
A 500k income from a single source is less ideal than five different sources of 100k income. Unity of purpose through a plurality of means. Example
Mid-high skill work = 100k/year
Online business = 100k/year
2x Turnkey business = 200k/year
Rental properties = 50k/year
Stocks/bonds = 50k/year
Etc, etc.

And don't feel as though you have to be an expert in absolutely everything in order to buy a business! It's a bit less profitable, but you can always look into hiring people who know more than you wrt any particular aspect of the business. Being an expert is obviously helpful, because it means that you can solve your own problems, but a very profitable model is to buy out a business, and then offer one or more of the managers a stake in the ownership. You retain their expertise, while also incentivizing them to take an active role in making the store profitable. This works regardless of the industry in question,

Before I learned this, I was always confused as to how a single person could (for example) own a construction business, two different restaurants, a dry cleaning business and also manage a handful of rental properties. Once I understood that the managers actually did most of the managing/had the expert knowledge, it made a lot more sense.

It also underscored for me the fragility of a lot of businesses. If a business owner loses just a handful of key employees, the whole thing can come crumbling down. So stress testing your business is always advisable, and constantly working to make sure that no one person ends up being an irreplaceable player on the team, because otherwise they have all the leverage.

agreed. but ai.. needs to be coded and machines need to be built. so we need to encourage and push white people to get educated in the STEM field.

And again, this is true whether or not you are running a multi-billion dollar shipping enterprise with 20,000 employees and ungodly amounts of overhead, or something as simple as a nail salon with three employees. Obviously some of the dynamics of a mult-billion dollar enterprise will be different, the issues you deal with will probably be light years away from small town USA nail salon, but the principles are the same.
More than that, we need to be positioning ourselves to become the owners and investors rather than just the white heeled managers.

yes exactly! and also have a sort of 'freemasons' or 'bilderberg' club but just for white people (as in not the kikes). business owners, industry leaders, any white person with even the tiniest amount of wealth or influence would be welcome. suppliers, distributors, manufacturers, engineers, scientists, professors, coding monkeys or simply owners of local shops it doesn't matter. if they're white they can help. they can hire white unemployed, they can assist local white people that need help, they can help in fundraising for projects we collectively come up with specifically to help white people, hell in the future if we can't take back our lands we could at least pool together and find a solution to create a new anglo land just for white people. even if it happens to be a colony in space.

*rather than just the technicians or white heeled managers
If we didn't see it the first time, I'll repost it again here:
Income - Expenses > 0

That's it. Educated, uneducated, lifestyle, location, loans, it's all encapsulated in that neat little formula. The trick is, of course, how to maximize that number on the left, while also not wanting to kys.

With that in mind, some principles to consider
> Decreasing your expenses is one of the easiest ways to grow your wealth.
This is just as true whether your budget is just you in a studio apartment while going to school, or running four different businesses with more than 100 employees on payroll. Just keep in mind that some things aren't worth the dollar amount you save. Getting rid of the cookies in the staff room might save you ~100/year, but it might also cost you the good will of your employees, which could end up costing you a lot more in lost sales and repeat customers.
> Increase your ability to earn
Whether this is through education, certification, increasing sales, expanding into new sales channels, working more hours, working at a different job, working at a second job, w/e, there is almost always some way to increase how much money you are bringing home every day, every week, every month and every year.
> Never go outside the expertise of your people
Hopefully self-explanatory. This is true whether you are building in-ground pools, installing HVAC, organizing a coup, or coding an app.
> Don't be afraid to pay for talent
Want to get in on the latest hot new trend, but you can't imagine how to do it? Maybe paying someone else for their time is better than spending 12 hours in front of the computer trying to find the magic combination of words that will allow Google to direct you to the blog of some retired expert in the field who is cucked in his marriage and wants to relive the glory days. Whatever.

> Your house is not an asset
PROTIP: Income only includes those things that actually put money into your pocket every month. Bought a sick car that is totes going to appreciate in value and net you a fat stack of cash when you sell it? Real estate agent says that your house is going up in value every month? Saving every picture of yourself to sell w/ an autograph when you're in lamboland? Well, until you actually sell it, you have to take into account all the costs of maintaining, protecting and storing that bad boy, all the while your money could be more helpfully deployed somewhere that you will actually be making money. In the meantime, every Dick, Jane and Sally will be jerking you off trying to tell you that "based on your assets, you now qualify for a loan/line of credit/reverse mortgage/etc!" Fuck 'em. The kikes aren't your friends, and there will be hundreds, if not thousands of people lining up to take money out of your pocket any way they can. The more money you have, the more targets you have painted on your back, and the more people are going to be looking to separate you from your money. Some will be well intentioned, offering you a solution to one or more of your problems- some won't. Remember, it isn't how much you make, but how much you keep.

Systems will make your life easier, simpler, and more profitable. Tired of not knowing whether or not you did a good job for that last client? Do you start your day differently every day? Trying to streamline your business? Expand to multiple locations? YOU MY FRIEND, NEED SYSTEMS.

If you don't like systems, prepare to be poor your entire life. Systems are what allows you to optimize, iterate and walk away from your business, without it collapsing into a fiery heap with angry Jews coming after you with their greedy claws outstretched. Creating systems is an art form, and many a business has been ruined through their poor systems. When creating a system, you have to actually put the time into things like asking
> How will this system actually work in the real world?
Employees, customers, suppliers are all human, and are thus likely to be the wildcard in any system. Too many systems are created for robots or bugmen, with the end result being a de-humanizing, stultifying and ultimately unprofitable system, with bad PR to boot in our always-on economy. Ask for feedback, and actually implement it. A few small tweaks are often all it takes for a system to go from intolerable to incredible. Maybe it means painting the break room a different color. Maybe it means implementing a dress code, or a uniform. Who knows.
> Keep good records
You can't improve on what you don't measure, and that means knowing what is and isn't included in your KPIs. Sure, you know what your sales were this time last year, but is the entire sales team about to quit? Did your last conversation with your supplier leave a bad taste in his mouth that means you're going to be getting a low quality shipment, and two days late? Never, ever, ever forget that the model is only as good as the model, and that the map is not the territory.

To defeat the merchant, you must become the merchant!

Or, you can just stay a NEET and watch the world burn.

I want to go back to when /biz/ actually talked about finance and business and wasn't just filled to the brim with crypto shills trying to pump and dump their shitcoins

stop having children unless you can afford it.

Some other ideas for businesses
Commercial real estate
Residential real estate (detached, duplex, multuplex etc)
Rural real estate (buy and hold, sell to developers etc)
Turnkey businesses
Other small business investment

One thing I would love to do in the future would be to function as an angel investor for some trades guys who are trying to set up their own business. Trades and skilled labor make tons of money, but the start-up costs can be high for guys that don't have their own equipment. If you don't want to be a Jew about it, set up a non-recourse loan, so that you buy the equipment, and charge the guy a fee for using it. Over time, he can purchase the equipment from you, and whatever other systems you have set-up until he is the sole proprietor.
New business idea: NEET farm

To clarify, the non-Jew part is that if things go sideways/business slows down/whatever and he can't pay you, you just take back your equipment/systems/property. So his life isn't getting fucked up.

Some other types of investing for the sophisticated richfag:
Venture capital,
Private equity,
Hedge funds,
Real estate investment trusts,
as well as real assets such as precious metals, rare coins, wine, and art.

except already done with my degree working at a degenerate lefty company (what company isn't), managers already taking notice of my unique abilities and being better than some of the senior engineers, going to stick around for a year or so to hone my skills to trump levels and then go to another company for more money or start my own company, and in the mean time saving money and losing weight so that i can get a girlfriend that isn't a whale

there are plenty of ways you can get work done from home/remotely

one way is to teach yourself how to program which there are millions of resources on the internet and if you're already on pol you already have access to everything you need, you probably won't be able to get a high paying job if you're always working remotely but you'll definitely earn more than a shitty minimum wage job and if you can manage to work away from home sometimes you could make even more money

i like it

house and feed neets and in exchange you use the spare GPU cycles on their gaming PCs to mine bitcoins

i guess its the same concept as discord

1. Don't live like Trump. He's poor and spends more money than he makes.
2. Most "rich" people live modestly, well below their means. This gives them a comfortable but easily maintained life. If they have unexpected expenses it's not a problem because they aren't maxed out and living paycheck to paycheck.
3. Save money. That's as important or more important than making more money.
4. Invest conservatively. Make your investments wise and simple. Max out your employer contributions for retirement and savings. It's free money. And try to make investments that are diverse (index funds) and stay close to market average (above inflation, below inflation and you're losing money).
5. Make your money make more money. Invest in things that make money and invest in education, books, courses, degrees, certifications that make more money. If it doesn't make money, it's not worth your money.
6. Don't waste money. Some things look nice but only cost more money. Sure a nice Lamborghini looks cool but the maintenance and insurance costs are insane. You'll drain your bank account. Anything that costs money and doesn't make money is a bad investment.

>applied math + philosophy
>get rich

You fucking idiot, you already failed.

I'm not rich, but I've been earning $200k-300k per year in my 20's operating an online gun parts store. Pretty good money since I moved to one of the lowest cost of living areas in the country.

Here is how you do it. Live as cheap as possible, my wife and I still live on around $30,000 per year, the rest of the money is plowed back into the business after taxes.

Gain a basic understanding of finance, accounting, and economics. I majored in a couple of these because they had the highest net present value at the time I went to school.

Search out opportunities where demand exceeds supply, research it, become an expert, and open a business. Try to operate on low margins, high turnover, and find ways to minimize overhead, or, find another way to set yourself apart from the rest where there is demand.

How do you think - are stocks/bonds good to increase my savings (I have 150000 rubles, it is around 2500 $)? I know that I need to learn a lot prior to the moment when I'll be able to make profit out of it, but we have to start somewhere

Stocks and bonds are long term investments. The first thing you have to ask is when do you need the money? The second is can you afford to lose this money? If you need the money 40 years from now when you retire and it doesn't matter much if you lose it, then you invest in higher risk things. If you can't afford to lose it but you need it in 10-20 years then you invest in lower risk things.

Also you need to ask, is that all of your savings? You should have some savings in regular cash for emergencies. Getting money back out of stocks can take a couple of weeks, it's slow. So if you might need that money right away, you need to keep it in a savings account.

In a perfect situation you would have six months of money saved in savings account and the rest of your money invested in a wide range of stocks, bonds etc. at high, medium and low risk. The closer you get to retirement age the more you invest in low risk things because you don't have time at that age to afford losses. Young people can afford to be more risky with their money.

Can I make money swing trading? I have illusions about turning $250 into $1,000,00 or whatever like those clickbait YouTube vids. But could I theoretically over time turn, say $500 into a more substantial amount. I would keep adding to the initial amount with each paycheck, but my opening balance would be about $500.
I don’t have a car payment or many monthly obligations besides the usual rent, food, etc. The plan is to take out a second job from here through summer and pour about 90% of each of those paychecks into my brokerage account and just try to trade it up.
I don’t feel like messing with any of that crypto bullshit.

Agreed, that board is ruined.

Penny stocks make me more than a physicist with a PhD. Isn’t capitalism wonderful?

any suggestions on where the find this kind of work? i already have ~3 years experience as a software developer but i quit because i was sick of working in an office and being around people constantly
99% of the freelance sites seem like complete trash

The odds are not in your favor. Stock trades have fees that are usually higher than the returns you get. Frequent trades are usually a bad idea. You don't hold onto the stock long enough to get any dividends and you wind up paying money out in trading fees. Maybe a very few people got lucky and made money that way but it's not a reliable way to make money at all.

Usually with stocks you just buy a proven, reliable stock that pays dividends and hold it for many years. You collect the dividends, reinvest them, and keep slowly building value over decades.

Run a non-profit and schmooze it up with wealthy donors.

Claim as much as you want as overhead, or just make the money poof in transit.

Congrats, you are a democrat now.

You need at least 25k if you want to be daytrading

What about with something like Robinhood, where I don’t have to pay a fee to buy?


Or you know provide the neets with an environment that doesnt handicap them for being white and instead give them something they can work towards and actually feel like its worth working towards.
Most neets NEET because theres no incentives left, why go to work when every girl acts like a petty fucking child who calls you entitled because you refuse to cater to unrealistic entitled demands as well as going to work at a job where youre the only one who actually does anything but gets blamed whenever anything even seems like it might go wrong instantly while watching the most incompetent person be given credit for work everyone knows you did but muh diversity and all that.
Cavemen lived better lives than this because everyday they were allowed to live with meaning and felt purpose.
Hunt, thrive, or die.
If you died you died if you survived then you played again the next day.
A time before the world handicapped anyone who does anything even remotely competent instead of coming to terms with the fact that racism was right for good reason

Is it possible to find the time and quickly boost savings on the stock markets ? Of course I don't expect miracles to happen. I'm thinking about a period of 5-10 years.

But if you think for example about recent financial crisis (2008 and 2014) - after the hardest point in the financial situation there is always a rise in the companies like those backed by government (there are bunch of them in Russia, mainly oil-producing ones), air travel companies and some other. Because after crisis people will again buy tickets to the flights and use the services that eventually will make the stocks steadily grow. If you buy them in the right time then you can make a considerable profit.

What's a penny Stock?

>hoping to start buying properties within two or three years after graduating.

>doing this just before interest rates begin to rise which will lead to a market collapse worse than 2008

Solid investment leaf.

Best listen to this guy, OP. Bongs are always mucking about in finance and doing shady shit.