
New chapter soon.

Also the translations are caught up with the raws.

Other urls found in this thread:




I wonder if they will give the Defender sword to the chocolate dude from the Demon King Tournament once the war is over.










Well damn, Mikaros really worked hard on his plan, I guess that 1500 years of living only for one thing end paying off.

I really like him as a villain, even if a lot of people on the series could kick his ass with ease.











This is weird, I don´t recall animals awakening in because of the snow in Helck´s flashback.


Thanks a lot for the dump, now this looks like a final battle.


What are the chances Helck being animated one day?


A best.

Thanks for the dump.


Dunno, how many japanese web-comics had been adapted so far? Simbad no Bouken and Mob Psycho 100 don´t count.

There was also a event in the Ura-Sunday where the readers could vote for the series they wanted to see animated, Helck ended being 4th, the winner was Kengan Ashua, but there are not any news of an anime yet.

>Simbad no Bouken and Mob Psycho 100 don´t count.
Why? It's in the same magazine.

>Helck ended being 4th
Damn, if i knew about, i would have downloaded the app to vote. When did it happen?

comico had several already
Relife, for example.

Because one is a spin-off of a popular series and the other belongs to an author of a really popular series, both of them with their own anime.


Oh, I didn´t know, then maybe it could happen someday.

So when will we be getting back to best couple anyways? It's gotta be coming up soon.

This seems a little Over-Kill.

I hope this edgelord gets his shit shoved in and ass beaten very soon.


I saw this before, but what is this about?

If Azudora plan works in less than 8 chapters, I don´t think that the final battle will last much more.

>tfw stopped keeping up with releases after the chapter where Helck was about to kill Alicia
>caught up yesterday
So what was Sup Forums's reaction to the post-apocalypse/hyperspace reveal? Did threads run out of steam because muh shark was jumped?


A guy in Kengan Ashura does the same pose.

The stop of Rello´s releases killed the hype, but I guess I liked post-apocalypse reveal, what I don´t understand is the whole "Will of the world" thing, both Mikaros and the woman who discovered the hyper-space used the same phrase.

Threads ran out of steam because rello died and the other TL was pretty far behind the translations. Now she caught up. If she manages to keep up with the new chapters, then maybe we can have more lively threads from now on.


>far behind the raws

I want to marry Vamirio-sama.

It was one hell of a boring reveal, that's for sure. I like to just pretend it didn't happen/isn't meant to be about our Earth, but some generic "advanced precusor" shit.


It wouldn´t be weird if this move is actually Vamirio´s strongest attack, that being the case the situation seems pretty bad for the good guys side, Vamirio is starting to look tired.




Is there a name for histories with fantasy settings whose worlds are in fact a post-apocalypse earth? I find the idea pretty cool, what lacked a little was the reveal.


>wants to marry Vamirio-sama
>posts Anne From Management

Piwi is stronger than I thought, power level 3. And Azudora skill appears as ???, I wonder why.


Helck has got thinner

To attract some fujo. See Hokuto no ken author art evolution

About the next volume cover, I guess that the image on the background will be either the ruins or the king´s room, but it´s hard to tell who will be the character on it at all.

I think it would be a good moment to have a villain or two on in, so I will bet on one with Mikaros and/or Rafaed. So far we only had good guys after all.

Anne couldn't have made these flames, you're the one mistaking one for another.

It wasn't really a big reveal. Since the island arc we know there was this ancient advanced civilization.

I'd love it if both of these got adaptions

I feel the same, but I wonder wich voice actress would have Vamirio, it has to be someone with talent at being the straight man in gags.

And for Helck even if sounds weird, I imagine him having a soft voice.

Uh, did release day change to Sunday or is this a one time thing?

Rafaed's daughter, maybe.

Yeah it releases on Sundays now.

perfect and cutest human girl, monsters are inferior species anyways

Yeah, you surely are right, I forgot her.

It bothers me how convenient her power is for Mikaros plan and we still don´t know Rafaed´s reason to help Mikaros.

I think you quoted the wrong picture, user. Let me help you.

noble blood > commoner

well, considering Mikaros was alive quite the time ago, id think that he set the plan in motion once someone like Sharuami was born. Rafaed probably knows that humanity is fucked and wants to forcibly save them, or has seen the future in some sort of way (i kind of recall some of his actions hint at that). As for the King, lately i believe he is an Artificial Intelligence of sorts, in charge of the castle and saving mankind, which would explain some things.

Asuta is cuter than these two two though, humans can´t even compare to demons.

I bet a human wrote this.

Mikaros can awaken humans alone, but with a very low success rate, Sharuami gives him range and Cless a higher success rate. He needed both of them, I suppose that he planned to keep her hybernating like the prototypes until the problem with the success rate could be corrected.

And about the King, I think that he may be an ancient human that kept himself alive at the price of becoming a cyborg. The artificial inteligence theory sounds great, but after seeing him showing those videos to Helck and Vamirio and then bringing them to its room without Mikaros being aware, I doubt that is the case here.

I might be an AI with some degree of personality (he mocked the heroes when they had their first defeat) that was trying to get Helck on their side by showing that to him in case fighting failed. But overall he is very weird and quiet, kind of like a robot. And there is the whole "sword in the face doesnt do anything to him" thing.

What is certain however is that he is from the ancient civilization, i seem to recall Raphaed called him "ghost of the past" or something like that.

I get the feeling the King and Rafaed's objetive aren't the same as Mikaros', and they'll dispose of Mikaros as soon as the guy ceases to be useful.

Rafaed called him Fallen´s Country King. We will know for sure when someone finally gets close and fails to kill him, showing the true appearance behind the mask.

He could be talking about the human kingdom, it is a fallen country.

It was already hinted at and it's not something I like nor particularly dislike. So, whatever.

I DO think the latest chapters could do with less "we're strongwe~ "no, US!~ though. It's kind of wearing thin, although it's fine in small doses or spread out more.

I'm mostly okay with everything and still love the series. Kind of wondering what the hell is going to happen in the next few chapters. I feel like time travel or something like it might occur, which I have NO like for.

Still don't know why Rafaed is doing anything. Any ideas?

He implied he's doing it for the greater good but no one would understand.
So it's probably something incredibly simplistic/reductionist in nature in attempt to overcome a bigger trial, something on par with the end of the world.
I guess it's a bit like bringing divine salvation at the end of the world? Maybe that's why the result is angel forms?

Weird, I thought that her finisher move would be a fenix, also a wood dragon for Azudora.

Maybe he thinks that the Empire will fall one day no matter what and humanity would die then for sure. Doing this now assures that humanity will survive, in fact maybe once the winged soldiers reach a certain level they could become like Edil.

And if I remember correctly, Edil could have become something higher in the evolution chain (but was freed of the king spell too soo), maybe with a will of sorts.

Never ever

Anyone knows what Shin is saying here? It seems that he raised the morale quite a bit.

Rafaed gives me the impression that he is resigned to their inevitable fate. He might be trying to deal with the New World thing somehow, but I believe he gave up on humanity long ago and that's why he tried to convince Helck to give up on his quest too.

And humans like Edil or Haraoul who managed to keep some of their original personality seem to be exceptional cases. I don’t think the fodder soldiers can develop that way.

cheers. it'd be nice if Helck regained some of its popularity