Have any of you actually broken off from society and lived off the grid successfully? How did it go? What inspired you...

Have any of you actually broken off from society and lived off the grid successfully? How did it go? What inspired you? Thoreau?

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state thugs would harass and kill you in no time for not paying into the energy/tax cartel.

the DMV would systematically steal your property utilizing the police and the fed. Happened in WACO, so don't tell me I'm full of shit.

The jigaboos. Bought a cheap mobile home between 2 cities with a big yard. Will move there in 1 month. I really can't stand living among subhumans.

Thoreau was an absolute pussy.


It's nice. My closest neighbor is 54 miles away but the only thing connecting us is a river. I have a cavin and a hangar as well as a few outbuildings. No substantial roads in to my property, I fly out to Merrill field about 140 miles away when I have to leave meet clients for work. You can get in with 4x4 but it's a long ways and you need some serious clearance. River access is possible in the winter as well. I'm fairly isolated but some of my neighbors down the ways are waaaaaaaay out there, don't know if I could manage that, maybe when I retire.. pic related is my daily driver.

You are asking depressed internet addicted nazi larping guys if they actually accomplished something? Now that is some funny shit.

That's incredible, thanks for posting user. To prepare for winter, do you simply stock up on advance and wait until conditions allow you to fly again?

I cited history





Any agent of the state can be shut down by LEGAL NAME FRAUD now that it's exposed

Learn to be polite and not project your mental diarrhea

always wanted to meet an alaskan user like you. Do you have a wife & children? If not, how do you expect to meet a wife?

You cited imaginary history. Everyone seems to forget that the Branch Davidians Waco'd themselves. They set the fire. They murdered the children. They killed themselves.

Yeah, the ATF fucked up enormously. Yeah, the ATF made the BD's think they were going to get mass executed. Yeah, the ATF has literally zero business pretending to be a law enforcement agency, rather than a simple regulatory agency like the FDA,

But Waco happened because delusional, paranoid people took a perfectly ordinary law enforcement situation and turned it into a military siege. Delusional, paranoid people murdered their own children rather than face reality. Delusional, paranoid people made history because all they really cared about was becoming famous.

You're full of shit.

what do you do for work, how were you able to set yourself up like that? I wish for a lifestyle you describe but it seems so unattainable that I get depressed

What sort of work do you do? How do you have internet/electricity?

>CIA anime nigger
didnt read

If you knew the history of pole shifts on this planet you would have prepared for an Extinction Level Event, too.
Really quite a shame, because now we are facing a much more prolonged culling all the same.

>No flash-frozen mammoths with vegetation in their mouth this time around

I used to manage a very remote fly in fishing outpost in far north western Ontario, near attawapiskat. My SO and I lived on an island for 7 -8 months of our year with our doggo. We were about 500km from anything in every direction, no roads in or out, no rail ways, no phone, no internet, no indoor plumbing, etc. We'd get a plane in once a week to drop off/pick up guests and bring us supplies and food stuffs.

We did everything from maintain and build cabins, guide hunters and fishermen, fix outboard motors, clean fish and field dress animals, load and unload planes, etc.

One year we had to be evacuated by helicopter because of forest fires, that was actually pretty cool because we were on an island so our island was fine but the rest of the forest around the lake was engulfed in flames for thousands of hectare...

We did it for 6 years, then got our pilot licenses and flew for the resort for another few years.

It was heaven on earth.

This is bullshit

I lived out of my car before. Sort on the grid while off the grid. If you do this, be as discreet as possible. Shower at a health club.

That is all.


Wandered up a mountainside and found an abandoned shack,i spend a majority of my time up there, the connection you gain from dropping electronic waves and flouridated water is unbelievable

im convinced my IQ increased at least a little since


Total bullshit.

this map doesn't make any sense.

Maybe spend two minutes reading about what happened at Waco before you believe conspiracy theories on the internet?

>reddit image

You should.

Yeah, neither does this massive plasma scar on Mars.

Worlds In Collision is a recommended book. Plate tectonics may be a little beyond you.

Velikovsky is a genius.

River cottage show.Im not even joking.
Check out the SAFIRE project.

Post more like this pls

Not only have a read a lot about what happened at Waco, I'm old enough to remember it happening.

I actually think you should realize what truly went down you fucking Clinton cocksucker. Even the most normie of normies disagree with Waco at this point so I'm not quite sure how you could defend it.

>photo of jew


>Worlds In Collision
Thanks man!
Free PDF of Worlds in Collision

Bought about 250 acres of Texas hill country deep in the woods took me 10 years to pay off and the taxes are super cheap. Caves, brooks, dense forest, wildlife and best of all I've only explored about 40-50%. Every few months I take to living there for a couple of weeks just to enjoy the isolation I scared the shit outta some hunters on my land once city boys haven't come back since.

>old enough to remember it happening.
Same I watched it LIVE.

does OS = significant other?

how much was it, how does one goes about buying something like that?

W-will you share it with me a-user?


I'm considering buying land in Texas and homesteading in the long term. Moving to Austin soon.

>broken form society and lived off the grid for good
>how is it
Are you an idiot? These people wouldn't have Internet to answer you. You're a fucking moron

How did you scare them?

Load my truck up at Costco and fly it all in, takes a few trips to get everything. I don't hermit out the winter though, I work through the majority of it

Yes met her when I was in school in anchorage took her to the woods with me, I told it was the only way I'd marry her. No kids yet but soon

I work more or less for myself, I'm a one man outfit and I contract my plane and piloting skills out to people like hunting guides and tourist groups and whatnot. Anything from hauling noise carcass to sightseeing with tourists. I started out teaching at a flight school made a few contacts at the airport and overtime my contact list got big enough to work on my own for who I wanted. Becoming self sufficient in the backcountry was Gardner for the first two years but after you've established a home base adding on is kinda like playing with Levi's in the real world.

Satellite internet as well as solar panels and a diesel generator for power


Paid a little over 210k bought it from some developers that went bankrupt once they lost their investors when the city canceled a highway. They'd paid 300k but they were desperate so I got it down.

Sure, spook. Just like how the mechanism powering/maintaining "baseline" reality isn't broken and we're experiencing instability/data corruption before it's permanently lights out for people in the 3rd. I feel sorry for the fucks that don't know how to escape the last day that's approaching, especially since you people are doing everything possible to distract people from the incongruities of reality that are piling up that are a clear fucking tip off. Except this time, there are no engineers left that know how to fix it. Then again, you probably don't have the clearance and are just following orders like a good dog.

Yeah girlfriend and I.

I thought significant other means wife

Will it be a cool death, user? Explosions? Will it descend into chaos for a while so I can run around like it's the Apocalypse shooting niggers?

If you respect my land, don't hunt and clean up after yourselves I don't mind people weekending.

I recommend it my land is northwest of Austin about 3-4 hours away and another 2 hours hiking to get there. I don't live in Austin but will move there soon too.

They had some pussy wal-mart rifles shooting at trees when I stumbled onto them, I wizzed a shot over their heads and told them they''re on private property., from an unseen location and they have 5 minutes to get the fuck out or the next one is going into the blonde one.

She was girlfriend at the time, she's now my wife. We've been together 12 years next month.

That looks like a haven for mold/mould.

>need to go to emergency room
>just die instead

it's actually spelled "maori" but they do sound the same

Didn't the exact same thing happen at Ruby Ridge except it was entrapment from start to finish, the United States government literally murdered innocent civilians (not for the first or last time), and no one ever took responsibility or was held accountable for it? Fucking brainlet.

I'm so jelly, keep living the dream user !
I hope to come to Alaska when i'd have piled up enough money.

Bought some sweet forested land on the edge of the city that I live in.

Want to build a garage there to store and tinker with my truck and motorcycle and possibly also a living space that I could potentially move to and live in full-time in the future.

What do, Sup Forums?

Should I use trendy shipping containers? Pre-fabbed metal buildings? I am too lazy to build a house from wood.

Also, what should I do about electricity, water, and poo-in-loo?

Basically, how can I make it habitable as cheaply as possible without living like a Google employee?

A racist australian, well I never.

Really? Based off your description that's actually kind of close to me.Me and my gf wouldn't mind camping/hiking for a bit - we don't hunt.

Build from bricks or stone.
Solar combined with wind for electricity,drill well for water,pay sewage company to remove sewage once in a while,like 3 times a year.
You are going to have a bad time if you want to do it cheap.Do it right the first time and in the end it will be cheaper.

This map is retarded. Utah underwater but portions of Misssissippi and Alabama are not?

Lived in the redwoods of Nothern California for a few months in a tent drinking spring water. Went months without going to a store or seeing a stranger.

It was very freeing but i don't miss it. Having a place/car/GF is nice too. It's worth doing for the perspective if gives you.

I was part inspired by keroac and thoreau and part ostracized by my family when i was a teenager and had nowhere to go anyway.

All I see is a mossy cuck shed.

Real men have 2 car garages.

Will i be able to become self-sufficient in hungary?

heard the land is dirt cheap in some parts there

I'm the exact opposite a few years after I bought the land I stayed there for 3 months with my then girlfriend only going to town every couple of weeks for supplies and making sure my brother was running my business properly. It's an amazing experience I recommend.

>talking about being a real man

How were the bugs?

That's the way to do it properly. I'm saving up to buy land so i can do something similar.

Fire dries things very well and smoke kills mould and bacteria. But yeah, without a fire and upkeep the place would rot in a few years.

/diy/ would be a great board for you unironically.

Do you have the vehicles parked inside the garages, or like most people have the vehicles parked outside and the garage full of shit cause you need all that shit?

currently working on selling my parents home with hopes of doing this

Thoreau lived in a lake house a mile from town in Ralph Waldo Emerson's backyard. People stopped by all the time to see what the fuck he was up to. His whole book was a fucking LARP.

If you dont get raided by gypsys and are harboring good relations to neighbours,then yes.