tea time
Girls und panzer thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Has anyone ever edited the Panzers into real life panzer photos?
Friendly reminder that Momo is a cry baby and would cry if you confessed your love for her!
only gup images ive seen with other things are robbie rotten tank memes
So there is an open market
Mutts like Rosehip don't belong in St. Gloriana school. She's so unladylike and brash.
thats in terms of memes anyway
much more cosmetic RL shit
only the Girls
kys senpai
fuck off and kill yourself please thanks
That's pretty fucking rude senpai
This thread is going to be deleted.
if you are just going to be a fucking prick please leave
110% japanese beef
How would people feel if in the future alongside the main show a sort of SOL spin off gets released like Rabu Rabu
1. is it good
2. does it take away from the original in production
if the answers are 1. no and 2. yes
then i would be pissed
I'd enjoy it, sure. But even if it's officially states as a spin off officially the influx of /u/ will ruin the franchise.
that doujin was so fucking good.
pleased my vanilla senses.
not enough of that in GUP
Just stating a prediction, no need to be so butthurt. Threads get deleted if they start a certain way because mods are shit.
source? reverse image gives nothing.
>sad panda
I appreciate the link, but is there anyway you can make it a g.e link? anything else doesn't work unfortunately.
do you think she gets back pain
pajeet detected
thank you.
here you go your exellency
lol get fucked you twats.
Cheers for enlightening my hentai world though.
Wait, pajeets can't access sad panda?
probably because they'd shit up the servers
Are you ready for the first orgy of the year?
Do you think that there's any possibility of seeing Swedish or Hungarian tanks in the Anime? Are either there even schools with a a Swedish or Hungarian theme in GuP?
sweden YES
hungarian school no
doubt we shal see them
we have a Bulgarian school and a Belgian one
bulgaria was ok but the non-country didnt do jack shit in the war. hungary would have been a better school pick
Greetings from Oarai, /ak/!
>Top right corner in middle board
not a/k threa but thanks for the wishes anyway
A shame, cause the Hungarians were the only Axis minor that had a somewhat competent tank industry and given Japan's Axisbooism I would have thought that their inclusion was more likely
Why do we have 2 threads?
What's with these specific characters? Does the text give any hints?
And is that the wrestler guy that really likes Sasaki in the background?
>Swiss trying to farm (You)s in the /ak/ thread.
Thank fuck this thread exists.
czechs were competent too
on Sup Forums there has usually been a divide between GUP and a/k posters. hence the seperate gup thread.
also this one was up first for that excuse.
Reminder that New Zealand made a tank that wasn't the Bob semple and the fact that we'll never get a New Zealand school with chocolate Maori girls is a shame
Would be cool if Koala forest had a New Zealand team
The other thread is an /ak/ thread for shitposters. This is the GuP thread.
ah yes the schofield tank a rather ok tank as far as it goes.
Only real flaw of it was that by that point America was giving out Shermans like a slag gives out her number
I want to give Miho a big hug after she wins a match
schofield had no major issues so id say it would have been a little higher on the tank tier list than the valentine but lower than the mailda in the field if like you said merica didnt turn up
to spur some GUP discussion
what teams would you lads like to see?
in contrast to st gloriana id like to see a more northern and rough team using AVRES and crocodiles and the more mad brit variants.
If this happened my dick would be so happy.
Maybe they use them in British schools? We have yet to see foreigner schools.
Just visited Oarai. Anyone want to see pictures of the town? There was a New Years festival going on at the Shrine.
I want to purge heretics with her
btw I found this cutout of Erika outside of a sex shop
but did you find the shiho in front of a frosted goods store
Anchovie was in front of a cafe
Sorry, meant Pepperoni
Anchovie was in front of a gift shop
darj is in a t lace
A team of Idiotic west country girls would be awesome to see
I imagine St. Gloriana's agricultural department is full of them
Katyusha and Nona were inside a liquor store
you mean saunders right?
maho is outside a special needs toy shop if i remember correctly
I want to get shitfaced with Nonna and Katyusha.
Aside from the Koala Forest teams I always go on about when new characters are mentioned I'd love to see either Gregor or Maginot animated.
That water damage though! I really hope there's more pristine cut-outs elsewhere.
>maho is outside a special needs toy shop
>/ak/ will still deny she's autistic
Only the autistic Mahofag denies it though.
good morning sawreehfag. and good night to me as its 2am in bongland.
good thing youre in the gup thread then
I love giant Mako.
West country means something else
This was in the shrine
Pray to Saki.
im a bong living in stoke on trent
ranked ninth worst place to live in GB so please explain to my clay addled mind what you mean
There was a lot of Rosehip at the GuP cafe in Oarai Tower for some reason
Look user, she's smiling at you.