Do anime fans actually like Steven Universe? Everytime I watch it, all I end up wanting to do is watch a good slice of life anime instead because this feels like such a watered down attempt at it.
Do anime fans actually like Steven Universe? Everytime I watch it...
>Show with so many anime references and homages it basically steals scenes from them
>Not allowed to talk about it on Sup Forums
Even Sup Forums has threads about Miyazaki now and then.
Yeah anime fans love it because of the AWESOME references
Those fans aren't here though
Fuck this show and it's "ugly on purpose" artstyle and fuck the faggots trying to ruin Sup Forums even harder by spamming it
Because Miyazaki isn't always cancerous garbage, you idiot.
It's an okay show.
Except Pearl, she's shit.
Steven Universe is more like a shoujo super hero show than a moe SoL. Do you even watch anime?
I don't watch western garbage like SU.
Why am I supposed to like a shitty SJW propaganda?
>Because Miyazaki isn't always cancerous garbage
Except when he opens his mouth.
Not Sup Forums related, check my numbers and fuck off.
I actually just finished watching it and I thought it was pretty good. But I think the reason I liked it was because it was an American cartoon that was slightly deeper than the basic cartoon. Anime is made for an audience outside of just kids so watching an regular cartoon bring something to the table that it usually doesn't was refreshing. But I also like avatar so what do I know
>it was an American cartoon that was slightly deeper than the basic cartoon
Steven Universe is made by and for emotionally crippled millennials
Steven Universe is actually better than most anime I've watched and I'm a hardcore anime fan.
It wasn't very good at either plot or SOL at first, but it really picked up steam when the green bitch became good. Currently better than most anime getting released now, but that's not saying much anyways. If only the gay pandering can fuck off.
You think anime has a cancerous fanbase?
You don't know anything about Steven Universe and other western fanbases.
I don't really get the SJW vibe from it. And trust me, I hate land whales
Not Sup Forums related.
Lurk at least two years before posting, newfriend.
If you're a hardcore anything fan, then most of that thing you've experienced are probably shit. So being better than most of them isn't impressive.
>I don't really get the SJW vibe from it.
The fact there isn't a single attractive female in the entire show isn't tipping you off? SU has two female bodytypes: Skinny teenaged boy and fatass
That's false, and you know it.
>tfw you are the only person in the world that still sages
Oh please, we're on a board devoted to cartoons. I love anime, but it's not like we visit art museums to think deeply about life. Get over yourself
I sage. And I know nothing about Steven Universe, but MLP's fanbase alone tips the scales. Literally no anime, not Madoka or Hetalia or ~2006 Naruto itself, has reached that degree of cancer.
>That's false
It isn't though, try going to the Sup Forums zoo once in a while and watch the dumb animals.
>Implying I don't have every post auto sahgay-ed
Why is this garbage thread still alive?
Because people like you keep posting in it.
Could literally reach page 10 in a few minutes if you just let it.
Mods are sleeping.
Since when does Sup Forums not love skinny teenage boy shaped girls?
We'll the art style doesn't really get me in the mood, so I guess I didn't really pay attention? And please, I was on a thread here earlier today that was talking about a weight gain fetish, and you're mocking SU for having fatties?
>a few minutes
user, it takes over an hour to reach page ten at this time.
Nigger this isn't Sup Forums, threads take at least 45 minutes to go to page ten at this time of night
Getting rid of visible sage is up there with the stupidest things moot ever did. We need to get Hiroshima to bring it back
>disregarding naruto despite being far more cancerous
>ignoring jojo
Yes I am
Not everyone on this board is the same person, quit trying to defend your crying breakfast friends
That's still an extremely short amount of time compared to most boards that aren't Sup Forums or Sup Forums where it can take days or a week for a thread to be archived.
God is this why people meme that it's an sjw show? Do you need to have fap material in everything? Christ.
This shows okay but I fear I've kind of grown out of watching western cartoons as often as I watch anime. Kind of bums me out.
Gookmoot is incapible of doing anything that doesn't line his pocket book. Maybe he'll bring back visible sage for Sup Forums gold users but no one else.
>far more cancerous than MLP
Nigger, MLP had to be banned from fucking Sup Forums.
Actually I was giving a rough estimate, it's closer to an hour and a half at this time of night according to the catalog.
>that's still really fast
Sup Forums is one of the top ten boards, of course it's going to be faster than /po/ or some other dead board.
He literally has to considering cancer like Sup Forums is continuously driving up the cost of maintaining this place. Why do you think Moot got out when he did
Why is Sup Forums so triggered by western cartoons?
The exact same reason the rec threads, literal Sup Forums thread, and other Sup Forums thread still exist. People are either not saging, not reporting, and the mods refuse to do their jobs. I've seen plenty of shit threads get archived over the past few days, it's almost ridiculous the level of faggotry that goes unchecked despite getting reported.
It's a coincidence that things got worse after modcat got himself shitcanned like an idiot.
Meant SU in particular, my bad
Sup Forums loves its rules. That doesn't mean Sup Forums hates western cartoons. It just means you are not supposed to discuss them here.
I can't really get in the defensive mood after that crying breakfast friends statemant made me laugh a little. I'm sure it wasn't intentional but thanks user
Jojo, Naruto, Bleach, Meduka, Fate, and Gintama's fanbases put together are still less cancerous than MLP's fanbase
Amazing what a visceral reaction the mere mention of SU produces here.
>It's a coincidence
I meant to say "it's not a coincidence".
Lol nobody likes SU except for . There is a reason why its known as the tumblr board.
It's just one guy who wasn't good enough to be a mod so he just rages in these threads because he doesn't know how to sage report hide
>>>Sup Forumsrules/1
Because the ultimate appeal of Sup Forums is fandom hipstery, and there is nothing more gay and oppositional to this than tumblr cartoons.
Are you actually fucking retarded or is the amount of cocks rammed in your head screwing with your basic mental capacities?
Don't believe his lies user. As that old saying goes "Don't let that gook make you a mook". They don't drive any cost up, he only makes more money every time those faggots get in the news and get newfags coming in here to click on his clickbait ads.
I'm not (I've watched a few in the past couple years but I've never hardcore followed them), but that's what Sup Forums is for.
> he doesn't know how to sage report hide
Wait, what? You have to post to sage. What the fuck are you even saying?
>nobody likes one of the most popular cartoons on the most popular cartoon channel
Okay lad
>being a stickler for the rules
Don't think one rule-breaking thread will kill you.
Sup Forums doesn't care about the rules or we'd never get lewdposting. We just want to keep Steven Universe's awful fanbase from getting comfortable here.
Which is too bad, because it's a good show. Like American Sailor Moon but better
Raging implies multiple unnecessary posts user.
>talk about Sup Forums garbage
>h-hehe why are you so mad Sup Forums?
Fuck this.
Repeating digits.
That's how it starts.
And a few years later no one even remembers a time before every thread violated the rules.
Because most modern western cartoons are fucking dogshit, if you want to discuss Русалка or an interesting western caroon some of the people with taste on this board might actually jump in and talk about it for a while, but if you want to discuss this ugly abortion for retarded cartoon network watching potheads you can go fuck yourself.
Someone is triggered.