Literally 0 criminal activity

>literally 0 criminal activity
>safest place on earth
>no international bankers
>100% homogeneous
>free education
>free healthcare
>free housing
>no unemployment
>leader is a national socialist

Is this why (((they))) want to destroy the last bastion of free humans?
Redpill me on the last free paradise on earth.North Korea

Other urls found in this thread:

>wants to build a utopia for your people
>kikes want to destroy you

Also history repeating itself

Yeah so safe people literally get shot when they try to escape from it. Hang yourself commie nigger

If you abandon your country then you are a traitor

America, North Korea, South Korea

>literally 0 criminal activity
Dictatorship that throws you to a concentration camp If you do any "criminal" activity (let us remind that dissident activism is also considered as a crime).

>safest place on earth
Let us put it this way: in Argentina we have a lot of crimes going on per day by illegal immigrants -or the descendants of them living in marginalized parts of the city- but If you kill the agressor literally everyone here will applaud you (hell, we have a television presenter that everytime he reports that a nigger/amerindian is dead he says "One less").
But in North Korea, the problem is, the ones who present a threat are the police and the government to whom you can't do shit or you are dead. So "safest place on earth" is relative. I think Singapur is more safe.

If living like peasants in a communist dystopia is considered traditional, sure.

>no international bankers
Lol, yes they have bankers. Maybe not the ones in the west, but they are there. North Korea is the little experiment of China and Russia. They are behind it and have it as a front, the same way Israel have USA as a front.

>100% homogeneous

>free education
>free healthcare
>free housing
[source needed] and also: taxes to the roof. Especially taking into account that the majority of the people are peasants living in the rural parts of the country.

>no unemployment
Slavery = No unemployment? Another way of putting it.

>leader is a national socialist
You retard, National Socialism is not even close to what North Korea is.

You don't kown shit of geopolitics If you can't understand that North Korea is the little bitch of China and Russia. And just another excuse for US to have a military distraction.

>0 cheeseburgers

>literally 0 criminal activity
They do have a criminality, murders etc, but they have next to zero small delinquency, no snatching, no graffiti etc, which all in all makes a pretty safe society to live in.

As much as I dislike NK I have to admit Pyongyang is aesthetic as fuck. It's very unlike the western world, where every building tries to be different and stand out from the rest, in Pyongyang the building share a similar architecture and work together to create a harmonious skyline.

>safest place on Earth
>allegedly “steal” a hotel sign
>get beaten to the point of brain death

NK is a fucking shithole and even though you’re memeing there are actually dickheads out there that believe that this place is anything but a festering shithole that only still exists to keep exactly 1 person happy

Underrated comment of the week.

>taxes to the roof

wrong, NK has no income tax

If the US is delirious and foolish enough to violate the territorial integrity of the DPRK, the Korean people will wage a merciless nuclear holy war to defend their race and nation from foreign attempts at enslavement and genocide. The ultimate goal of the neocon gangsterism is to turn the Korean peninsula into liberal multicultural and multiracial society of atomized raceless individuals so as to eliminate all traces of traditional Korean culture and the Korean racial characteristics via mixing of the blood and mongrelization.

The citizens of the DPRK will fight until the very bitter end to protect their leader, just as their leader will fight to protect them.

This demonic neocon conspiracy against the Korean race is marked with a feverish desire to rape the pristine purity of the Korean people and break their will to resist neoliberal global Jewish slavery. The mere defiant existence of the DPRK, the pride and loyalty of the average citizen toward his country and leader, is perceived as an insult to these gangsters in D.C. who arrogantly value their Judeo-liberal world order as the only correct form of human existence. It grinds their gears that the DPRK continues to resist, despite an economically advanced liberal democratic Korean puppet state with "human rights" to the south.

"Why are they resisting our wonderful glorious neoliberal multicultural society full of Koreans wearing our blue jeans and twerking on TV?" It makes them gnash their teeth with seething rage that the Korean people to the north find all of these things unappealing and undesirable and prefer to live in their own nation, protected by their benevolent leader Kim Jong Un.

Well, keep crying you filthy inbred Satanic kikes! KOREA RESISTS!

you are obviously very correct, but nu/pol/ is full of retards who believe that every country that CNN calls an 'ebil nazi statlin dictatorship' must be so.

Why do you believe every single thing the MSM says specifically when it has to do with North Korea but not other things?

Unless of course you just believe the MSM in general in which case, sad.

>Saftest place on earth
>Commit a crime
>Get beaten half to death
That's why it's safe, dumbass. Criminals get fucked up.

>>literally 0 criminal activity

actually having prison camps with tenths of thousands of prisoners, that are there for generations with their children being imprisoned as a collateral

>safest place on earth

that spends upwards of 20% of GDP for it's army


as long as it fits the dear leader(s) policy with old practices removed when suitable with brutality unmatched

>no international bankers

true, however no working economy either

>100% homogeneous


>free education
>free healthcare
>free housing

nothing in life is free OP

>no unemployment

no food either, water and power outages, no transportation to speak of

>leader is a national socialist

leader is a spoiled brat held in power by a host of generals using him as a face

Is this why (((they))) want to destroy the last bastion of free humans?

if you believe more places should emulate NK you will win the one actual free service - a helicopter ride

North Korea is completely dependent on trade with China. The "North Korea is free" meme is just that - a meme.

People just eat up propaganda about NK, holy shit. You'll believe anything the media says about them.

>however no working economy either
Then why do they exist?

Oh I see, you're retarded. You think people can exist without food and water like some kind of magic or something. You know they have zero starvation issues, right? They had an environmental famine over twenty years ago.

>helicopter ride
Dumb kid. NK isn't communist.

I've been to NK and its honestly one of the most miserable countries I've ever been in.
Everything about it, the city, the hotel, the people. It was so weird, it was like a movie set where everyone is acting like everything is fine when its really easy to tell it isn't.
The food there is also fucking ass.

>be thieving foreign Jew rat
>be caught on security camera stealing picture of the Great Leader
>get merciful imprisonment for a crime that would befit capital punishment
>get released early as a sign of benevolence and good-will towards the Judeo-US regime
>the weird evil Jew dies in a freak accident upon his release
The DPRK is the only nation upholding the sacred natural order that fascism aims to achieve. Britain's elite, as old imperialists who imposed their liberal values on others, is foremost in the permanent butthurt they feel towards the existence of the DPRK, which continues to thumb its nose at the "UN human rights" post-WW2 nonsense.

Just look at the obsession with the country on elite media like the BBC. Constant news reports and documentaries about the DPRK. Do you think the DPRK talks as much about Britain as Britain does about the DPRK on their media? No. They don't give a fuck about your shitty niggerfied soon-to-be Islamic country, they might feel pity for you but that's it.

The difference between the DPRK and Britain is that the DPRK is a benevolent monarchy, while the UK is a banker-ruled pseudo monarchy for inbred island dwellers with a half-Muslim doofus who talks to plants as crown prince and a church that prays for its 2 year old prince to turn out interested exclusively in anal sex with men. That's Britain. Lol.

And why do you believe every single thing the Alternative Media says?

I do not believe in anyone and I take my opinion from different sources after I analyse them. And every single thing that I said it's true.

>North Korea
Communism is NEVER ok, user. Not even if there are no Jews involved. Not ever.

>retarded americlap
>best balkan ally
The choice is clear

Wrong. See:

>shilling nk this hard


I've also been there, I had a good time and though yes there were parts that felt staged that's part of what I found cool about the experience. Like all of these people in super clean clothes smiling and laughing non-stop at this veranda restaurant in the tour. That kind of thing is mainly only attached to Pyongyang tours, though. The Kaesong Hotel was cozy as fuck, one of the best places I've ever stayed at internationally. And yeah Korean food in general is ass.

What have I said that you find difficult to believe? What alternative media claims have I made? And no you're not even close to vaguely educated as to what NK is, you called them communist. Big red flag that you don't even understand the basics of that country.

How am I shilling them? I'm only pointing out that most people readily believe anti-NK propaganda even though being skeptical of the MSM is usually the norm around here. It's contradictory.

>And why do you believe every single thing the Alternative Media says?
No I believe it because it pisses off the Jews. You're right about pretty much everything but you exaggerate. Just like how people talk about the horrors of the USSR. Since the 60's it was pretty much alright, just quite boring.

>entire population has multiple parasites because they use human shit as fertilizer
i'll pass
also free health care is long gone, now you just pay with cigarettes if you want a doctor

Sounds like you guys need some 'Merica style freedom.

>No jews
Pick one, faggot. Communism was created, propagated, theorized and "perfected" by Jewish people. It is the Jews greatest weapon of destruction.

Paradise BTFO.

There are always Jews involved in communism because Karl Marx was a Jew. Thankfully, the DPRK is not a communist or Marxist-Leninist country. They have removed Marxism-Leninism as their official ideology from the DPRK constitution in 1972. Reading Karl Marx is prohibited. The DPRK is a Korean traditionalist and naitonalist military-first state. "Military-first" ideology is the official ideology of the country (Songun thought). The economy is a mixed economy with state-approved private businesses operating in the country. But it is not an economically-driven nation. All ideologies placing economics at the center of the nation are Jewish ideologies. The main role of the state is the spiritual protection of the race and nation from foreign enemies.

Did the NK government actually photoshop all of the building to look like this or is this just not supposed to look real?

I cant wait till the bombs start dropping and I get gun down little faggot gook families in their homes.

Maybe I'll even get a medal for my bravery.

Is that a colored pencil drawing lol

If you unironically think this way, why don't you go live there? If every other place on Earth is literally so shitty compared to NK, then wouldn't you want to live there?

Which would win: Perfect utopia with all your criteria vs Daily access to Sup Forums

in the 60s abortions in the USSR spiked above live births and I have seen a graphic showing the same for Bulgaria

Do you have the one where the NK dude is shopped to look way bigger than the others ?

Potemkin village

>believing in North Korean propaganda while posting with a meme flag
Keel you are shelf.

>Dictatorship that throws you to a concentration camp If you do any "criminal" activity (let us remind that dissident activism is also considered as a crime).
What's the fucking problem? "dissident activism", AKA nation-wrecking, you cuck.

who cares about abortions?

good goy

You know that South Korea makes it a point to put their biggest soldiers on the border, right?

They could be the worst solider ever, but they put the big guys 4 u there as a psyop with the North.

>be average Korean from the north
>see YUGE bastard from South
>Man, what do they feed those guys?

At least that's the thinking.

this so much
I remember myself wishing for NK to be liberated some day so all those people could be "free"
Its fun to laugh looking back then i really believed all the shit western media tells us about them, its about perspective.
We dont have any media telling us how awesome NK is and even if there was some its part of the Joke to laugh at them how they pretend to be the happiest place on earth.
Its just Western media slamming them back to back how we somehow know that theres terrible work camps everywhere and if you utter the wrong words you will get sent there.
Sure compared to SK the place hasnt blown up to be huge but thats because literally nobody would trade with NK and because they want to keep to themselves they wont open the borders and let the degeneracy in.

If you've seen the graphics for abortions, you've also seen the graphics for commie birth rates, no?

Also abortions is eugenics, Hans. You should be into it.


It won't make your country any less niggerfied, you opioid-addled cowardly ZOG slave

NK is communist economically and traditionalist monarhy politically

>EU flag talking about country fidelity
Effortless bait

looks pretty abysmal, the million that got aborted in the 60s never got to reproduce in the 80s and so the birthrates started falling, then the regime collapsed and we got flooded with all kinds of euros

I see an awful lot of abortion talk, perfect opportunity to post webm related!

>civilian crime replaced by crime perpetrated by the government
lol no thanks

>tfw not born a Nork

I bet they think they have food in worst korea


Nice ones too

reminds me of this

Can someone explain to me what the jews were up to with that show?

I remember loving it as a child, but I've always been a little "weird" desu

How old was she/he?

North Korea is basically a scientific test subject for Russians and Chinese the more i think of it. The beauty of it is that nobody really thinks about it like this and everyone just focuses on the differences between SK and NK.
Everyone thinks SK is just basically heaven on earth compared to NK but really how much degeneracy is there in SK anyway?
NK has none. I would honestly rather live in NK than SK in a couple years if shit would go really bad in yurop but i feel like i would be ruining a perfect painting with my presence IF they would let westerners in. Were just too contaminated with garbage individualistic ideals, it would be like a drop of black paint in a water bucket.
Heres some more stuff


dunno anything about it


LMAO at Americans and southern Gooks overcompensating

they really are, see

Hilarious propaganda coup right there.

>the ones who present a threat are the police and the government

I love NK but you are wrong here: the gov escorts the few tourists around not because they think they could be spies, but because they are afraid that the peasants would attack them for food... like, you know, making a barbecue with those tourists fatty bodies

this is also why there aren't wild animals anymore in NK, not even stray cats



idk I liked it too
still do but not the new CGI shit I heard they made

I think the show has something to do with subliminally presenting a problem one has in their life, and shows them how to fix it.

For instance the Freaky Fred episode where when you grow up you notice that he was actually portraying pedophilia not just being a creepy barber.

Or Conway the pilot whose filthy as fuck pretty much portrays people or relatives who can't clean after themselves and what happens to those around them

Or that episode about domestic abuse:
I doubt the show is degenerate just ahead of its time when it comes to exposition and concepts.

What the actual fuck? Why are people here against North Korea?

Fucking shills don't realise North Korea is one of the last countries to not be touched by jews and is trying to defend itself from the American menace

The secret plan was that the asians were destined to keep the last bastallion od humanity alive, something hitler and the nazis failed at .

>Literally no criminals
Because they legalized brutally slaughtering those question the fat fuck regime.
All the governnent in NK needs to be put in a nuclear shelter for rest of their lives will drinking piss of the people above.
Good b8 tho
Ye I bet Adolf held Hans and Helga at gunpoint and told them to smile for the cameras, fucking kek

neither does florida but i don't get strung up for saying "fuck rick scott"

This one is a good Redpill

Its not just outside Pyonyang where everything is clean
Also if you look at the comments in these ones youll notice everyone has a hard time grasping why everyone looks so happy and almost "robot" like they were brainwashed so totally they arent even humans anymore.
>I've been to NK and its honestly one of the most miserable countries I've ever been in.
Everything about it, the city, the hotel, the people. It was so weird, it was like a movie set where everyone is acting like everything is fine when its really easy to tell it isn't.

Well Pyonyang is basically a huge set for the Nation to show people why they arent as bad as the Western media says, it might be that everyone is just trying too hard and it feels disingenuous.

If you look at people in these videos to me they look healthy and they arent walking around in rags like (((they))) keep telling everyone. In fact their clothing looks better maintained than some people you would find in Americas or even here in Finland.
Might not be alot of cars around but what if they just dont all need them?

Nothing wrong with that in my opinion honestly.

Their soldiers have 10 inch worms in their stomachs, and moms and kids regularly disappear into likely underground sex slavery. Many are killed each week for accidentally slipping up in front of the controllers. NK is literally hell and should be nuked at its government core with as few causualties as possible.

I don't care if the rest of the world hates NK but jesus christ why can't they leave them alone? It's no ones battle to fight if the koreans there aren't happy and America is literally poking them constantly for them to finally nuke first before them. It's extremely infuriating

Are you literally retarded? The government forcing people to act a certain way, ever, is a government that has targets in it. In case of NK, a Chinese puppet state, they are ALL targets.

Oh because you've been to NK, ok nice good to know that the country wants to nuke the shit out of an irrelevant country knows the truth about NK

I wouldn't try to make the citizens cry for their leader, but if NK does it like that then let them, in Britain and most of Europe there's a minute of silence for whatever, and you still do it.

>North Korea is nuking off coast of Japan for defensive reasons!
You mean because China, which owns North Korea, told them to? Learn2identify


I'm pretty fucking sure it isn't China telling them to test their missiles and show Americans that they have weapons and aren't willing to back down. China has mostly just been trying to defend North Korea, if the NK didn't want China's economic help they wouldn't trade with them and they would also ask China not to aid them in battle

lurk more


>thousands are forced out into starving cold, to cry that their horrible clone slave leader is being replaced with next clone
>in britain there is a moment of silence
Im convinced you are trying to bait but if not you should research the US constitution. I will kill for that shit and Ill kill anyone who tries to force humanity into any other state than responsibly controlled freedom

You're just as bad as any other neo-conservative who wants to control the whole fucking world and be the superior moral compass of each fucking country and decide the fate of countries THAT HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU

>I love NK but you are wrong here: the gov escorts the few tourists around not because they think they could be spies, but because they are afraid that the peasants would attack them for food... like, you know, making a barbecue with those tourists fatty bodies

What the fuck you seriously believe this nonsense? Even in the most shitty areas in Africa people dont just cannibalize people like that. Animals are possibly eaten sure but Humans?
The government escorts people because they dont want some morons taking pictures of children because they know how effective propaganda pieces they make for Westerners, know about all those cropped pictures they show us about Migrants afloat in the sea making it look like theyre about to drown? This is MSM for you fucking start using your brains. You could make a couple thousand dollaridoos by just taking a couple pics in NK about "starving children" and sold them here.

they are in need of some fucking democracy, all communism needs to be crushed

Please fucking try to tell me how you know
>thousands are forced out into starving cold, to cry that their horrible clone slave leader is being replaced with next clone
that? and your country is being fed propaganda constantly, how do you not think that you're not being told lies. And you're not a free country dumbass and you're a disgusting piece of human excrement to think you have dominion over sovereign countries.

They're not communist and you're a NS, you're not supposed to be for democracy

Again this is old blood, China began funding NK sometime before 9/11 and China made a few obvious errors during Obama where they let the sequence show
>i.e. China runs into economic or humanitarian issues
>Suddenly (((Kim Jon Il) has the idea to announce he will burn America
This was in 2010 or so..
China tried to bury it again and they even killed Kim Un's relative for some reason (knew too much most likely)

It's pretty fucking well known that China economically aids NK considering NK doesn't trade with anyone but China and to a lesser extent India and Russia, and before 9/11 why is that significant? It's been like that since the Korean War. And it's the exact time when neo-conservatism was popular in America and the idea that you should control what happens in other countries reached it's apex, ofc NK started hating you, not that I believe it's only been 10 years off threats by them, also I doubt that they started anything

>dominion over sovereign countries
More like, if millions are dying of starvation and worms and arent allowed to leave a place, it has become a human camp. They are all slaves even worse than places where you cant say nigger and jew.

I saw the worms that got pulled out of that soldiers stomach, and I watched the other NKs try to gun their own down. They need help before they are literally turned into miner slaves by China

Do you live in NK? Have you recently been to NK? Have you visited areas of NK that isn't Pyeongyang? How do you know so much about the supposed negatives on NK all the way from the country that is threatening the literal deletion of a country?


rather have a democracy than communism

Anyone who acts as a proxy for chinsects will light up like the fourth of July. And i dont think sovereign applies to a bunch of slaves who arent allowed access to info because they are all literally slaves... You dont get it, thats fine. But i know the difference between Syria and NK. If ANYONE launches a nuke near our friends (like into sea of Japan) they would be lit the fuck up. We are being cautious with NK because we dont want them all to die at China's command as martyrs for the Chinese slave horde