The translation is on point af
Reason to buy the Oregairu light novel OR
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Hypocrisy of the highest level, 8man being a closet normie and having a saviour complex so big it would put batman to shame.
Kill yourself.
What idiot thought Normie was a good translation here? No one outside of certain forums knows what that means.
"Normals" or, better, "Normal people" would be far more likely to be understood.
You're limiting your audience to neckbeards when you pull shit like this.
Like anyone but neckbeards will buy it
LNs get plenty of pick-ups from kids browsing Barnes & Noble because of the pretty covers. Inserting an r9k meme from 2015 into the first few pages isn't a good way to convince them to kerp reading.
Did they really print a whole book with that font?
The light novel starts with a small essay by the main character, I think that's it.
"Normie" is the normalfag word for normalfag.
Stop typing like a faggot.
Oreagiru got localised?
No it isn't.
Go ahead and google "normie".
Half of the results are about Sup Forums and betas, and the other half are using a different definition entirely.
Would a japanese reaju even understand what reaju mean anyway?
You spelled it wrong. It's fuckoff.
Yup, by Yen Press.
Come on, it's like Pepe, nowadays the "normie" term is quite common even outside neckbeards. And the rest of the translation is made to be quite normie-friendly.
Aye they do, some get pissed even.
It's fairly apparent what normie means. It's not some super-compex slang.
This. The original word was a 2ch term so why bother in using a Sup Forums term for the translation. Well, maybe average 2ch users are less autistic than Sup Forums ones (mainly because they can't post pics) but that's it.
Nope, this is only the initial essay from 8man.
Lets not forget its a corruption made by frogs
Why it got so much fame its beyond me
I dislike that people use 'normies' more than 'normalfags' now.
It'd be like if everyone started calling oldfags oldies.
It's because we channers think we are an elite group but in the end a lot of people goes to Sup Forums if only to lurk or at least comes into contact with Sup Forums memes via shitty facebook pages which repost Sup Forums stuff.
Riajuu is pretty common Internet slang. Anyone who uses Japanese Twitter knows what it means.
Normie, on the other hand, only really shows up on alt-right Twitter. And ithas enough other equally obscure uses that it's hard to look up.
You might as well have made it up, for so few people are going to recognize it. Most people will figure it out, but it's still bad form to use nonsense words in a translation.
Or anonymouses anons
That's rich. Coming from the faggot who destroyed his unique and enjoyable series by becoming a fucking normalfag.
More like, anyone who's into anime on Twitter. Heck, also lots of SJWs use it.
>Buying anything that you can get for free on the internet
This is the ultimate form of cuckoldry, even the guys who actually let someone else fuck their wives are more alpha than you guys.
>becoming a normalfag
More like growing and developing as a character rather than remaining stuck as the paperino stereotypical angsty teen he was. But yeah, we Sup Forumsutistic people are too weak to move past that phase so we like to blame him for changing rather than growing a couple of balls ourselves like he did.
Fuck off.
t. Someone who lives in a bubble doesn't talk to anyone outside of other autistic manchildren
I feel ya user, it grinds my gears everytime i see normie instead of normalfag.
Only if you were born in 96 or after.
Normie is a very common term, Fakku also uses in their translations and they only have godtier translators
Implying the translation you find on the internet is any good. Heck I don't know about this but Kizumonogatari fanlation seemed to be done by an Alzheimer monkey while Vertical's was great.
what's that, a real sjw scum on my thread?
>he doesn't know books get scanned by cucks who do it for free.
Top kek
user, maybe a niche porn site isn't the place to go for writing advice
You rarely find good scans of ORs. And reading on paper is funnier. Also you can expose it on your library so that in the very very remote case in which you manage to invite a weaboo girl to your house she'll say "oh you have the Monogatari novel" and she'll leave you afterwards for your shittaste.
It's the only place where he actually reads something, try to understand.
>growing a character
He still a weak willed faggot that can barely hold his cicle of lady friends from crashing and burning, can't take actiong and outright cheats his way into another status quo so his "friendships" won't end.
8man is a coward and haruno is right.
>You rarely find good scans of ORs.
That means the case for (You)
>Also you can expose it on your library
Jesus Christ
That niche porn site made 5 million dollars last year just from book sales.
Haruno is absolutely right, but the phase 8man is in is the intermediate in getting to become a mature man. We'll eventually see the end of his change when Watari gets out of his Miura phase.
>Muh SJW Boogeyman
It's just not a expression anybody outside of this place knows about.
Watch Pippo Franco - Che Fico!
>Muh niche Sup Forums elitist
We're not a secret circle anymore, accept that.
No we are not and have never been secret but we are now and have always been an irrelevant and small niche community.
Best post of the thread
I unironically enjoyed that song
Word normie is on urbandictionary. Hermione would say it's now a legit successful word
It could become the new We are number one.
Hell, let's make it a meme
Fuck off Jewcob
I really doubt it we will ever get a vol 12, ANOTHER spells watari giving up on the series as as a whole now that he can fuck his va friend and make seyuu LNs
>Normie, on the other hand, only really shows up on alt-right Twitter.
I see it in big Twitch streams for Overwatch. Yes, I might be outing myself as a faggot, but normie is more common than you think.
>Twitch stream for overwatch
Well it is really popular amongst the other 10 people that watch overwatch instead of playing