Cat a best

>cat a best
>no, crab a best
>no you faggot my shit waifu snake is the best
>I'm not gay, but I'm pretty sure monkey is best even though I'm actually gay

How do people argue about who is best when pic related exists?

by not being pedophiles

Well, I'd suppose the simple and inarguable fact that Bat doesn't even enter into cpmpetition helps.

She's actually 800 years old.

>not going full rrg and embrace all the gataris as best girls

look at this faggot
Although bird and bat are best

>being this dense

You d

Her and rrrgi have a bond greater and more special than anyone else.


>implying Euler isn't best

I like Monkey the best
though Ougi is objectively the most suited for the MC

This. pedos are disgusting. People want to fuck this smotth, tight, sexy 12 year old mlike hairless pussy and suck on those cute underdeveloped tits are just pédobastards who shouldbe jailed.

> How do people argue about who is best when pic related exists?
People argue about best girl, no the ugliest one.


I told you to stop sucking dicks but you never listen to me.

Haughty, ugly, stupid slut. Once again, what is she except for pedobait?

I want to go back to a time when Sup Forums wasn't infested with normalfags and used the term lolicon

I prefer Kiss shot as lolis aren't attractive to me.

>I am a huge faggot


Kill yourself autist


Ougi Dark 11 when?

>sexy 12 year old
She has the body of a 8yo though.


Yeas, user, liking the shapes of a woman sure is homosexual.

even bet- worst. You sick fuck.

We can both be pedo for each other then.

I finally watched Kizu Part II

I've been wrong all these year

Cat is empirically better than crab

And unless Shinobu does something great by they end of Kizu or by then end of the series, then Cat will just straight up be best.

Araragi is a fucking fool for choosing Crab over Cat.
Also a fucking fool for wanting to go back to being human.

Bat barely> Cat empirically> Crab > Bee > Bird > Monkey > Snake > Snail

When was the concept of best girl centered around her age and body? Shinobu/Kiss-Shot has had been best girl of the Monogataris series for a while now and she is not giving that spot away soon.
>inarguable fact that Bat doesn't even enter into cpmpetition helps.
When she does enter competitions, she wins them.
This bait. It's funny how you post snail but call anons sick fucks when you thought Shinobu in that form was 12 years old.

She is 598 years old.
>The ammount of secondaries here.

>Also a fucking fool for wanting to go back to being human.
Well, he has to eat a human every month when he is a vampire. It's not that weird.

>And unless Shinobu does something great by they end of Kizu or by then end of the series, then Cat will just straight up be best.
Be prepared for part 3 then user.

She was 598 and 11 months during Kabuki. Calm your autism and just go with shit when it's close enough.

if you like shota, it's ok, no one is gonna call you a faggot.

>598 years of pleasure.
God. She'd turn me into a pedo.

how is 800 close?

She wanted to die, I don't want to spoil but her life was not what you'd call pleasure.

>Snail that low while having Crab that high
Snail pretty much does everything Crab does but better. Hell even if you dislike her I don't get how you could then go and like Crab at the same time.

It gets the core idea that she has lived for centuries and is thus an adult no matter her form across.

I see

>Also a fucking fool for wanting to go back to being human.
Have you even been paying attention to what you've been watching? He very understandably won't be happy with the way he'll be forced to live his life at all if he goes full vampire

>to live his life at all if he goes full vampire
He is already a full vampire, it's a matter of his human mentality which is slowly going vampire.

This druid fluid only want to die of pleasure.

What other parts of this series have you watched? Almost sounds like you've only seen Bake & Nise

Vampirs are garbage and over used trope, fuck off with that shit



I want more Shinobu perving on Shota Araragi

please Nisio-sama

How many years until they give in to their lust?

They both developed rib fetishes for each other. Not long

There's a present for you on sadpanda.

On my way, user. Thanks for the tip-off.

Eye-cancer scans ruins it, though.

The scans are fine. They're not great, but eye-cancer is a massive exaggeration.

They've been all over each other for months even without that.

Him being unhappy about the idea of staying a vampire doesn't really come into effect until when he starts getting hungry and is told he'll need to eat people

Give it a couple years, maybe even less.

Would you protect her, Sup Forums? The world is out to get her. She's an abomination to the average person, a horrible creature which should be burned at the stake. But she doesn't understand why. Would you keep her safe in this horrible world, or would you let the mobs take her away?

Well, then it was only from Araragi, but Shinobu also developed the same fetish.
>They've been all over each other for months even without that.
Yes, they have. The only reason Aararagi can hold back is because he is used to being around little girls, because of his sisters. He loses his shit around Shinobu at teen form and older.

Keeping her safe isn't exactly difficult so why not? Just fucking keep her in the house and tell her to not go out. If she acts like a retard and gets caught I'm not bailing her out.

So you're just going to lock her up, like a caged bird? She likes to go out and explore user. If you chain her up in your room you'll find her gone one day.

I don't particularly care. Worst loli only gets minimum effort. It's a much different story with Shinobu or Hachikuji.

>tfw you molest aruji-sama ironically and end up getting a new fetish


first post best post
lolicon are fucked in the head.

She is best girl user, deal with it.

She's still the same best girl when she looks like this.

>redditgahara that high
>snail and monkey that low
how is it, I mean, being a huge pleb faggot?


t. pedophile

starting to seem like its never going to update again, its been what, 22 days now

Eh, It was around Christmas and New Years then. Maybe they were taking a break. It seems unlikely that the translator will quit when they've already done 90% of the book.


Trying too hard desu

There is way too much good official art that will remain forever a sample.


Says you, adult bat is worst bat.

I like her with my heart more than I like her with my dick.

Fuck off already.

t. butthurt faggot

Get back to your containment board, worthless shitposter.

t. kill yourself disgusting mouthbreather

I need owari 3 anime for the reverse headpat right now.

I need an Owari 3 anime for intense big bat cuddling.

Shinobu is an oddity and Nisio's conceptualization of Araragi's perfect woman. She's definitely perfect, but it can also be argued that she also doesn't actually exist even within the fictional realm of Monogatari.

Shaft what the fuck


Please tell me she was only like that for a minute and it's supposed to be her near death look.

I think it's her downgrade process.

>araragi's butt


Crab's butt if you know what I mean

>that fivehead

HAHAHA batfags BTFO. Your shitty waifu is balding.

You mean upgrade process?


She has a few advantages over most of the cast.

Is that underwear?

Musubimonogatari takes place in the future. Araragi is 23 yeat old.



Looks like it. Are you going to bitch about >muh canon now?


Spooky is the best