C-can I come back to watch code geass with you guys?

c-can I come back to watch code geass with you guys?
My colleagues are a bunch of normies who only has watched DB and read american comics.


>implying Chris wasn't the original normlord

Moot is dead. Long live Noot.

Go away Sigourney, you aren't even anime related.

What the fuck happened to mot? He looks totally different these days. Like he's molting his skin or something.

>being THIS jealous

He works at jewgle last I heard, it's entirely possible he was a lizard all along.

Kill yourself, newfag.

Who is this lad?

I'm sure he still has some power. He can probably log in whenever and fuck shit up.

I'm surprised he's not back on Sup Forums after the blunder that was youtube heroes.

Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Reddit.

No, get away with your filthy normie friends. I bet you also hugged a girl once. Absolutely disgusting.

He openly admitted multiple times that he's not a virgin.

>implying moot would watch manime bullshit like gayass

I want newfags to leave.
inb4 pretending to be retarded



You tried.

>code gay ass
nice reddit le soup anime

The idea was to make it a dumpster fire ironically but everyone took it seriously

I don't mind if you come watch it with me. The others might still be upset though.

>Code Geass R3 airs
>First episode
>Zero removes the mask
>It's Moot
>"I bought for Sup Forums again and baned Hiro forever"
>Every thread in Sup Forums becomes Code Geass and every post is a spam of Code Geass
>Every board is renamed Code Geass
>All hail Moot

nothing is impossible anymore


What's the context for this?

moot's final post.


We're one stop closer to unironic "who?"s.

Fuck you Mark Zuckerbergenstein

Literally who.

It will never be 2007 again

Hes still here, he just understands that namefagging is only important when your name relates to the discussion.

Unless you're moot but you aren't.

>implying he's not just fucking his girlfriends and working out at the gym
>implying he uses any other websites besides facebook, twitter, and snapchat now
>implying he even remembers what an annie-may is

Watch the last QA video, he clearly states he won't stop browsing multiple times.
Remember, you're here forever.

Who is this guy? I tried the image search but it came back with some random hipster named Christopher Poole, am I supposed to know this guy?

W-we could make it better user, it's code geass revival after all those 10 years

I think I've heard about him, he was a tripfag who used to troll the fuck out of this site, sort of like lanced jack.

How long until an unironic literally who?

>there will be a day someone unironically says "who?"
>there will also be a day that someone says "what?"
>one day when Sup Forums has been shutdown for many decades someone will say "when?"

Who is moot?

1 post above you

>there will come a day when no one will remember asuka or rei anymore

Good. My wife Misato is timeless

That's impossible.


You do remember what happened last time he had even one?

He works for Google now user, he's most likely gone full Chad.

>reading comics
They only watch movies and think that they know everything about them

What does he even do at Jewgle anyway?

Play hackysack and get paid a six figure salary

He's a community leader who presides over daily meetings with the Google+ team hosted in a room befitting the divine creator of the premier English language Japanese culture and animation centered internet community. It's three stories tall, has a large boulder, some fig trees, with a wall to wall artfully manicured field of clover and grass. On the boulder is a marble altar supported by two short and stout columns behind which, the legend himself stands. His white flowing silk robe drapes down over his tutu two sizes too small of the finest lavender pink tulle barely exposing striped long socks with individual toe holes. Holding two tablets, one in each arm, he delivers the ten divine revelations to the Google+ team. Afterwards he reads a few pieces of that day's fanmail and makes a lighthearted joke about how Google+ is going to make it. With his right arm, he lifts a chalice inlaid with the image of a stylized redhead. A long slow slurping sound fills the room. Heads turn to face a young feminine woman with the physique of a young man by the door wearing a t-shirt with a depiction of a light blue haired monster with viscious red eyes. Realizing her error, she turns 360 degrees and walks away in shame. The room is quiet except for the whistling wind ambient background soundtrack. The metallic clang of the chalice on marble refocuses everyone's attention to oracle at the altar. He lifts up a set of keys by a red one with a logo of a black horse on a yellow shield tightly grasped between his thumb, index and middle finger and walks out the back door. Just before the door closes, a shout of Rayashi escapes into the room. This day's meeting has been adjourned.

He was issued a membership card for the Illuminati because he gathered all the misfits and fags in one place so their IPs can be tracked in the end of days.
He doesnt DO anything. Hes one of THEM now

Sure thing geekboi.
Here, take a sit by my side.

Jesus Christ, this post depresses me. I realize it's been two years, but the idea that probably 10-20% of Sup Forums doesn't remember moot is terrifying.