
Happened? Didn't happen?
Either way, Hitler didn't kill enough Jews

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>False flag

A false flag means that it happened but it was done or orchestrated by a different group than the one everyone thinks it was.

The Holocaust was a false flag. It happened and 5.8 million Communist/Globalist Jews were killed, but it was the Zionist Jews who were behind it, so they could appease Moloch as well as get international sympathy.

happened, and the Nazis were proud of doing it/ Obviously. I just do not get why anyone denies it. What they should be doing is also emphasizing the other ten million or so that the Nazis also killed - and the slaves they took from France for instance, and worked to death. Or the fact that the Hungarians and Romanians and the Yugoslavs did about 2 million of the jewish killings without German help, or the other million or so killed in estonia down to Crimea that the locals killed with Nazi oversight, but that germans did not actually have to collect the jews or kill them.

give credit where it is due - Hitler and his thugs killed millions. why deny it?

the holocaust is defined as six million jews being gassed by insect repellent and obviously that didn't happen but holocaust denial is a dead end subject in politics obviously

is this the time that shills come out, really need to record this shit

it shouldve happened. yet it didnt happen

numbers are vastly overestimated. Hitler's Nazi party originally wanted to just be rid of the jews, but no one would take them. After the hatred boiled for too long, I wouldn't be surprised to find out systemic, violent mistreatment of the jews really became a thing. The biggest killers were disease and most of the jews claimed dead never existed. Its a part of a larger claim to make Europe Jewish, by cementing Germany as a land, that in some part, and in the future will wholly, have belonged to Jews. The jews want germany, and the german identity, because german history is triumphant and amazing to a jew who only knows failure. The Germans have everything from Otto to Gaiseric, whilst being an underdog, traditionally landlocked tribe.

Only way to save shitskins from the coming purge is to apply CRISPR.

He didnt kill Jews nor did holocaust happen.

He didnt kill Jews nor did holocaust happen, all of it was made up only criminals communists enemies of the state were sent to concentration camps, rest left from.boycotts or if married just lived normally through war.

All of it was made up atrocity propaganda.

I've seen this shit by so many idiots over and over again. No the holocaust doesn't mean 6 million jews got GASSED it means 6 millions jews got killed, the estimate of death by gassings is around 3 mil. and I am quoting wikipedia not some storm meme

Prove it.

no the holocaust is not (by any historian and by any Jewish historian) defined in that way. No historian, and no serious jewish person has ever claimed that six million were all gassed.

that is a lie made up by Holocaust deniers to try to trivialize it - because they know it is a lie, so they can point out it is a lie and pretend that the killings never took place at all.

it is a straw man of the worst sort.


What is the Haavara Agreement?

this much fail in one post. Wow.

american education has really fallen off.

Why are you not asking /his/?

I pity you.

trying so hard to swallow lies.

How can you prove 12 million murdered and why 12 million?

I just quoted the current consensus among historians, so asking me to prove it is pointless, you obviously don't trust academics who have spent their whole lives on this topic so how could i ever convince you otherwise?

No idea, wasn't there. Sounds like it did. Sure gets a lot of ((coverage)) though, there were many other atrocities in and after WW2.

You are the liar, NSDAP had no murderous intentions for Jews.

prove that the definition of Holocaust is not 6 million got gassed? Easy, read any account of the holocaust and see that the claim is millions were shot or worked to death and starved, beaten, crowded in unsanitary conditions and left to die, marched through snow, strangled, given morphine,drowned, raped, tortured, hanged, electrocuted, killed in dozens of different ways.

but if you had any historical understanding you would know that already. Really, try reading something about it - it is common knowledge.

Concensus is not an argument, why 12 million? And why 6 million Jews?

Prove 12 million were murdered, are there eye witnesses of 12 million murders?

something that did not pan out in the chaos of war.

what is the Wannsee Protocol?

those are the estimates for the deaths caused by the war by German forces.

Can you prove 12 million?
Why specidically 12 million and not 11 million?

>oy gevalt how dare you question how many died in the holocaust. you think only 600k jews were manually murdered by nazis? it was an unquestionable 6 million hands down.
>wow you really think that many died in the bombing of dresden goy? what are you stupid? only 2000 of the population died even though there were 1.2 million in the city. also how dare you say the firebombs were designed to make them suffer unnecessarily, that's just hateful of you to suggest that

The holocaust didnt happen, but kind of did. The holocaust isnt the 6 gorillion (((jews))) that died in concentrationcamps. Those (((jews))) are merely imposters. The real jews are the white people, their deaths, wether in battle or in the eisenhauer deathcamps, is the real holocaust where the real jews died.

>Polish military officers executed by the Soviet NKVD in the Katyn massacre, exhumation photo taken by the Polish Red Cross delegation in 1943.
But these were initially blamed on the Nazis. What else was a lie?

prove the titanic sank. Are there eyewitnesses?

but you could ask Oskar Groening about Auschwitz.

prove that the World Trade Center fell. produce me an eyewitness that was not a government shill. fake news, fake history.

give it sixty years and there will be people saying that.

sorry but upping the burden of proof, adn simply ignoring the historical accounts fo the time and the well documented (by tthe nazis as well as others) activity, and the well documented demographic data, is not an argument.

it is just being a dick

What is supposed to be this argument? Because that's the most accurate estimate according to historians who researched the topic? That's like seeing the death toll for WW1 and going "Woah 41 million? Are there any eye witnesses who can confirm this? Why 41 and not 42 million?"



>12 million were murdered becauseb12 million were murdered because historians say 12 million were murdered well only 12 million murdered historians othee historians are neo nazis and dont count

Can you prove a million turned out for Obama's inaugeration? why specifically that number? could it have been 900,000? or 900,001? give me proof that anyone was there at all!

estimates are estimates - no one knows the exact number, but it is reasonable to estimate given the extensive work to make those estimates as accurate as possible.

but if you have a better estimate, and a better historical source to support it, please share.

It didn't happen but it should have happened.

well, the official estimated jewish deaths at auschwitz went from 4million to 1million...yet we're still told 6million jews were exterminated by nazis...that number never changes, why?

Didn't happen, logistically impossible (where's the coal/wood trains and massive clear cutting, where are the massive graves)

There was no evidence of 12 million murdered in camps and since there was no evidence for this dabricated fantasy they claimed 12 million were cremated in 5 years, which accounts to 12 cremated per cremator per 24 hours.365.5 =21,900 per cremator in 5 years.

>they stuffed more than one
It might not even cremate with the energy equalized in 2 corpses.

I am not sure where you get the low figure for Dresden from - some idiot denier perhaps.
I believe the latest estimate is 25,000 (12.5 times the figure you give)


you really need to do some reading of history.

also, what has the number killed in a single British bombing raid on a single German town got to do with the number of jews killed by Romanian police?


The only thing I don't believe about the Holocaust is that it only happened once

Let's archive that

yes, initially, and then quickly established as a soviet lie - yes. So what has this to do with the estimates that now leave out those deaths?

this is how history works - but one of the things you seem to forget are the accounts by the nazis themselves that claim millions of jews, and millions of slavs (soviet prisoners of war, and just poles and ukrainians etc who they murdered in a burnt earth strategy)

the Nazis happily confessed to this stuff - Hoss, the Auscwitz commander estimated over a million died there.

The retarded overblown figures written in plagues by the soviets were never taken seriously by mainstream historians. As early as the 1950s, Raul Hillberg estimated 1.1 million Jewish deaths in Auschwitz. And again I'm quoting wikipedia, if you really care about this stuff why don't you go and read it yourself instead of making me research obvious shit like this? Are you going to drop that point now that I debunked it or are you still going to spout the same shit like a broken record in a few days?

>they had open fire pits
Open fire cremation requires 1,400 logs and 6 hours of cremation per corpse, stuffing two corpses in same area will not distribute equal base heat to both but equalize energy and half to both.

>but if you have a better estimate, and a better historical source to support it, please share.
Except these numbers are based on NOTHING concrete besides survivor (read:biased) conjecture. They can't even find any official documentation that killing Jews was ever ordered, much less the original intention. You're full of fucking shit.

>sophomore year of high school
>walk into English class on the first day
>Hebrew is on the board greeting us instead of English
>first lesson we have is something about 9/11
>half of the year is taken up by Holocaust literature
>spends a week teaching us Hebrew instead of English
One of my first red pills is when I told him Marry Christmas one day and he glared at me like I kicked his dog


Merry Christmas

My grandfather was a guard at Nuremberg and at the end of his life he was saying how they tortured the Nazis for false confessions. He never talked about it before, I’m assuming because he felt like shit for being a part of it. Didn’t happen.

nice deflection, I'm talking simple math
why aren't we talking about the 3million jewish deaths?
why is it always 6million? no matter how the numbers at each of the camps change, the overall estimate is 6million, why does THAT number never change?

1> no one claims 12 million were killed in concentration camps.

2> No one claims 12 million were cemated

3> you have not looked at teh capacity of an industrial crematorium for disposing of animal carcases, have you (po tip, you can burn more than one at a time)

3> mass cremations were done in open pits, with railway sleepers to forma grill, bodies stacked with wood and waste fuel (all this is documented) if you don't beleive it would work look at youtube footage of the disposal of dead cows after the cull for mad cow disease in the UK - piles of burning carcasses, largely self fueling once it get hot enough.

you are bringing ignorance of a deep kind to this discussion.

You didn't get it. The 6 million figure never took into account the soviet estimates, no historian did, they used the 1.1 million figure from the get go.

>some idiot denier perhaps
that was the joke

>1,400 logs
who wrote this bollocks?

I could build a fucking house with that many logs - you think it takes that much to burn one emaciated corpse? fuck off with this nonsense.

What the merchants want you to think

>germans gassed 6 million jews in death camps on polish soil

What actually happened

>jews told the polish they'd pay them 6 million shekel to make up a german invasion on their soil, but didn't pay so the poles put on german uniforms and gassed six million jews on german soil and the jews blamed it on us

prove it
should be easy
how many died at each camp?
does it add up to 6 million?

Here you go friend
And no, it doesn't add up to 6 million because no historian claims 6 million jews died in nazi camps, that's a strawman stormfags like to use

oh, and I want historical numbers vs the numbers we use today
I want to see that no matter how the estimates in each camp change, the overall jewish death toll always equals 6million
I want to see how those numbers add up
should be easy info to find, right?

wiki is not an acceptable source
not for anything, ever....good lord, are you 12?

>Except these numbers are based on documented evidence of the transport of hundreds of thousands of people by rail, the evidence of the pre war populations for the ukraine and other countries and the post war ones, the eyewitness reports and the german army Einsatzgruppen reports of mass killings in every town and village in the ukraine, the diaries of the camp commandants and the paperwork relating to them, and the estimate given by Himmler to Hitler. You're full of fucking shit.

> They can't even find any official documentation that killing Jews was ever ordered, much less the original intention.

Yeah and there is no piece of paper signed by Trump saying that he intended to set up Trump University as a fraud, so that didn't happen either.

You expect every single inciminating piece of parer to have been preserved? Not shreded, burned or just lost int eh chaos fo teh fall of the regime?

they are still sorting through some of the paperwork, still finding documents that were unknown for eighty years. It might turn up yet.



yes, but the number of missing has not changed. We know have a better understanding of the system than we had then - we now know that millions were killed in the field, or killed in labour camps, or marched to death. that there were killing centres all over the east.

Why 4 to 1 and why not to 0?

There are these little blue numbers on the right side next to every death toll and if you click them it provides you with the source that wikipedia used believe it or not! Thank me later stormies

>even longer if body was larger

That's actually a dumb statement. Wikipedia not only is a great source, it provides tons of sources where it got its information from. I don't think 6 million Jews did in the Holocaust either, but that is a retarded argument.

so this is talking about a viking style ship burial with the ship set on fire - so it only produces low temperature fire because it is "over water"

Have you ever left a pot on the stove with a chicken carcass to make stock and forgotten about it? low heat, to just simmer, and go out and forget it until you get home four hours later - the house filled with horrible smelling oily smoke, the pot dry, the carcass reduced to sticky char and a few boney splinters?

it does not take 1.400 logs to cremate a single person, and with accelerant to cremate a pile of people, not so hard.

No 12 million corpses in rivers, no 12 million in sea, no 12 million in ground, NO HOLOCAUST.

because 0 is a lie.

you seriously think that not a single jewish person died at Auschwitz, at any of the three main camps ans the twenty odd other labour camps? that the nazis were lying when they reported the deaths?

you really are something deeply twisted.

Would never ever cremate, you cremate you need 1400f over 6 hours and to reach this temoerature and length if time you need 1400 logs, more mass = more time and more logs, with energy halved to both, might nit even get hit enough to cremate, show me IN THE WORLD teo corpses being cremated together.

your "source" states 3.3million estimated deaths, total in all the camps
that's not 6 million dead jews
source for 6 million dead jews please

Do I think in French prisons not a singke was murdered?
Generally yes.

wiki isn't considered a reliable source for any academic work, as it is easily edited
sorry for your feelings, but wiki isn't a source

There is none, just "accepted academia" whos source is "accepted academia".

I've seen 100s of cattle cremated in open pits, just takes time and the bodies provide a fair bit of fuel once the liquid evaporates. You're talking ut your arse.

You need 1400 logs per corpse and 6 hours per cremation in open air, Physics dobt change or lie, people do.

you really are not seriously claiming this? how about the 420,000 American deaths int eh war? can you show me all their graves? all the bodies? can you get me an eyewitness for every one of those deaths?

Not in the rivers, not in the sea, not in the ground - No american died in the war!

Of course the graveyard in Belfast (myhometown) where the people killed in the blitz are buried, they count towards the 12 million. I will give you that as a start, (just over a thousand dead) you can find probably a few million more on your own.

Show it to me.

For something as big as a topic as the Holocaust, it can't be edited so easily and not fixed. The reason it is such a great source is that is pulls together like 20 other reliable sources.
No, you wouldn't use this in a classroom- you would use the sources that wikipedia provides instead. That doesn't mean wikipedia isn't trustworthy.

Yes I can.
These are 5,000 in luxembourg.

It's easily believable that a certain that a big number like 420,000 people died in a war because it was simply a war. 6 million being killed in 6 death camps can raise some questions. Especially when half of those deaths were gassings.

Normandy graves.

How does Sup Forums explain the mass graves at Belzec?

Italy American graves where Americans died

All of these people have birth date date of death, enlistment and corpse matching their dna.

I should ignore these dead for a fantasy Jew number?
If you arent emotional about Jews taling spotlight for their lies ocer these AMERICAN graves then you are a disgrace.

10,489 American corpses lie in eastetn France.


Lorraine American cementary of actual dead people, endless fields of 10,489 corpsed.

Who is this person who claims 6 million people got killed in 6 death camps holy shit the autism
You can read it yourself I'm not going to quote paragraphs of text. The Einsatzgruppen (nazi death squads) death toll alone is around 2 million, then there's pogroms, forced euthanasia, gas vans, casualties during the war, which all sum up to a 5-6 million figure that is the current estimate. Read this en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Holocaust and if you find anything you disagree with feel free to reply to me, no strawmans this time pls

Where are the murder corpses?

where do you get the 1400 logs number from?

why not 1? or 0?

ok I will say this again slowly.

No one claims all six million were killed in camps

no one


Hey dumbass you know why these people have graves? Because their corpses didn't get involuntarily cremated and get their ashes scattered in a river or used as fertilizer. Sadly I have to go to uni so I won't be continuing this fruitful discussion unless this thread manages to stay up, have fun

Belzec has many. Mass graves were found

France acknowledges that jews, and communists and partisans and others, were murdered by the Germans in France.

there are little monuments all over the country to people murdered at the side of the road.

Humanism got killed in WW1 FFS, humanists need to get over it or get beheaded.