Have you ever been to an anime convention?
What was it like?
Are there any good ones in England, particularly South?
Have you ever been to an anime convention?
There's MCM Expo but it's getting more expensive each year and also kind of cancerous.
Read the rules and then fuck off, newfags. There's a board for this cancer, and it's not Sup Forums.
>anime convention
You answered it yourself.
>not Sup Forums
Get this normalfag cancer out of my board.
Anime conventions were good like thirty years ago. Pure cancer now
Went to Anime Boston when I was 15
It was mainly cosplay and people selling shit
I realized real quick that not everyone who was into animu was a well adjusted person
I realized that I had to hide my power level forever
To this day no one knows I went and no one knows I watch gook toons
I start work in IB in NYC at the end of the year
Ok, go to one of the 8 jojo generals that ore on Sup Forums. These are the people you will go to the convention with. There is a youtube video about them doing jojo poses that started the cancerous fanbase of today and it was at an anime convention.
I went to DUBS convention a few years ago and got these
people shit on anime conventions here, but people forget how popular the threads for the niconico booths were when that was still a thing. so sad that they had to shut down the site.
I'm in the US, so conventions may be different. The one I went to had a shitton of cancer, but it was a decent place to buy some shit I'd rather not have shipped to my country.
Everything is overpriced and the people are Reddit tier
It's only worth it to be a fag with your friends for a day or two a year for fun
It's tough to find weeb friends, but if you find some really low key weebs they're prime to go do things with.
I'll be your friend user
>not haggling
I shiggy diggy, my man. You can get ludicrous deals on some shit if you are patient. I haggled a guy over the period of an entire convention and he cut his losses by selling me a bunch of rare doujins on the cheap.
I hate haggling with vendors at cons, they are typically the saltiest fucks on earth
it depends. There was one guy at a convention. He would walk up to a booth and they'd just have a box ready for him because they knew exactly what he wanted and for how much and just wanted to save themselves time.
shit was kinda sad, but kinda funny to me
>this entire post
Are you ronery user?
What is this?
Lonely for chinks ESL-kun
If you're not a sociable person in normal situations, you're not going to be a sociable person at an anime convention surrounded by people ``just like you''. Remember, putting loners together with loners doesn't change the fact that they're loners.
Conventions can only be enjoyed by normies and people who are going because they want something specific from the convention, like a theater showing, artist panels, and shit to buy.
>Everyone on the internet speaks English!
>Sup Forums is an english language imageboard
Where are you from mang
This post is so ironic.
Thank you.
I go to several cons a year with friends and they're fun, just don't talk to the autists and you'll have a good time. Sometimes you catch some pretty good cosplay too
The only decent face-to-face anime discussion you'll ever get in England is with someone doing Japanese studies at a good university (Leeds, Shef, Durham etc.)
And even then it's easy to find normie garbage because some fellas get in with those shitty BTECs that require no effort.
In short no, there's no good anime conventions.
My roommates Sophomore year were into anime but were also Varsity athletes, so it was a weird dichotomy between their image in and outside the room
How do you recognize an Sup Forumsnon at a convention?
Yeah I'm thinking of going mostly cus there's loads of cool shit to buy.
That's a fucking hilarious combo. They sound like great lads though, would go out for a crawl with them.
He'll be the guy that goes around commenting on how shit everything that people enjoy is while laughing only to themselves while shitposting on Sup Forums, /jp/, or /cgl/ about how shit it all is
We'd get blasted and watch KLK.
We also all watched NGE together for the first time, EOE was fucking surreal.
We finished EOE at 2AM, they had practice at 6AM
He won't be on a convention
Must've needed a fucking nasty refresher session after that, can't imagine footy after Eva.
Me and my mate watched Mayoiga after a good couple liters of beer and cider, warmly recommend anybody to try that if they get the chance.
>blog thread
I went to two back when I was in a relationship.
- Walking through the room with all the fanart
- Seeing all the people in costume
Cons (heh):
- Spending all day on your feet
- Expensive as hell
- Panels are borderline pointless
- Lots of crossover with the cartoon, comic, superhero, and sci-fi crowd (may not be a negative for everyone)
I don't regret going, but I don't intend to go to another one.
The only reason to go to a convention is either a) if there's a person from the industry that you must see no matter what or b) you already have friends and want to act like degenerates in a setting with anime/manga.
No, I don't see the point of going somewhere to be surrounded by nerds and attention whores. I'd rather just enjoy anime in the privacy of my own home and if I ever must talk about it, do it somewhere like 4fags.
mot blammed that before he died though.
There was a lot of forum reading and discussion
And that general post-eva depression thing
I miss those boys, my flatmate now is an animal and has no interests besides destroying the place and coming in at 4AM with his obnoxious gf
>I don't see the point of going somewhere to be surrounded by nerds and attention whores.
mate that's basically Sup Forums but you everyone's behind a monitor.
If you ever happen through Sheffield I'll take you out for a pint, there's nothing worse than having shit flatmates.
We need some way to identify Sup Forumsnons in conventions. Reddit has Narwhal, what do we have?
Nothing because anons don't go to conventions.
I from London originally, living in America now, I'll be visiting family some time soon.
>People talking about their relationships and their friends
This is absolute pure cancer, just go to r/anime if you're a normalfag, you'll have more fun