Opinions on this?

I find it to be very entertaining even with it being full of inconsistencies, but DS is a great MC, the reveal that the story takes place in the future instead of the past was hype and I suppose it was the first time " God and the angels) are the bad guys" was used in a manga series.

Still, after the defeat of Anthrax the series turns 180° over and becames a bigger clusterfuck with the story, power levels, etc. It even feels like a different series with new art, different MCs, no dark fantasy and a lot of questions.

For example:

Was Anthrax a bio-weapon created by humans or by the Angels?

After getting defeated by DS, Anthrax revealed to be God,was he imprisoned inside her or what?

Was God and the angels also created by humans or actually divine?

Who was the other half of DS?

Next chapter when

the authour makes the story as it comes with anything he thinks its COOL

>Main cast has trouble beating monsters

>Suddenly they are even against angels

Was Bastard a Powerhouse series for Jump in the past?

it's in the top 15 best selling jump series l think, 30 million copies sold

personally l thought it was a lot of fun, completely brainless power fantasy that never pretended to be anything else

Is this still serialized?

>Last chapter was 5 years ago

It is great but I wish the author wasn't so OCD that he redrew his entire manga like one or two times already with his new style.

That is just a waste of time before he went on his hiatus.

Did you read some of the author's translated afterwards?

He has complained about bad eyesight for a long time now.

I don't like reading his afterwards because it sounds so depressing.

Author likely would have been a Hikki if you didn't have manga drawing skills.

That's exactly what's so amazing about it. Modern authors just can't pull off the classic heavy metal as fuck balls to the wall action the way they did it back in the day, I don't know what it is but there's just something about the bygone era that cannot be replicated, and Bastard!! is a radiant relic of that majestic era.
I guess if I try to put it to words, I think it's like this; when they try way too hard these days to make something like that, it can be awfully cringey and comes across juvenile and moronic. When they did it then, it was like the harder they tried the more fucking awesome it was, even the sheer stupidity of it somehow made it more cool.
I have the strongest urge to listen to some Blind Guardian or Napalm Death or something right now.

This guy basically invented the demon king genre in Japan.

Look how much manga and anime have a demon king but none of them are as hardcore as Bastard.

I think we're thinking of different bastards, senpai

>the first time " God and the angels) are the bad guys" was used in a manga series
Go Nagai's Maou Dante was in 1971.

That was Devilman

>when they try way too hard these days to make something like that, it can be awfully cringey and comes across juvenile and moronic
l think bastard!! is all that while still managing to be awesome

that's actually part of the appeal, it really doesn't take itself seriously and comes off as a borderline gag manga at times

l mean dark schneider is essentially a M rated looney tunes character

It's haphazard D&D power fantasy, but the later sections' art make up for that.

Best motivation?

Wasn't this just the author's epic-level D&D campaign turned into a manga?

Also, Kai a best.

>invented the demon king genre in Japan
I thought it was Dragon Quest.

>author says he slept 30 min.on the floor 2-3 times a Day

Being a mangaka Is shitty as fuck

I've heard of worse though.

DS is literally me in real life.

Horny, Foul-Mouthed, All-Powerful wizard with a great bod and a harem?

The Crime and Punishment arc is fucking tedious and drags a lot.

Feels like i'm reading Bleach

>Satan is The Genie from Aladdin

What the fuck Hagiwara?

l feel like it lost its way after the destruction of King Crimson Glory.

The wole incestuous melodrama with Uriel and his sister was boring as shit and felt really jarring, it's like Hagiwara thought he was a real writer and could do emotional subplots or something.

It lost its way after it changed "Heavy Metal / Dark Fantasy" to "GOD IS EVIL LOL"