Precure Thread

Precure Thread

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Himarawi, my waifu is so tiny and cute I just want to spoil and cuddle her for decades.

I thought GoPri saved precure. My God how far has it fallen again.

It's really over now.

I love Aoi

I want to engage in colorful pop battles with Custard!

You, go and take your pessimistic, arrogant high horse, and fucking ride it into outer space. You oh-so-mature manchild.


Reminder that Custard a cute.

fuck off, false flag shill. you're not actually a gopri fan, this is obvious bait designed to trigger maho fans.

Mirai is the cutest girl in the whole world!

Yeah, when I saw how tiny she is next to whip, she stopped being Squirrel Alice for me, and grown to like her very much.

Jojo reference?!

Cologne on the right.

Not anymore user.

Stir whip stir whip whip whip stir when?

How does it feel to be a Mahonigger?

Is Chocolat going to pull Macaron's tail, or is it going to be the other way around?

Not even /u/ is that tumblr.

Just reposting.

You could say she is squirrel-sized.

>she's standing on custard
Jojo reference?

That is just fucking sweet.
Her body shouldn't be able to support her head, but I don't really mind that. Or maybe her tail is counter balancing it.

If there's no tail-pulling I will burn down Toei HQ. Remember this post.

You people surely know how to run a meme into the ground.


>this is an human being capable of reproduction

The first time she transforms her huge tail will unbalance her and she will fall on her butt.

Pekorin is the cutest fairy in the whole world!

what do you think their pronouns are?

>Her body shouldn't be able to support her head
She's like a chihuahua.

Everything looks fucking glorious so far.
The only compaint would be that the covering clothing is there again during transformation.
I mean, if Fairilu, which is basically toddler-show could get away with this. Belly button, breast bouncing also included too.

I actually found it funny and kinda agreed.

>run a meme into the ground
>steel ball run
Jojo reference?

Oh yeah, that's the other complaint.
But I guess for one I won't have to love the fairy too.

Looks awful.

It has nothing to do with being a kids' show, it has to do with Toei being fucking mortified of offending anyone and potentially losing profits. Shit like Fairilu and Jewelpet can get away with it because no one buys their toys, but Toei has too much at stake.


I wish /pc/ was this chill.

That's exactly it, she is so small and adorable. I just want to take it and carry her while playing around, and then maybe do lewd things but that's an extra.

Pick your poison:

all the bitter white male anger in these threads makes me wanna pull my hair out sometimes

This is also why Toei has never done anything interesting with Precure.

Do you have the Pripara one?


That might be true.
But still I don't think it would stand out as much that even soccermoms would complain if they reverted back to older kind of transformation.
I hope they will at least have some non-offensive lewd, like ZR outfits, nice clothing outlines, a bit heavy butt focus, thighs, maybe some navels and such.

I want to use her tail as a cushin to hug while I fuck her. I bet pressing my dick upon fuzzy base of it right above the anus would feel like heaven.


Pripara's is shiny enough not to show their curves as well, but it still does some decent lewd, or just uncomfortable stuff despite having a strong merchandise.

>bitter white male anger

Fuck off and kill yourself faggot

>that tail

Reminder that there is absolutely no reason to sexualize a kids' franchise like this. You people are fucking pathetic. There is nothing even remotely sexual in Precure and yet you have to spend your days posting these disgusting things in this thread over and over again. Reminder that not everything is about sex and you should get your mind out of the fucking gutter. You all sicken me, each and every one of you.

please take a seat over there.

shit was so cash.

Why do you watch Precure if you find it boring?

>I don't think it would stand out as much that even soccermoms would complain if they reverted back to older kind of transformation.
You think wrongly, but you can't blame Toei. Moms complained about the vagina bones in the Suite transformations until they changed it, and then they put this transformation in the Suite DS game because they knew moms wouldn't see it. Toei wants to do these things in the show but they can't.


That's cute not lewd you literal pedophile.

Macaron voice is so wrong, where is my smug/bitch voice?

Come on user, you know you want to. Stop denying your true feelings.

No, that's the uncomfortable.
But there's enough lewd of all kind, though nothing "ecchi".


You are gonna take your no name seiyuus and like them.

I'm just trying to start shit.



Macaron is the only character whose seiyuu that is known though.


Seiyuu reference.

I am, but I didn't call THAT lewd.
>or just uncomfortable

>do you know how long it took me to realize she has a top hat in her cure form

Two seconds? I don't get it.

>No name seiyuu
Do you even watch anime? Have you ever heard of Hatsune Miku?

She is perfect.

I'm surprised at how much better she sounds than in that cooking anime of her's. Probably because she's not even 20 and that show started in 2009, but still.

that's cute, not lewd.


Though she was pretty good for her age.

It was hard to tell in the initial leaks. To me it just looked like she had a log of shit on her head.

Cute is lewd when it comes to little girls.

>or just uncomfortable
Only because you're a pedo. Does seeing little boy dicks in anime make you feel uncomfortable? There is nothing attractive about a toddler so it shouldn't bother you.

Just fuck off to some other place.

why don't you neck yourself you fucking predator


me on the left

If you want to go that way, be it, and if you think pedo is an insult to me, then you have it wrong.
Though I fucking hate seeing little boy dicks because we never see a loli slit thanks to retarded double standards.

I wonder if she's going to sing in Kira.

Okay, that's lewd.

We are NOT on tumblr.
Fucking read global rules, see ya retard.

AND it earns more money than Precure!

Global rules say pedoshit goes on Sup Forums so the FBI can track your pathetic manlet ass.

what is it?

Elementary schooler.

Haven't they stopped showing little boy dicks ages ago?

Fuwa la la hee hee hee indeed


That's it I'm calling the soccermoms.

I want to have sex with her.

>trolling a thread about a cantonese little girls show to feel morally superior to some poor losers on the internet

user you are already pretty fucking low, come one now.

Is fang eating anything?

She will soon.

I was born to fuck Custard.

>feels uncomfortable about toddler butts
>wants to see loli slits
I don't understand.