Videl is objectively the best girl and wife
You can't argue with this after the last episode
Dragon Ball
>not superior Cocoa
Dear Diary,
Today OP was a faggot
I put pineapple on my pizza becuase it IS a normal topping.
>moe idol shit
Cocoa is a gold-digging bitch
You're a cuck if you can't see this.
>you'll never marry a childhood friend like you met in school or your bonding in high school years.....,,well Gohan didn't really have a childhood did he? I'll shut up.
where to watch dub super?
he had a colourful childhood.
in Namek.
Cocoa is a pure waifu attracted to Gohan's golden heart of justice
I'm also gonna assume there's some shit like when she was younger Great Saiyaman saved her in the few weeks he was active
Yeah totally wrong archetype with Videl. She is more the natural life cycle of the tomboy.
It's not a childhood friend if you met them in high school.
of course Sup Forums would prefer idolshit to a mature grown woman who loves her husband after years of knowing each other
So you had the living embodiment of /r9k/ and Sup Forums running rampant in Trunks' timeline.
Once fused together, they became reddit.
>Followed Bulma and Gohan and hid behind the door
>When Bulma finishes talking she looks to the side while sipping on her cum-bottle planning/thinking up something
>She does that moe "Smile" shit since one of the first skills women use on men is seduction
Yeah you're a cuck.
Well, no, in this case Videl is a cuckquean
I'm not in dragonball super.
for gohan to marry his childhood friend limits him to about piccolo, dende, or krillin
Do you think they roleplay as the great saiyaman/girl while in bed?
why isn't there a doujin of this, fuck.
memes aside, Zamasu was really a good villain with the best voice-acting
>dubfags will miss out on SON GOKUAAAAAA and MATA KISAMA KA TURANKSU?!
sucks to be them
Well now you know Cocoa for who she really is.
Videl is too fucking based.
Scarz needs to jump on the GohanxVidelxCocoa.
Are there any megas or links to the first episode of the dub?
>best wife
That's a strange way of spelling 18.
>well Gohan didn't really have a childhood did he?
He did, but he spent it getting the crap beat out of him by his uncle, by Piccolo, by Nappa, by Vegeta, by the Ginyu, by Frieza and by Cell.
And his only friends growing up were a demon slug man that once said pic related and his dad's 26 year old midget friend.
>Last thread reached over 100 IPs
Truly we have to thank /ourguy/, Gohan.
so like how legal is it to make a movie about a currently living vigilante without getting any rights from him?
>Drags him to an empty room twice.
>Even when she knows he is married and has children
total slut.
>Gohan and Videl saved us from manga vs anime autism
best family
and dubfags in all honesty, since it was both kai final chapters and super's burger release
He definitely banged himself. I just think of that whenever I look at him.
What's your opinion on Whis, Sup Forums?
cutest boy
I don't think fruit people have reproductive organs or can even fornicate consider that, you know, they are born from fruits
about 10 or more of those IPs were me
I enjoy the sub AND the dub after Kai, surely that's really not that rare?
Friendly reminder:
-Multiverse Bra is cancer. We don't need Super to make her into some tryhard Pan reject.
-Yes, the dub premiered. Whether you like it or not is fine, but everyone here has been accustomed to Masako and understands how talented she is.
-Powerlevelfaggotry is stupid and you're stupid for discussing it. Roshi/Tenshinhan/Krillin/17 will be as strong as the plot demands them to be.
That is all.
>Never forget that Zamasu has undressed Goku before
i once jacked off to him without knowing it was a dude
I don't regret it honestly, it was hot
There was also dubbed Super and Buu Kai, that's why there were more people.
They spread their seeds on eachother
>Powerlevelfaggotry for the early arcs of the Anime is stupid and you're stupid for discussing it.
never said anything to the contrary, the increase in traffic just makes sense since not only the new series but a long withheld season of the last series both aired at once
I like both dubs but there's absolutely no way Funimation will top based Miki's perfomance as Zamasu
Like seriously, who could be a good English Zamasu that compares to or tops Miki?
Question: If saiyans are a mostly dead race with nothing but males left, and it's been shown that their race can not only breed with humans, but their kids also retain their power via bloodline, wouldn't it make sense for them to try and restart their race in a more timely manner on earth by fucking everything that isn't nailed down?
He was the perfect Zamasu.
Don't act so poor, user. Fake it til you fuck it.
How powerful is Zeno? Is he essentially the creator god?
Looking forward to next week
Blonde douche gets taken over by baby and gets super strong. Also he kidnaps Pan and also hopefully Videl
Meanwhile Gohan and Cocoa are "rehearsing"
Goku's body took both fists
I reiterate: If Roshi/Tenshinhan/Krillin/17 being in the tournament bothers you that much because of powerlevelfaggotry, you shouldn't be watching or reading Super.
nah, I bet there's someone higher than him
he was never addressed as the one who created everything
he's the creator of fucking everything
take a guess
He is the delet god.
Goku doesn't give a shit
and Vegeta probably doesn't now either
more like
>blonde douche gets taken over by Baby 2.0 and turns into Eis Shenron
his power level is zero because he can just "think" things out of existence ovious bait question REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
will roshi learn to fly already? i mean how hard could it be at this point every goddamn saiyan kid has been doing it since they were in diapers
I hope 17 goes full CYBORG and starts spouting machine guns and missile pods
No he is the king of everything, he can erase existence on a whim but he can't create or at least hasn't shown to, probably he has an equivalent counterpart who creates.
He's the Absolute God of Destruction. It will soon be reveled that he has a older brother that is the Absolute God of Creation.
>people here actually want Gohan to cuck his cute wife who clearly fucking loves him for some moe idol slut
goddamnit Sup Forums
So lewd.
You don't?
Doujin when
goku would never give a shit about the saiyans since he's an earthling first and foremost (and chichi is scary as fuck), and vegeta kind of stopped giving a shit a while ago (he fucking iced nappa for no reason) and he loves bulma too much
also that's exactly what happens in DBO/XV, but slower, eventually even distant descendants of the son and briefs families have a chance of growing tails and going SSJ
there could very well be female saiyans, nothings stopping the showrunners from pulling more tarble tier asspulls except toriyama's fear of girls
Saiyan males actually like being dominated confirmed?
Post your Universe Survival predictions?
What the fuck is that OC on the left supposed to be?
Cynthia Cranz sounds so old now...
>Videl is objectively the best girl and wife
>best wife
Well when your only competition is 18, Chi-Chi, and Bulma it's not like that's much of an accomplishment.
That dragon thing at the top would be a cool design for Dragon God Zalama
Wonder when the fuck he's gonna be introduced
U7 arrives late
Beerus is confident and layed back
U6 gets destroyed
Beerus flips and it gets serious
Most universes will have 2 strong guys and a lot of gimicy guys
You really think that looks cool?
17's adorabu park family
17 and krillin bants
roshi goes BUFF again and wails on some low tier enemies before being outclassed super quick
gohan jobs
buu gets written out before even a tenth of the arc is through because they're too lazy to do anything cool with him anymore
tien KIKOHOs the fuck out of some sod 10 times his powerlevel then gets knocked out of commission
When they released pictures of Cabba, I was really excited because I thought it was a girl.
But nope. Like why not? It could have easily been. I was so dissapointed
That's super saiyan 5
It's a humanoid Shenron, it's what I'd expect the ''Dragon God'' who created the Super Dragon Balls to look like
What did Sup Forums think of Gine?
I'm also talking about on a fuckable level.
disappointed* even
Cabbas family too
>mfw Goten and Trunks ask buu to absorb them so that they can help in the tournament
prehensile tails+stronk+spikey hair = maximum fuckable, all saiyans are perfect fucking material
Why the surprise? Gohanfags live frustrated because they hate his character but love his powerlevel and potential.
They know Gohan could be a chad and the strongest if he wanted but he chooses not to and that fucks up their fantasies.
She's an 8/10 would buy meat from
so what did everyone think of the dub?
What's happening? Is my nigga Gohan finally uncucked?
the entire tournament derails because the Grand Priest has some master keikaku to overthrow the Zenos
he's not even evil or anything, he simply thinks Zeno is too trigger-happy to have all that power, shown by how he's willing to erase pentallion of lives over a dumb tournament
he's also vengeful for the death of his six children when Zeno erased those six universes
it'll be interesting because angels are supposed to be neutral and yet we'll see them actually show emotion
Cynthia Cranz and Kara Edwards are way too old to voice their characters now.
Why would an Piccolo, a guy with no dick who spits out eggs, care about saiyan relationships?
way too early to tell on super, a couple VAs sound off, but schemmel is schemmel and sabat is sabat so they're all good
presumably it's gonna be passable through U6, can't imagine anything going wrong, the real test will be goku black
>three filler episodes dedicated to him
>Videl being all over his dick in this last episode with some of her old fierce personality resurfacing
>next arc preview shows Gohan fighting with his orange gi
gee you think?
Super!Videl with Z!Videl's personality is best Videl
>tfw no hot teenage wife
Thanks. I don't follow this shit.
Guys it'll happen.
We did it, Brabros.
I ways always under the impression that Goku wasn't in LOVE with Chichi- he just loved her like a friend/family.
Considering how she roped him into that shit in DB. He didn't even know what marriage was.
Since he said that he's never even kissed her before, I feel like my impression may be right.
I reckon she turkey basted herself with his saiyan seed while he was sleeping to conceive Gohan and Goten. Probably why he felt not need to help raise them much, he doesn't know how they got there.
Saiyans don't really have the concept of ''family'' so Goku simply sees Chi-chi as a friend
Ironically that isn't the case for Vegeta who pretty much turned into a family man
For a second I thought you said Barbatos