who is best monogatari girl and why is it snake?
Who is best monogatari girl and why is it snake?
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I like the one with the egg on her hair. I didn't even watch this but that one butt gif convinced me she is the best girl.
What would sex with her be like?
Hanekawa kills Araragi
The egg girl dies? Well fuck stil the best girl.
She would be shy at first then gradually get more enthusiastic until she starts domming over you
Quality taste, OP.
Best egg girl is literally indestrucible
Kaiki gives Old Egg hepatitis Bee
Young Egg reads the Unlimited Rule Book
Nigger i don't care about the story, i only watch Naruto.
>not posting best egg girl
One job
I honestly don't remember her name anymore, but I remember Momoka's.
I watched the first episode of this series and it was a lot of talking and I didn't get it.
Is it just me or is the kizumonogatari version of hanekawa way hotter than later iterations?
Because Snake is just an user trying to have a pure relationship with her husbando.
Short hair Hanekawa is the best Hanekawa.
Said no one ever
I guess it's true
Why the fuck do people post this terrible autistic drawovers? They're shit
Only with white stripes.
This is correct. She looks almost ugly with braids and glasses, but she is beautiful with short hair.
I just started watching the first Kizumonogatari movie.
I'm hating it.
I'm 24 minutes in and literally more than half of the movie so far has been pointless walking scenes. No story being told. Just walking.
Then I get to the part where Araragi finds Shinobu, and what does he do?
He stumbles towards her like a retard and then picks her up while telling her he'll call an ambulance. Why the fuck would you needlessly move a person who's obviously direly wounded?
Then he fucking throws her across the room when he realizes she has no arms or legs.
What the fuck were they thinking when they made this movie?
Jesus christ.
The scene is just plain gratuitous. In the books the encounter evoked pity and compassion. Not disgust, horror, and revulsion. Every motion and action is exaggerated unto perversion.
Does the movie get better or is this what's in store for me for the next 40 minutes?
15 minutes of content, strung over an hour, where even the simplest motions have been dragged out to fill the gaping void of time?
Monkey > Snail > Crab > Bat > Cat > Snake
So mods let Request threads stay up these days?
Slight update, I started laughing when they played the baby crying over Kissshot's death pleas.
How fucking hamfisted could they be? Is the reason they're exaggerating everything to such a painful degree because their target audience is socially retarded?
Whelp, I don't think I'll bother with the sequel.
Is there no better feeling than to see an autist begging for and failing to get (you)s?
Also the order is bat>snail>cat>monkey=bee>snake>crab>bird
Is a shit
>t. Cat thanks alot bitch
Birb a best
The general trend with these threads is that most people pick their favourite then usually have Snail in second. So if we were to take an average, Snail is best.
I'm an enormous Snakefag, but even I understand that I have terrible taste and that Snail is objectively the greatest.
Snail is like the perfect girl, but Snake is flawed and her flaws make me love her more than some perfect girl.
I've been going on and off about this for 10 years but I've arrived at snail at last. Fuck cat, kill snake, marry snail.
Kizu is the prequel user.
wakamoto agrees, don't bother him about it
it's hard to tell who is best girl so let's all agree Ougi is worst girl.
you just failed in your attempt to gather consensus motherfucker
I've only watched Bake and can confirm it's Snail.
I don't know if she's best girl, but she got one of the best songs youtube.com
Snake a shit.
Although the Nadeko Medusa arc was pretty good.
>Seeing snake as anything but impure filth
Ougifag here posting best girl Ougi like usual
Me too user. And I love you.
> why is it snake?
Musubimonogatari takes place in the future. Araragi is 23 year old. Be ready for adult girls.
How old would she be then?
I want to mate with this Snek.
What a shitty arc where all the characters are fucking idiots. Are you going to tell me that there was no way to save snail and prevent the bad end because if you do I call bullshit. This is one of the main reasons why I hate time travel in stories.
I wish sleeves-user were here
How come nobody talks about how /fa/ as fuck Araragi is even in universe?
I want to be Crab and tap this every night.
I just tune out during time travel arcs and enjoy the girls.
Daily reminder than Shinobu is balding.
Have you paid attention? Saving Hachikuji in past means there is no ghost of Snail in present. No Snail means none of Araragi's friends see Shinobu, when Hanekawa becomes Cat again and Araragi doesn't know where to look for her. Without her he loses to Cat and dies making Shinobu become Kissshot and go berserk.
I wish I could be associated with my love of Ougi without being a tripfag.
Oh so you are telling me that Bat and Araragi after saving snail couldn't go just far enough into the future to tell Araragi where to find shinobu? Use your brain for once please.
Is it worth watching monogatari if I was bored watching the first episode
No. It's all about talking.
I don't really mind people talking in general, but the discussion just didn't seem interesting, does it get better?
I haven't said that. They just didn't thought about it, since they didn't know events were connected. After going back into future there was no energy at shrine needed for another time travel.
Nope I think Sword Art Online or My Hero Academia would be more to your liking.
> does it get better
It's a show about people bullshitting
So you are saying that there are no other shrines in Japan? Also how could they not think of it? Monogatari characters while no Jojo are still pretty smart.
there are no other shrines with enough energy
Araragi didn't know, when and where Shinobu hide herself in his shadow, while Shinobu had no idea Araragi came looking for her there thanks to Snail. They never talked about it either, Also, it's not about shrines. It's about energy stored in same place. There is no guarantee there are other places like this. Especially if other Oddities Hunters use seals that disperse energy, like Meme in Alive!Snail Universe.
snake is a fucking sociopath really good at hiding her power level
should be on gov's kill list
>*citation needed
Shinobu could have did herself if Araragi fed her good
Wouldn't overdoing it cause Araragi to become full vampire. He's trying to avaid that at any cost, you know.
So his own wellbeing is more important than that of a 10 year old ghost girl? No
Gahara is the adult choice
His wellbeing? No. His life? Yes. He had a reason to turn from vampire to half vampire and he has never shown any signs that he's ready to outdo this for others.
RRRG saw Cat's underwear, saved her life, was felt up and got her panties when he first met her
He then saved Crab, saw her butt ass naked, and got bullied into being her boyfriend. Its not fair i tell you, Cat should have been in the bag. These are the only two real choices, anyway, but he picked the wrong one
Cat is crazy bitch
A Bat is good too.
Crazy girls are the best.
fuck nisio. this scene will be the worst
Nisio did nothing wrong
>So his own wellbeing is more important than that of a 10 year old ghost girl? No
Yes actually. Araragi avoids becoming a vampire so he doesn't have to feed on people and kill them in the process.
It's also part of the reason Shinobu had to be neutered. Araragi wasn't particularly happy with Kiss-shot nomming bitches either.
Read Kizu, secondary-kun.
u wot m8
you telling me he fondles her massive cat tats and STILL DOESNT FUCK HER
he did everything wrong because he's a fucking faggot teaser.
> he fondles her massive cat tats
He didn't
He´s too beta to ACTUALLY do that though.
Do you think Nisio could add any more girls
He created Bat
He created Crab
He made them win
Well whatever that arc was pointless filler and timetravel is the worst plot device imaginable for any media not based around it.
Kabuki is one of the best arc.
Deathtopia Virtuoso Suicidemaster.
The best fucking name in the series bar none.
>HE didn't
its actually Crab's harem. She could fuck Ougi if she wanted and he wouldnt be able to say a damn thing, and Kanbaru exists on a silver platter just for her
Kissshot is better