How do you respond Sup Forums?
Is he right?
As a proud jewish male I agree with him.
Yeah, hear that?
Cause if there's one thing racists love, it's welfare leeching minorities.
Also watch how you address him
It's such a bitchy argument, like he can't himself.
Also watch your spelling!
damn hes right i had better be happy with millions of third worlders coming into my country, lowering the standards of living, increasing the cost of living, driving up the rates of crime and slowly but surely breeding out the native population to the point of oblivion now
>those who like apples feel no need to like oranges
>Sup Forumssters regularly complain about sjw minorities say how proud they are being black/brown etc
>Jordan Peterson agrees
>Sup Forumssters enraged by this
Lfmao, Inb4 >sweden
Also define 'Jesus', define 'worship' define 'i', define 'religion'
Aryan isn't a colour
peterson goes into the oven
I just don't understand why i shouldn't be proud of my race. I have been born into my race and I can't change it. That gives me three options; be neutral to my race, hate my race, or love my race. Why should I not love my race?
Peterson is a fucking asshole, and just like all the ''intellectuals'' he is obscuring ideas in weird wording.
These people design every single one of their statements to send you on a goose chase, they want you chasing your tail arguing semantics.
Whether or not you have ''pride'' is completely irrelevant. The issue isn't whether or not you are proud of your race, the issue is that white countries are getting overrun by shitskins. The issue is that white countries are getting completely destroyed by shitskins who have low IQs, they leech welfare, they commit crimes, they commit terrorist acts, they vote in leftists, they pollute the culture, they pollute the gene pool etc. Those are the issues. Instead of addressing any of that someone like Peterson goes ''woah, you are proud of your race? woah dude, you should be proud of your own accomplishments and not any other person's accomplishments.''
I don't even know what the fuck ''pride'' is. It's such a meaningless buzzword. I don't care what you are proud of, I do not want to see Germany destroyed by a bunch of fucking Arabs. I don't want to see London full of women in Burkas. I don't want America to be a mixture of Mexico and Africa.
Fuck off with this ''muh pride'' crap.
No one is perfect bucko
Which race has the least number of individual accomplishments?
Do you think white people that are successful individuals look down at the white rabble and feel any sort of pride?
I bet rich white folks feel nothing but contempt for their kin. yet stormweenies at the bottom look to the top and expect some savior to emerge and save them.
>How do you respond Sup Forums?
I can't. I haven't payed $10 for the privilege to speak to the great one.
Speaking of himself, two-term president William Jennings Bryan stated, "as a member of the greatest of all races, the Caucasian race." That seems to imply racial pride, no?
simple race bait.
raceturbation is like the silent fapping lips of talking heads.
no tribalism or racial coheasion for you goy !
Individualism is the art of persuading the white goyim to be proud to be taken advantage of.
I dont give a fuck.
Its on.Its war.
Every trick will do.
Do you suppose that this is genuine anger towards his former supporters? Or do you think he's virtue signalling with some larger goal in mind?
All hes saying is dont "we wuz" about stuff. As a white guy, you cant just take credit for civilization because you probably just live in your moms basement.
Civilizations are built by a handful of people while 99.9% of people just screw around.
His whole schtick has always been take control of your own reality, you can't do that if you think you're automatically a KANG.
Yes. I do like my minorities unsuccessful.
It is not enough that I should succeed, others should fail.
Schopenhauer said it better.
The cheapest sort of pride is national pride; for if a man is proud of his own nation, it argues that he has no qualities of his own of which he can be proud; otherwise he would not have recourse to those which he shares with so many millions of his fellowmen. The man who is endowed with important personal qualities will be only too ready to see clearly in what respects his own nation falls short, since their failings will be constantly before his eyes. But every miserable fool who has nothing at all of which he can be proud adopts, as a last resource, pride in the nation to which he belongs; he is ready and glad to defend all its faults and follies tooth and nail, thus reimbursing himself for his own inferiority.
In my experience, rich whites are the most self hating group. They certainly have a tendency to be uber liberals. The thing is, though, I can trace the origin of that attitude directly to the Gilded Age, when the fat cat capitalists realized they had a severe image problem, and that anarchists and communists were successful every so often (and when they were, they tried to hunt and kill the rich). So they purposefully rebranded by pretending to be on the side of the "little guy." And that's what they still do today. They have no idea what ordinary people care about, so they pick hot button issues and take the extreme left side to pretend that they care.
everyone with a brain knows civnat is the future
Bernard of Chartres used to say that we [the Moderns] are like dwarves perched on the shoulders of giants [the Ancients], and thus we are able to see more and farther than the latter. And this is not at all because of the acuteness of our sight or the stature of our body, but because we are carried aloft and elevated by the magnitude of the giants.
>if you're proud of your own nation you have no pride in anything of your own
lol, what a load of bullshit.
>you can't be proud of more than one thing
it doesn't matter how much of the flaws of my nation or my people I can see, that isn't going to make me think "gee i guess its ok that my country and race are being destroyed"
Fuck you Kentucky is the best state
>group identity is meaningless
>Schopenhauer said so
I do lots of things I don't *need* to do because I enjoy them.
Is he speaking on behalf of accomplished individuals?
See I don't know.... whenever I accomplish something something I tend to become big headed a rib on anyone who's not "like me" (not strayan).
But maybe that's something only aussies do.......? They do say we are "brash".
Are you proud of your blood type too
the niggers REALLY don't have anything to be proud of
by that logic, if my child would win a nobel prize i couldn't be proud, that would be my DNA at work right der but no, there's no connection is there? how does evolution work again? how are animals classified? why are there different species of wolves, lions, tigers... they can all breed but somehow are different species and but there's only one race, the human race
kill yourself trash
i should be proud because i am part of the same group that produced him, my descendants will have the potential to accomplish something similar, the descendtans of somalis can't, they will never produce a great geinus, and even if they could the probability would be so much lower
how does evolution work oh great cuckiatrist? what did your hero soljenitin say about jews? is intelligence hereditary? clean your room, wash yourself, put a nice suit on then slit your throat you kermit sounding motherfucker
>svens first day on Sup Forums
>attacks the big evil strawman
If Sup Forums ever complains about minorities being proud it's only from a point of view of "If they're allowed to do it, why can't we?".
So no, Peterson isn't agreeing with us, no we don't have a problem with other races being proud of themselves.
This guy has too much money.
Only the money turn someone who is clever and hardworking into a slacking idiot.
He's just a boomer cunt who doesn't understand how deep the rot is. He only sees the feminists and soyboys.
He will never address the issues of white genocide and the JQ.
>whites responsible for 99% of scientific discoveries
>whites responsible for existentialism which peterson regurgitates regularly in a half baked form
>Oy vey goyim, yah don't need to be grateful to your people, yah need ta be moah be individualistic.
>Also let me tell you why you need ta support Jews through Zionism
I don't get it. Why are Liberals incapable of understanding the simple concept that race is just an extended family? Why are they capable of understanding that blacks have a unique history and interests as a race, but not capable of understanding that whites do too? It honestly baffles me that they can't even RECOGNIZE this obvious double standard. To them, anti-white hatred is perfectly justified, yet none of them except the most radical will ever explicitly claim to hate whites. Every time I argue with one of these people I want to tear my eyes out, like shoving an apple in someone's face and them telling me it's a banana when clearly it is a fucking spherical shaped red fruit. Please help me understand this mindset Sup Forums... it's been so long since I was in the government school system.
He's right though. No one is proud of simply being white. A British person could never share pride with a Frenchman because they're both white. You're proud of your ancestors and how they strived to bring you here.
Individualists don't build civilizations.
Civilization itself is the result of a collective sacrifice toward an admirable goal.
And so, I propose that men like him are shown the rope for poisoning the minds of the group.
>make an authoritative statement
>provide no evidence or logic why it's true
Families are outdated constructs user. It's 2017, we can't have such imposing and sexist societal structures hindering our freedom. We live in the United States don't we? I thought this was the land of the free.
I suggest we term a coin for these people, the ones who are ethnically white, but provide the most opposition to their blood nations.
Crypto whites would imply its a white subverting other movements for the benefit of whites.
Crypto Jews pretend to be something other ethnicity and undermine their host nation for the benefit of Jewry.
Crypt-loloxists would work I guess, since they would intentionally undermine their own society for the benefit of Jewry, but they are not Jews themselves.
>whites responsible for 99% of scientific discoveries
So jews ARE white, interesting..
Those who put too much pride in themselves are threatened the most by a collective identity.
Just another patreon whore. Can't respect people like these.
What evidence is there to the contrary? People who make broad statements like the white race is an extended family need to seriously back that up.
The majority of leading Jewish scientists are European Jews yes. Although that's a small amount over all.
because a collective identity is subject to insane shifts in mood. this is a good example
>rich whites are the most self hating group.
nah, we got niggers to enslave other niggers for money. same with Arabs chinks, etc..
Power is power and those who wield it dont care about anything else.
He’s not wrong, but anyone who has achieved anything as an individual still doesn’t choose to live near niggers. We move to white neighborhoods.
Individualists file the work orders that the collectivists complete. Collectivists get on their knees for master.
Peterson is very anti-sjw. He has regularly criticize how sjw minorities on campus being borderline race supremacists and it being socially accepted. That's kinda what he is talking about and ofc the stormcucks that exists.
I work in a big tech company, we have some incredibly good highly educated engineers from India and rest of Asia. Call them poo in the loos how much you want, I would take one of them any day over an ugly fatass stormcuck who can't even manage to finish high school.
I've studied them and what they want for some time
They are just VERY misguided people, let me take multiculturalism for example.
I honestly like multiculturalism, and I hope you too do, imagine how boring it would be if everyone spoke the same, looked the same, ate the same and so on, what they don't realize is that we already have multiple cultures, can you say a person from Louisiana is the same as a person from California? Of course not! They are the same ethnicity, but they have a different culture.
What these liberals are actually advocating for s multiethnicism, having multiple ethnoi(nations) in your country, which is counter-intuitive and only halts the country and divides it
In short, they want different types of architecture, different types of food and different types of people, but even Japan has that, they have been led to believe that the only way to have anything different is to introduce aliens and try to integrate them, but of course that doesn't work and has literally never worked in history
We need to get them out of the ugly monocultural cities for once, they caused this with their rootless cosmopolitanism
Yes obviously.....
His take is entirely communist...... intellectual collectivism is the reality
When he speaks about individualism he means intellectual accomplishments..
funny thing is, its these people who in the past sent us clashing with other nations
and now they walk off saying its the nations fault and so it should be destroyed....
They have done an about turn and it suits them to be seen as the "saviours" now of those they relentlessly attacked to get their hands on the gibs
They (so called intellectuals) are actually responsible for this mess in the first place, total hypocrites....
What we should be doing is pointing this out to them.. we had no say in it, and ,if they have their way we will be taking the fall for their "achievements".....
Funny how he corrects spelling there and here he wrote there is instead of there are
My race provided the foundation upon which I made those accomplishments.
Is he fucking retarded.
>Europeans have never had a shared identity
I'm proud of the accmplishments of my race as an individual race
How many shekels can this guy grab
That's a great example of self hatred. In point of fact, other people were enslaving members of their own groups long before there were any wealthy white people involved. I don't think you know what true power really is.
That's dumb, feeling pride in your race or nation is like feeling proud of your own family. That pride and life success are not exclusive.
Iranians aren’t aryans, what a ducking retard
this entire comment is nonsense
you are missing his point
you are missing his point
Hello Pajeet.
What? No! Only jews can be ethnocentric goyim!
Babby-tier logic, would have expected better from someone with a PhD.
Nice arguments there Mr Peterson, very intellectual of you.
No I 100% agree with you, I didn't mean to imply only white people enslave others. I meant Power is power and has very little to do with race relations.
So all those "proud black women" and "proud black men" are a bunch of unaccomplished losers?
European descendants invented everything we touch. We built the ground the rest of the world walks on. So damn right im gonna be proud
>niggers move into the lands of the aryans
>we wuz aryans now white boi!
Ahmed is also not a swede because he was born in Sweden
what am I supposed to argue about with these low brain faggots that can't read sentences without misinterpretation
clean your knob bucko
Explain "genetic interest in race" then? I will be waiting. If nationalism were "genetic" it wouldn't be rought 200 years old...
Ancient nationalism was all about small citiy-state communities where people knew each other - it this had nothing to do with you feeling connected to someone living 300 km up north just because you share the same skin color. The Greeks didn't view themsleves as Greeks in the modern sense, but as a community of free men living in the same city-states. Modern ethno-nationalism is a product of the enlightenment era civic nationalism - not the small Aristotelian city-state type. Modern "civic" nationalism made people citizens of a state, meaning it was not required to live in a city to Identify as a french citizen but live on the territory of the former Ancien Regime -
--what white nationalism did is that it took the universality of the individualist civic nationalism and made it's subjects eligible for citizenship based on their skin color. This is not the city-state scenario where the community lives side by side and shares relative intimate daily experiences - white nationalism was a imagined community, you had not real daily connection to others except for sharing the same skin color, ehtnicity, etc...
i respond by unfollowing him
someone remind him pride is a sin. since hes a catholic, that statement is contradictory.
>200 years old
Are you people even capable of constructing an argument which doesn't make you look utterly retarded within the first sentence?
When? Did Rome share the same identity as the Gauls? Do modern day Irish protestants identify with Russian orthodox Christians?
Christ.. here are (you)r shekels
I don't agree with these tweets, but you're making a pretty large strawman there. I've never seen him advocate open borders.
Even ethnic groups are a relative modern invention also. When the modern nation states were forming on the grounds of former empires people living in the Kajkavian area of Europe suddenly belonged to different nation states, yet they never saw themselves as different ethnic groups, why? They lived in relative proximity, spoke the same dialect, and suddenly they were segregated as croats, slovenes, magyars - which was totally artificial to them.
>Is he right?
Yes, he is right, but he's still a kike-controlled puppet.
>why i shouldn't be proud of my race
Did you DO anything to get that race?
>I was born into it
Then you should feel neutral about it for the most part. You didn't earn it.
That said, SOME pride seems fine to me in a manner of speaking. Feeling pride in your ancestors accomplishments - if that's something that inspires you towards your OWN accomplishments, I can't see how that's a bad thing.
Long story short - do you take pride in your races accomplishments? Well then you also have to take guilt in the things they did wrong.
Those who have even a cursory understanding of modern history should at least suspect that non-Westerners are incapable of understanding and appreciating modern liberalism. Importing third worlders by the millions and shoving them into radicalized ghettos won't turn them into model citizens
>His whole schtick has always been take control of your own reality, you can't do that if you think you're automatically a KANG.
This is true though. There are way too many people larping about the white race that essentially live like niggers.
"HAHA ARYAN GENES" --that mommas boy smoking weed in a shitty one bedroom apartment.
>respect my honorifics bucko
>heh better watch your spelling kiddo, I almost had to face the fact that I had no argument
acolytes of peterstein ETERNALLY BTFO
Hell yeah mane. 0- savior lol.
Perfect example of taiwan... Fuck the nigger ccp. We are moving to our own island...