Let's put it to vote
I couldn't think of puns for a couple of names
Other urls found in this thread:
>using strawpoll instead of poal.me
You still voted for Mickey though
Witth 20 votes cast, Vitya has almost 50% of the votes with 9
Piggy is second with 6
Phichit has 2
There are a few stragglers and a Cao Bin hanging on at 1 each
Should we just call it now?
So did anyone watch Love on Ice?
Why is he so perfect? I hope all of the season 2 budget goes to him again.
>Not posting Vicky Minaj
>Yuri on Ice
>It's actually yaoi
I'm gonna miss you /yoi/
That ass is out of this world
Victor is such a gorgeous man
How many times did Yuuri jack off to those posters and the mental images of him in the onsen?
I did. There wasn't as many similarities as I expected, it was disappointing. Boring as fuck too, but that was a given.
So long as we see more of that glorious ass, though I wish we'd see piggy's ass.
It was kind of cute, the main couple didn't even kiss until the final scene. Nothing to write home about.
Whenever this is posted I smile so much
Victor looks like a little bean, it's just so cute
Me too
Does anyone have the mountain thread collage? I want it
Show's over. Stop with the generals already you circlejerk.
Why do you care
>(You)s littered throughout the cap
I hate this
What do you think caused Yakov and Lillya's split?
Lilia's affair with Minako. Yuri!!! on Floors.
what if dedushka and yakov were a thing back in the day
Is this how Fairy managed to get skating lessons despite being poor?
In exchange for expensive lessons Yakov had Dedushka satisfy his wife Lilia as due to doping in his youth Yakov has erectile dysfunction. Yet in the end, nothing could save his marriage.
Still turns out Yurio can skate worth a damn so hey, keeping him.
I do have to wonder what happened to Yurio's dad, deadbeat?
Plushenko hates his anime son for some reason
he molested yurio therefore he isn't allowed to see him anymore.
>6 votes for JJ
Who did he blow this time?
Why are JJ's blowjobs so powerful?
>that phichit/yuuri fanart is based off a fanfic
Wowie, going to fap good tonight.
>no Makkachin
Fucking hell, this is everything I ever wanted
there's a victor/yurio doujin on panda
They're sure on a roll, I had just checked it the other day.
Reminder that Makkachin loves Victor and Yuuri unconditionally
>wanna check doujin, too lazy to go pc
>sadpanda mobile isn't installing
That dog is going to be beyond spoiled.
>sadpanda mobile
that exists?
Yeah but doesn't work anymore, editing about:config does nothing because it's outdated itself
wtf is this cunt going on about
Kek, this always happens, whnever there's a gay anime airing people find ways to shit on it, even ~lgbt~ allies.
Look I'd like some kiss kiss too but Jesus wept.
gay otaku loved kubos statement, so some salty fags = everyone?
Stop the presses, people are retarded. Seriously though, I don't understand what they want at this point. I'm so glad I don't live in the progressive West and so I don't need to deal with these people.
>wtf is this cunt going on about
Nothing important. Let's talk about more important things
that's buttblasted tranny that's mad that people didn't pay attention to flip floppers
Oh look, it's a retard. How novel.
Anyway, Otabek is fucking beautiful.
Too long to read, but she's wrong about a lot of things. And I'm pretty sure YOI's preorders didn't start to explode until after ep. 7, so yes it was an unexpected hit. They didn't know from the start it would turn out like it did.
Do we have any sources that tells us gay/bi men in japan hated this anime? I read they were okay with it.
What I would give for a Otabek/Victor/Micky threesome doujin
Not interested unless it's Yurio/Victor
it ends up with yurio/victor at the end best part of the dj for me
Sjws always move goalposts and nothing ever satisfies them unless it fits their personal agenda. I saw one saying that we should hate johnny weir because he said some racist thing years ago or whatever, you'd think that they'd be okay with him talking about homophobia in the skating world and how it pertains to him but since they just wanna hate yoi for whatever reasons they ignore their pet causes to find something "problematic". There is no reasoning with them at all.
this image does things to me though
link? I'm having trouble finding it
What'd he even say?
i tried looking it up myself and i didn't find anything either, wouldn't be surprised if they made it up or exaggerated. either way, even if he did say it, it doesn't take away from the fact that his perspective on yoi and how it relates to him as a gay skater.
kek, i misfired, sorry.
But why she considers the criticism of japanese gays who didn't like it more valid vs the ones who did? If the big mayority didn't like I would see her point, but...
For some reason this is common among tumblrinas. They conveniently ignore minorities who are fine with something in favor of ones who aren't, because the ones who are fine with something "problematic" don't fit their perception of what a perfect minority is.
What the fuck is Kubo tweeting about Yuuri and why everyone is crying in the replies
Some Japanese twitter user's 3 year old sister drew Yuri on Ice's cast. Behold.
Looks too good for 3 years old (but I judge by nieces, maybe Nip toddlers are more talented)
>that rendition of the rainbow costume
With talent like this, she'll be storyboarding gay anime for us in the future.
Wait, did the three year old also write their names? If so, that's seriously impressive.
Tumlbrinas' idea of logic is "if it angers even one member of a minority, it must be destroyed and/or slandered because their feelings matter. Nevermind if many of them enjoy it."
Kek, I don't know why it made me laugh so much.
She got JJ's kanojo completely wrong. What a fuck-up.
Baldfat arguing over hugging?
We have a discord chat guys?
Nah, that was probably the onee-chan.
Chris' is labeled as "Ass Man" with his name also below in the parenthesis. Kek.
Translate please?
No. Yuuri looks too young and my beautiful gay princess Vitya looks like a scary old man. Stop.
What's Shinji Ikari doing there
He is an old man, he is also bald.
The rule of only one YoI boy looking good strikes again.
Sometimes I think people are too hard on the official art but I really can't deny that Yuuri looks like a 12 year old boy who is being molested by Old Man Victor down the road who comes over for tea on Saturdays
Why does Yurio always manage to look good in almost all promo/mag art?
Now I can lay my hands on Yuuri's waist
because most of his face is usually covered
Victor & Yuuri look more pressed together here, good.
who is this creepy old guy with a bad hairline.
>some unimportant and stupid woman sperging about representation and lgbt activism because of an anime
>her monologue is full of claims without sources and "if I say so I'm right and you're wrong and problematic"
>turns out to be a western straight guy who pretends to be a woman
Why is it always the same shit? It's just a Japanese cartoon, there's nothing more to it.