What in the fuck is wrong with the female character designs from this show, they look COMPLETELY out of place

What in the fuck is wrong with the female character designs from this show, they look COMPLETELY out of place.


>loli soldier in WW1 setting
>out of place

The girl on the right is cute


Worst show of the season. You would expect a new studio to put effort in their first ani-

>ex-badhouse staff

You seriously never getting tired of this.

I for one love kek's new anime.

Indeed. These women should be being bred instead of fighting. Well, the military value of a patriotic loli S-class combat mage who the enemy designated THE DEVIL because she fucks shit up so hard is invaluable, and of course she's clearly not suited for birthing anyway, but that useless moeblob should definitely be knocked up back home instead of getting PTSD in the trenches.

I was thinking of watching this, since I like alt history settings.

But nope. Terribad character designs, annoying voice acting. Also, I hate the sort of sound design they went with for the action scenes (loads of clipping on loud noises for "extra impact").

Anyone have her with the crazy eyes?

I don't mind the designs that much anymore but it is kind of dumb that only the two main girls look that way in the sea of safe face men

My problem isn't with women on the battlefield. It's with the extremely contrasting designs of the female characters. They look extremely out of place when standing next to normal human characters, they look like fucking aliens!

Bad character design.
Shame aren't many good historical animes.

I don't like how the eyes look painted on. I don't mind big eyes, I read my fair share of bug eyes shoujo, I don't like how they look.

As you can see no one wanna reply to OP anymore, so he start using VPN to talk with himself.

This comment is sad. The fact that you actually think someone would do that is sad. You're literally a sad human being.

The brown haired girl is soo cute.

Get some English.

I like them, sure they do look a bit weird but I still find them nice.

I thoroughly enjoyed the episode, there is no more Jojo friday for a while, but this will have to take its place, at least for this season.

You're not allowed to like anime in this thread.

take that shit attitude to Sup Forums user.

>Get some English
Before you attempt to correct him, you should worry about yourself.

>attempt to correct him
>didn't correct anything
wew lad

This ugly bitch is ruining everything

>there is no more Jojo friday for a while
You know what, reading Youjo Senki thread is like watch live action JoJo, so nah you won't miss JoJo in this season.

Is she pouting?
Is her mouth full?
Is she fat?
Is she old as fuck?
Did the Nazis open the ark?

No, they don't, please stop this shit already.

Correct me if im wrong but isnt that kind of the joke? Isnt this why you watch shitty anime instead of reading a novel or something? Because its goofy and hilarious

I rarely do this but dropped after first ep.

It's just Sup Forums invading the threads, pay no attention to them.

she is eating something that tastes disgusting

>Sup Forums
You need to go back.

I want to see her choking on dick.

Here we fucking go again.

The kind of retarded shitposting in this threads is only comparable to a cesspool like Sup Forums.
So please stay there if you think otherwise.

Funny how you're the minority.

This show tries so hard it could be Sup Forums in animation form. It's also a major letdown; Just like Sup Forums in full form.

You know that place quite well, cross boarder. Stop talking about your board and go back.

le shitposting brigade is here again, last thread was comfy.


>n-no, you

I'm resigned to it. It isn't cookie cutter sameface #4538. It's not cute grill doing cute thing. It has some Sup Forums and /k/ undertone. It diverge from the LN and Manga design etc. No wonder it's shitpost magnet.


>mfw there won't be doujins of her

Is it comedy? If so that's fine.

Otherwise it's a clash of tone.

>no you
Are you talking about ?
You clearly went NO U there. Can you go back now?

Dats yo avredge afro-japnese mang. Did yo not kno baut yo herrtage?

It is not a comedy anime. It is an anime about war. Complete clash.

>wanting doujins of fish eyes.

Anyone else uncomfortable with the fact that our protagonist is LITERALLY Donald Trump?

>Used to be a business leader
>Knows how to make deals
>Allies with Pepe
>Has small hands
>Wants to make the Empire great again
>Eventually becomes the leader of the free world

But user she looks cute to me.
I want to see that qt potato face getting raped

This would actually make sense, if Trump predated Tanya. Now think about it Trump is literally Tanya
>Used to be a business leader
>Knows how to make deals
>Allies with Pepe
>Has small hands
>Wants to make the US great again
>Eventually becomes the leader of the free world

And who's supposed to be pepe?

It's black comedy show so yeah.



>it's this thread again

I wonder will the thread become a little better when episode 2 preview is out.
From the schedule i personally think there will be preview video release at Monday or Tuesday.

The more I see it, the less I hate it. Must be nostalgia.

I don't know if it's suppose to be a comedy but goddammit I laughed through all the first episode. It was too cheesy.

From the interview they label it as black comedy.

Would we like the show more if it was more like this in tone?

The more i see it, the more i want to fuck it. Must be shit taste

Its the style and size of their mouths.
If you shoop out the giant ass lips it doesnt look as bad.

This is the cancer that's killing anime.

Can you make the corporal's eyes sharper? That's my main problem with how she looks.

Tanya looks fine since beginning, you just made her worse.

At least they learned how large breasts actually work under clothing.

Any show would be better if it was like that in tone.

That's what you get with CANCER FEMALE DESIGNER.

>tfw everyone thinks you're a frog
feels bad man

She actually looks more appealing now.

Instantly 300% better

goddamit pepe

Chapter 8 manga translation when?


Next Saturday


Am i the only one who isn't bothered by duck lips?
It's better than side mouths.

Not really, in fact you're the majority.
It just a person that hates it and keep spamming while most people already focus on something else til next episode air, or at least if there is next episode preview.

lol you're so desperate for people to like the duck lips and weird ass character designs you've gone delusional. Guess what, you're the MINORITY, not the majority. Need proof? Look through the posts in this thread.

You thinking it's just one poster posting over and over again is you desperately trying to put to reason why people don't love your oh so shitty character designs.

That's just ironic shitposting.
Duck lips and pepe girl are cute.

Not this guy, but I can assure that most people doesn't hate Tanya's design. Visha's design on the other hand....well I got used to her, but I can understand that many people will have problems with that.

Duck lips are fine nerd. Grow up.

Why does she look like a nigger?

What the fuck did you just fucking said about me, you little bitch?

Anyone else find the series' seemingly pro-N*zi stance problematic?

Agreed. Just look at this monstrosity.

are you implying the nazis were wrong?

Really refreshing design, desu. I love the lips.

this shit makes me uncomfortable every time I see it


Jesus christ

>go to ann about this show
>enjoy all the uneducated fucks and become a beacon of knowledge blazing out across a black sea of ignorance.

Japan dick sucking the germans once again is getting a bit stale.
But I don't give a fuck, the laughable designs are overshadowing all of this.

She looks like a doll

>go to ann

it's fun messing around with self-proclaim weaboos.

Wanna kiss dose lips.