The absolute state of white women

>The absolute state of white women

This is why I date Asian and Eastern European women.

An art history major in the wild.

I also wondered if you can fry pork on a hot rock

More like 54% american women

Didn't think Hippos lived in the dessert

>white woman
>last name "Aguilar"

This is why I date Eastern European men.

>New Mexico
ok mang

I will call it, "The stranded whale"

I would give this art project a 56/100

Someone save that lost whale before she dries fully out!

This is why i date black guys..

Beached whales aren't a joke OP. We need to protect our marine life.

Jesus Christ her belly rolls literally make the fucking shape of the McDonalds arches I'm fucking dying

Modern art is just one big in-joke right?

That poor boulder. . .

It's grazing


does she come with 6 tits?

Eh, not flabby enough. Could be better, desu. 5/10.


>4 boulders in their natural habitat

How is Aguilar a white name?

I though the New Yorker was for the coastal elite?


>white women
>aguilar last name
until you prove she married a spic, im going to assume shes not white and not care at all. nice try, jews

You didnt watch Assassins Creed?


Modern art was a mistake

lmao based canadian

In the dry desert outskirt of Mexico, our team of expert biologists and geologists found a strange guest lying in the sand.

Under normal cirumstances, Homo Corpulentus (a genetically degenerate off-shoot of humanity) are not found in areas like these, due to the lack off available food.

We gathered our team to take a closer look, making sure to bring our cameramen with us.

It is possible that the specimen had simply wandered off in search of food. The posture suggests it has given up and is preparing to die. A similar behaviour is found in beached Whales, who will wash ashore and lie there until dead. A remarkable discovery, but unfortunately the putrid smell from the decaying fat layers soon sent us on our way.

Here is the real tweet





>this thing


god, fat people who aren't me are disgusting


Thats proably her mexi husbands name



Nice try Miramax, but I'm sick of reboots and no amount of clever viral marketing is going to get my hyped for a remake of the blob.

As an american i've written off all white women in this fucking shithole. If i ever move to europe i'll change that though



I love you


Brown hair and easily tanable skin.
She's a fat beaner bitch.

>Aguilar, whose career retrospective, “Laura Aguilar: Show and Tell,” is on display now at the Vincent Price Art Museum, in Los Angeles, was born in California in 1959, the child of a Mexican-American father and a Mexican-Irish mother.

She's a potato spic

>yfw hippie levels of liberal but still think about gas when witnessing land whales.


danke mein freund



kind of reminds me of Salvador Dali's The Persistence Of Memory.

What does this have to do with white women? All I see is a part of the American land made of corn syrup.

Koju pičku materinu sam ja to upravo pročitao

She's not white
You can tell by her Goblin hands, skin tone, and name

Fuck forgot the pic

this thread is just a repackaged thread.
in last thread I pegged it as a "giant.....albino.....desert....rock....toad"

Jesus the new yorker is such a fucking rag now.



Oh man, this will be another side-killing thread

Was it funnier in the last thread?

>new mexico


the glorious anglo-aryan name of Aguilar


>Jesus the new yorker is such a fucking rag now.

Have you been in cryostasis or something? As far back as I can remember, the New Yorker has been utter garbage. Even when they're not running some bullshit jewish propaganda, all their articles are still so smug, pretentious, and full of themselves.

Top kek

a fat chick sitting naked in front of a rock reminds you of that?
this is exactly what the jews want

the dog lives with it?

even when they're not jewish, they're new england

lol yes I'm being honest. I had to search for the picture and download it so I'm sure that I didn't prepare it/fake what it reminded me of.

I wouldn't say that. There are still good people up there, and NYC isn't new england. It's just that even when they're not being full-on kikery, they're still peak urbanite bugman

Is this image meant to convey some kind of message about whales dying on the beaches?

>British royal


Nope those inside are the only ones taking it seriously.

Thats what i call a landwhale

at first, I was like
>Thats a painting? That's actually imrpessive
Then I looked harder and was like
>Photography really was the end of art. God damn you older art teachers...

More like absolute state of amerisharts


Argentina confirmed for WHITE


Looks like a literal beached whale in the desert!

I think he means everything looks sort of too heavy for its own form to hold. Everything in sloughing off towards the ground.

Not that its high art.

Glad the hippopotamus reintroduction is going well.

>United Stains of Shartmerica


When the Fat Rolls are larger than the Tits



why does this exist?

i want this to go away.

go away, please.


underrated kek

ty for making me laugh, glorious burger

This is my fetish now.

>The absolute state of white women
That poor dog.

Why did you even bother to do this?

>tfw mummy wont let you untether yer rage

>fat beaner goblin roasts itself on a fucking rock


>the jew yorker