Our boy Gohan is back, 2017 will be a glorious year.
Dragon Ball Super
Daily reminder that the quality of the anime has vastly increased because of the new Dragon Ball Room department.
Shueisha/V-Jump is now credited as Planning Coordinators at the end credits.
fucking space criminal think it can deal with mystic Gohan lol
I hope his bangs return next arc when he powers up or transforms.
but he will job in the tournament
Superior thread here:
>don't need to worry about being harrassed into forced hand holding for being a Gohanfag
This will be a good year.
>best epiode so far
>it's a filler
Stop having thread wars fuckwit
Shueisha is involved now, even in filler. They really are doing what they promised: "quality control"
>cucking your cute milf wife for idolshit
WTF Pokemon Trainer White is in DBS!
>saying this while posting loli mai
That explains the credits.
At least Kid Mai got wet with an adult version of her own husbando.
Best and cutest couples in DB?
Gohan and Videl > Goku Black and Future Zamasu > Krillin and 18 > Bardock and Gine > Vegeta and Bulma > shit > Goku and Chichi
It's weird that DB kinda does romance ''right'' considering how Toriyama himself never liked it
I agree, Cocoa made my day.
>Videl is wet for Gohan in the Saiyaman costume
>tfw she's going to jump him after this arc and roleplay Saiyaman and Saiyawoman
>tfw Gohan and Videl will have another kid before Vegeta and Bulma finally produce the Bra you all so desperately crave
I want Cocoacucks to leave
reposting because why not, the last one is autosaging anyway. thoughts on DBZ abridged? I think they forgot what "abridged" stands for in the android saga as a whole and halfway into namek, but there's still quite some quality in it
I just wish they'd stop using greater scale original animations like they did in the first half of the broly movie and the end of world's strongest. It just looks fucking awful and the artstyle clash is horrendous. the 16 video was fine tho
bra's coming in like an episode or two ya dingus
Post more Videl then
Outside of Goku and Chichi romance in DB feels pretty natural and cute.
Oh, really? Fuck.
But this proves my theory - Vegeta violently deep dicks and impregnates Bulma every time he's immasculated by Future Trunks.
>Another SSJ before him
>Trunks is conceived shortly after Mecha Frieza dies
>Trunks takes his kill
>Bra is conceived probably next day
And Barry wants Videl to stay, but that's not happening either
Well, not until he gets possessed by baby no wait I mean "Watagash" and the evil in his heart makes him super strong and he kidnaps Pan and Videl
Goku and Chichi are cute, CUTE!
Pan's facial expressions are the best
I like Trunks and Mai. Never gave a shit about the rest.
I agree that Goku and Chichi is terrible though.
First season aged horribily
Rest is pretty good, I actually think TFS Frieza and Cell are better than their original counterparts
Also TFS 16 is pretty good too
>he makes a valid point but I insist we kill Son Goku on the basis that I want to
Abridges is still pretty good IMO, and to be honest its still quite abridged, I mean what, 56 episodes so far, when in the original it was like 175 at the start of the cell games (if you include filler).
I think it's hated just because its popular. The very early episodes have quite shit humour and really poor voice acting (most notably for roshi and yamcha), but honestly once they kill raditz I think its pretty good.
They got a bit too up themselves in the Android saga and tried too hard in some places. They went in too deep with self referencing, which is an incredibly reddit thing to do. The past 2 episodes have been pretty fun though. I think they realized it and pulled back.
Agree with the original animation though. It's shit and clashes too much. The 16 video was fine because its not fucking overlaid with the original.
>Hey Cell did you destroy south galaxy?
>There's a south galaxy?
Episode 77 on 5/2 is the start of the new saga
>The past 2 episodes have been pretty fun though. I think they realized it and pulled back.
Dende was way too much. He was fine on Namek but the latest episode felt like they tried way too hard to make him the cool asshole and it backfired. Other than that I still like it.
I loved Dr Gero. Especially him being brought up to date with all the DBZ retcons, like Piccolo being a slugman instead of a demon
>Global warming? NAAAAAAAAAAAAIL
this one always gets me for some reason
Wait, so 9 month time skip? I haven't been watching Super - waiting for the dub.
When will he get the power up
did it first so mine is inferior
I think they're making him fill in the guru's shoes, but he did get a massive tonal shift just for the sake of trying to "bring back guru but not really"
am I really the only person in the world that hates that stupid fucking face? no one in real life makes an expression like that
A small timeskip for sure but mot necesarrily 9 months. He could have dicked her earlier for all we know.
shut up dumb ass
is small as shit
Is bigger.
>met for less than 3 days in total
>Gohan is already letting her ride him
wew lad
>that spoiler
damn straight
I don't...
within 9 seconds
Which one is better?
meme magic, cocoa will be evil, get shit on, and never get any art
Good, let the new manga themed outro usher in a new age of peace between anime and manga fans.
>Vegeta is away from Earth
>Bulma was talking to Gohan in the last episode
>Bulma gets pregnant
Make one with the period intact but stretched and it will be perfect.
>Barry gets possessed by Baby 2.0 and turns into Eis Shenron
Are they trying to take shots against GT?
>tfw they could literally just have every saiyan hybrid be god tier right now but they don't bother because reasons
>turns out hybrids can't achieve god form, only full-blooded Saiyans can
>best they can do is SS Rage
how would you guys feel?
I like how some people will praise this, but shit on Omega Shenron.
yep it's really retarded
not to mention they could've given F.Trunks a free power boost as well
That would be like saying half saiyans don't count in the ritual which needed 5 saiyans
I'd be okay with that because it would make some sort of sense
Discuss possible power-ups the U7 team might be getting due to being trained by Whis
>Goku and Vegeta
new transformation
SSB or SS Rage
>17 and 18
Bulma develops some tech to overclock them
he finds a way to transform into a good version of Super Buu
>Roshi and Krillin
they fully master kaioken or some shit
turns out the alien race he descends from has some OP as shit transformation
It doesn't make any sense in the continuity of saiyans. A half saiyan gohan had a tail and was able to go gorilla mode, half saiyans gohan, goten, trunks were able to go SSJ, etc.
>Goku and Vegeta
stay the same
stays the same
stays the same
gains some plot Toei-exclusive power-up
is disqualified at some point
>Roshi and Krillin
stay the same
stays the same
stays the same
There, that's what will happen, user.
Whatever happened to the Mystic Ki ritual Gohan underwent?
Is it just treated as a base powerup now? Is there a distinction between mystic ki and godly ki?
Gotta hate everything about GT for the sake of hating it.
Anyone who takes shit about my boy Nuova Shenron can eat a bag of dicks.
Who team /Raichi/ here? His last fight against Prince Vegeta was kino.
GT is good guys I swear
Omega a shit,
for all it's sharp as fuck edgyness, Ginyu's sixth form is a smart concept.
Third form - Xenomorph
Sixth form - Xenomorph Queen(as if the head crest, huge fucking scythe on the tail, two pairs of arms and boney protrusions on the back).
I spent the entire fight waiting for someone to make a "Sir Ridley Scott's gonna sue!" joke, lol.
It did look kinda based in this one shot, you have to admit.
No one said it was good, buddy. Lets not get ahead of ourselves.
Who the fuck would praise that?
DBM has done some cool things, that is not one of them
>Alien race
Wasn't it just a magic tattoo
I wish.
But i know it will never happen, besides some SSB and such.
people don't give a fuck about the other characters.
It's just boring with the same characters ever and ever.
Everything is possible, since probably half blooded can get on other SSJ paths.
What is the plot of Multiverse anyway?
What's the current saga about?
Super-Pan > GT-Pan
Prove me wrong
>What is the plot of Multiverse anyway?
bra daughter of vegetto and stronk
>What's the current saga about?
bra doing something
It's a tournament.
That's it. There are no arcs, it's just a tournament that hasn't finished in 10 years.
Guy named XXI most likely main villain that other characters good and bad will have to stop at the end
you sick fuck
she's just a baby
>comparing a child to a baby
May as well be comparing sticks and stones.
>That's it. There are no arcs, it's just a tournament that hasn't finished in 10 years.
So you mean the entirety of DBM is just a tournament?
No other side-stories or anything?
Not a fan of Raichi, I hope he lose.
But we'll find out whether the resurrected U13 Vegeta can still be used as ghost or not.
>What is the plot of Multiverse anyway?
>What's the current saga about?
The answer is always Bra.
>went back into denying the fact that he is saiyan
the only reason he accepted who he is because of vegeta's dying words in the frieza saga.
Someone would have to brutally kill Videl or Pan for Gohan to turn SS Rage and I don't see that happening in the tournament arc.
Is 17 gonna be a new TURANKUSU?
in the manga (aka toriyama) pan literally has done nothing
He actually achieved the third eye as IRL religion and enlightment stuff says. But i saw somewhere Tien race is just another kind of Homo Sapiens, as far as we know.
Must find someone who know something, i really wish to see Krilin and Tien
Why is Jaco such shit?
I hope Super has a time skip so we can see grown-up Pan.
Remember Gohan can still ride the nimbus. Unless that somehow changed offscreen then he's still a pure hearted and loyal husband.
So that is why Pan couldn't go SSJ, gohan is still pure and someone else knocked up videl
Must've been yamcha
>comparing Pan to Pan
Crazy, right?
>No other side-stories or anything?
There are badly drawn and badly written specials made by secondary artists about the backstory of the other universes. That's it.
>implying original Pan isn't better than GT Pan