Wtf is National Bolshevism?

Wtf is National Bolshevism?

Stalinism 2.0

meme ideology

nationalism without the capitalism. Communism without the internationalism

Homosexuality 2.0


It doesn't sound that bad. Technically shouldn't they be on our side since we are nationalists against internationalism?

wtf i'm nazbol now


in practice they're super kikes

A copy of natsoc only much worst with the communist style economy.

The opposition can't shut you down and censored by screaming Nazi.

Exactly. Support and defend Best Korea now against imperialist aggression.

they are. Ideologically varies from heavily materialist Post-modern marxist stuff with nationalism, to mystic shit like Dugin.

Probably I think everyone’s nazbol now

the dialectic is in motion

a meme ideology for retards trying to fit in both on Sup Forums and /leftypol/


>be nationalistic
>be anti-capitalistic

How are either of those things jewish?


It is confirmed. Souncloud rap is nazbol

Another question. Oswald Mosley was a Nationalist and a Socialist. Now we say that Hitler wasn't really a socialist but he was definitely a nationalist, but what about Mosley? He was quite lefty. Was he an actual socialist? If so, isn't socialism a bad thing, like communism?

I don't care. only dumbfucks like you play hypothetical word games. I look at what's happening in reality.

It's a gay Muslim thing bro. They want the gay Muslims to stop being discriminated for bacha boys

Pretty much this, but with far more emphasis on the nationalism than communism. From what I gather, the only place where anyone is remotely serious about it is Russia.

Think pre-globalized China, a shit pit

idk. Mosley was definitely socialist, but came to the conclusion that absorbing the economy into the state was the best thing to do.

> If so, isn't socialism a bad thing, like communism?
Nigga what sort of a question is this?

nazbols go by different names in different countries, seeing as its basically just nationalistic anticapitalism it can also use the word "national socialist" or similar derivatives.

Some meme invented by kids posting about politics on the internet from their iPhones.

NazBol is basically Strasserism

>isn't socialism a bad thing, like communism?
Nationalism requires a certain level of governmental control over the economy. If your government can't even tell a company to not take advantage of labor surpluses or take part in collusion to preserve a pseudo monopoly, then in what way is your government even nationalist at all?

The prevailing ethos of a people is not the prevailing ethos of the government. They may align, but they are not interchangeable.

My favourite right-wingers are Richard Spencer, Augustus Invictus and both of them are realising that Capitalism is something that is not our friend. For example, its down to Capitalism that the governments wish to overthrow our countries with foreign hordes, how many times have you heard the argument that immigration will help the economy? Capitalism is something favoured by cucks such as Paul Joseph Watson, it is clearly something which in our ethnostate, should be resisted for dehumanising us all.
Anti-capitalism seems to be a left-wing position, so therefore pro-Capitalism is right-wing. Is there any way to be a right-wing anti-capitalist?

you are pigeonholing yourself with labels of left and right. Let other people give you labels, you dont have to worry about where you fit into things

Meme ideology shilled by edgy stalinist brown teenagers and brainwashed sl*vniggers

That's where Israel gets to have it's own reich while everyone else is a multiculti hellhole.

jew j-d-jew j-d-jew jew jew jew jew jew jew jew
jewish bullshit

It was a national socialist movement created by Aleksandr Dugin when he was still in his pagan phase. He was largely just youthfully rebelling against the USSR's oppression and the degeneracy of the Yeltsin era.

He has since admitted it was all an elaborate joke, his much more important work during the period was building an alliance between hooligans, intellectuals, pagans, christians, angry young men, soldiers and Nationalists in the CCCP around a Eurasianist nationalism.

You will still find some followers of NazBol in Russia, however.

The not Romanov related Russians who support Social Democracy

Someone forgot to say you what happened to mostly all of those jews in 1938-39. As example gulag system chiefs:

>latvian - executed
>jew - executed
>jew - executed

The pathetic state of Sup Forumss education around Eurasianism is startling. We are meant to be mental weapons for the cause and all.I see is "hurr durr muslims and jooz" like this is Sup Forums in 2012.

I reccomend "black wind, white snow" and some supplementary independent research if any of you actually want to learn about the most important movement in Europe this century before talking nonsense about it.

I like Monarchism, fascism, and National Socialism. I don't know too much about NazBol though, the hammer and sickle always put me off.
I just want traditional values and worship of God, foreigners treated as 2nd class, and a lovely country like The Shire in LOTR.

oh dear
oh dear.

>I just want traditional values and worship of God
Oh deary deary me. You have a lot to learn about nationalism

You were arguing against labels in your previous post and yet here you are throwing sweetie sarcasm at someone who posts exactly what he'd like to live in because of the labels he used.

this post was about the contradictions implicit within these 3 that make a successful fusion impossible in contemporary society. Nothing about labels

Retards that put hammer and sickles on their flag but call themselves nationalists

>In fact, the party was arguably Dugin’s brainchild – the name was his idea, as was the flag: a black hammer and sickle in a white circle on a red background, evoking the Nazi swastika. It was not going to win them any elections, in a country that lost 20 million to Hitler’s fascism; but that was not the NBP’s goal. The official NBP salute was a straight arm raised with a fist, alongside a cry of ‘Da, Smert!’ (Yes! Death!).17 Inside the group’s headquarters, the highest-ranking party member present was always referred to as the Bunkerführer. The veneer of fascism was very much calculated – it was a bohemian ‘political art project’, in Dugin’s words. He, according to Limonov, ‘seemed to have deciphered and translated the bright shock that Soviet youth experience when they pronounce the initials “SS”’.

>The NBP’s ironic stance towards fascism, though, was also a carefully calculated ploy. The salutes, the slogans (‘Stalin, Beria, Gulag!’ was one) were so odd and over the top that they verged on parody. Equating their party with fascist symbols, however, was a pose – pioneered by Dugin – that would come to define Russia’s image of authoritarian rule under Putin in the coming decade. The NBP was a ‘sight gag’ that undercut criticism by making it seem – ever so slightly – as though it was missing the point. Calling the swastika-waving, goose-stepping NBP members ‘fascists’ frankly sounded so odd that no one ever did it, for fear of looking ridiculous. Both men were instinctive haters of conventional wisdom. They loved to shock. And the movement they founded was a mélange of each man’s upbringing: Dugin a product of the overly intellectual Moscow bohemia of the 1980s; Limonov, the pre-AIDS Lower East Side of Manhattan in the 1970s transplanted to central Moscow.

And yet he explicitly says what he wants that fusion to look like. I'm guessing he cares more about what he wants to live in than the degree to which the labels/ideologies fit that picture. Kind of like what you said before, no?

>The name of the party made no difference to Limonov, Dugin told American diplomats in 2008 (the cable was published in 2010 by Wikileaks): ‘He wanted to call it “National Socialism”, “National Fascism”, “National Communism” – whatever. Ideology was never his thing. The scream in the wilderness – that was his goal.’

>Limonov, according to Dugin (they had had a bad falling-out by this point), was like ‘a clown in a little traveling circus. The better he performs, the more attention he wins, the happier he is’.18 At around the same time, when he spoke to me in 2009, Limonov called Dugin ‘a degenerate servitor of the regime, and shameful conformist’.

>It would be a mistake to view the NBP as a serious political party with clear goals: the party’s code of conduct includes ‘the right not to listen when your girlfriend is talking to you’, and members were encouraged to vandalize Russian cinemas showing Western films (though no one in the party has any memory of this actually having happened). Instead, the NBP was designed to become the germ of a new counterculture, the core of what Andreas Umland, an expert on Russian nationalist groups, refers to as ‘uncivil society’, whose goal is not necessarily conquest of executive and legislative power, but rather ideological subversion aimed at acquiring dominance over the cultural superstructure.19 The NBP quickly became an icon. ‘You had three choices if you were a teenager here in the 1990s’, explained Andrey Karagodin, an NBP veteran. ‘You could get into rave, you could become a gangster, or you could join the NBP. That was it.’

>Limonov enlisted his friend Egor Letov, lead singer with the popular band Civil Defence. His NBP membership card was number 4. He would routinely interrupt concerts with long diatribes against Yeltsin and in support of the NBP. Aside from Letov, ex-NBP members have distinguished themselves in some of the most creative professions in Russia. Zakhar Prilepin, who joined the movement later on, went on to become one of Russia’s most interesting young authors, after a career that, oddly, began in the elite police force, the OMON. Alexey Belyayev-Gintovt went on to win the coveted Kandinsky Art Prize. And Karagodin himself is now editor of Russia’s edition of Vogue.

>The NBP was an exploration of the limits of freedom. In this Limonov and Dugin represented diametrically opposite poles: the anarchy of the Russian spirit on the one side; on the other, the ever-present totalitarian impulses that have gripped the Russian soul over five centuries of history. It was a party which espoused fascist ideas, yet simultaneously revelled in the libertine Moscow of the 1990s. It was a living demonstration of the paradox of freedom and a simultaneous suggestion of the authoritarian alternative. As Letov put it: ‘Everything which isn’t anarchy is fascism, and there is no anarchy.’ This dialectic of contradictory thesis and antithesis was played out in the playground of Yeltsin’s Russia, and became the ruling synthesis of the next decade. The movement pioneered the creation of ‘youth leagues’, which sprang up everywhere in the Putin era in a bid by the Kremlin to control the streets. ‘They stole all our ideas’, complained Limonov to me in 2011. Limonov went on to become the shouting conscience of the Putin era – the highest-profile dissident of a new regime; while Dugin would become the ideologist of the new autocracy.

>Wtf is National Bolshevism?
Sup Forums in 3 years

>Kind of like what you said before, no?
Non. labels are useful for an approximate guide to what you believe in. The labels that I was refuting is the labels in the political spectrum (i.e right left). I was saying that swearing an allegiance to a wing can cause problems because you be like what OP was, identifying as right wing but thinking about anticapitalism and being confused about being able to do so. By not saying "I am explicitly right wing" you avoid this trap of feeling inclined to believe things just because it is expected of you.

The labels of "fascism, monarchism etc" are labels for specific ideologies themselves, not broad groupings of different ideologies. As such it is possible to disagree with the labels he use because those specific labels and their ideological content may be contradictory, which was my point.

Sup Forums will never be for globalism and progressive values. Nazbol is possible, but not neoliberalism, not officially anyway, especially as young angry anti capitalists flood on to the board.

Well I disagree with your distinction between the types of labels. Very convenient to say some labels are too broad and some are well-defined enough to criticize. But whatever.

You have to use labels. Thats how language works. However there is a point in which you do more harm than good.

I cant see pol being non christian
social-democratic in three years, comrade

Considering the state of the right-wing today, it wouldn't surprise me.

Yeah but somehow you get to choose when it's ok and when it's not. Very convenient.

An oxymoron. Bolshevism is against nationalism of ay kind, it is the very opposite of it.

Socialism in one country

yeah. Because "left and right" are so broad that it encompasses everything from hard right (gas em all) natsocs to limp dicked neoliberals, both of whom hate each other. And on the left Hard left (to the gulags) commies and capitalistic socdems. Not particularly useful for categorising shit in that it is not specific enough. Fascism, and monarchism however are fairly specific.

communist romania

Dude, you said left/right are too broad because you can get into contradictions easily (anti-capitalism = left??). Then you post that monarchism/fascism can't be fused, probably also because of some contradictions. So what are you even on about? Both anons you responded to are trying to figure out where they stand and in both cases you say "don't use labels they will confuse you" instead of talking about what they're actually saying. You're the one who's hung up on labels.


How is it Stalinims if it preceded Stalin?

> Then you post that monarchism/fascism can't be fused, probably also because of some contradictions. So what are you even on about?
Technically all ideologies have contradictions in them, however by the information he gave about a lord of the rings england I got the picture that he wanted, and then scoffed at the idea of using the ideologies he provided to get to his goals. Basically the result that he wanted couldnt be achieved with those ideologies, thats why I questioned them.

>don't use labels they will confuse you"
Once again dipshit, as in "dont let them define you", "dont believe stuff merely because of the label that you adopt". NOT "dont use a word to describe facets of your beliefs"


Take the retarded parts of Nazis and communists et voila

gayer strasserism.

personally I don't care. hitler absorbed the bolshevists into the army

if they kill niggers, spics and muslims I don't care hat you fucking call it

>I made up the whole point
>I dont care if it is completely wrong

Ladies and gentlemen, i present to you: The Sup Forums'ack.

You idiot, both anons already know that because they are both trying to describe what they'd like to live in despite of the labels they use. Then you come along and tell them their picture doesn't make sense because of the labels they use. It's a silly truism to say "we need language but also language has limits", just like it's silly to say "don't let other people tell you what you think". None of that was going on, dipshit.

>You idiot, both anons already know that because they are both trying to describe what they'd like to live in despite of the labels they use.
No. Not despite. They thought that they could fuse them together into a coherent system that would produce the desired outcome. The ideologies they named were functional parts of their society, which I implied could not function together.
Dont know what the fuck you are talking about.

Yeah I think you're just jerking yourself off my dude, not giving them any advice. But let's drop it.

Nigga doesnt post enough to get any advice. FYI being mister semantics just shits up a thread

>he says dont use labels, but yet he uses words... Ironic

Commies without the gay and brown people.