How can this bitch be so confident about bullying boys when one of them could snap and beat the shit out of her?
How can this bitch be so confident about bullying boys when one of them could snap and beat the shit out of her?
Money goes a long way. Anyone touches her and they'll never be seen again.
You wouldn't hit a girl right?
it depends on the situation. I'd push them off before doing anything serious.
This takes place in Japan not a third world country
Because Japan is a civilized place, not some 3rd world muslim country.
What does that have to do with anything? Her family is absolutely loaded. It's not hard to make someone disappear, especially if you have influence in the right circles.
What do you take me for? Of course I would.
Yes Japan. Which is famous for YAKUZA.
Fucking retards.
Nice try.
She has a group of bodyguards that follow her everywhere
well, the Pudding Prince was teach that bitch a lesson, but Pig Foot interrupted.
Isn't bullying actually more common in 1st world countries?
One of them who was wronged tried to do the right thing and teach her a lesson, but Faggy McFaggot stopped the guy even though he's supposed to be getting revenge on the bitch. When he lost all that weight his balls must've went with it.
Why beat the shit out of her when you can just sex her.
Or let her peg you.
>her family has money
>must be YAKUZA
Nice leap in logic there, retard.
How smug is this bitch? Like Chitose levels?
hot desu
>He thinks the rich can't get away with everything in the first world too
Because they're all omegas
>Other blogthread got purged
>New blogthread
Fuck off
>expecting a site full of virgin basement-sociopaths to make moral judgements
You'd be surprised how many people with money in Japan have connections to Yakuza.
Hint it's pretty much all of them since Money is hard to get without fucking murdering yourself in a 9 to 9/10/11 job.
I want to make this girl into my sex slave.
I love bitch girls, thanks for the accidental rec OP.
She's probably aware of the double standards. If a guy hits a girl, it doesn't matter if she did something to deserve it, everyone will shit on him.
If a girl is an asshole and cute, she can fuck with some guys lives without even trying. We're lucky girls are manlet betas.
What goes around comes around.
>If a girl is an asshole and cute, she can fuck with some guys lives without even trying.
This is only true in post WW2 western world.
Both in Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy men were treated with respect and not like beings that have to submit to women.
This isn't even considering Ancient Greece, where men were basically the "wise" sex, in a hilarious role reversal that sees women as wiser nowdays.
If you are beautiful / hot girl with moderate intelligence in 1st world country, you can get anything you want.
The real surprise is that the girls at her school don't treat her like trash for stealing all the orbiters.
You guys haven't been outside in forever, have you?
You're good.
Exactly, but like I said it wasn't always like that.
Look at ancient societies. Men always had the higher moral ground in them. We're living in a grotesque era where men let the weaker sex step on them when they could put them in their place every time they wanted to.
I believe in equal opportunities and treating others as you want to be treated. If a woman hits me, she can't complain if I interpret it as her wanting me to hot back.
I would hit it really hard
This is why you are celibate.
So, thats a no I take it. because the bitch OP posted never used physical violence.
That depends on whether she lives her live correctly.
No. USA is not a first world country.
>japanese men
>not being betabux betacucks
These are the best thighs of 2017? Bring back the Flying Witches.
That's actually right. If the user you quoted was a citizen of athens, he'd be drowning in pussy and boypussy.
Its the decadence stage. You can see it easily but it seems normalish to us because we were brought in it by young. Apathy, sexual openness, reversed roles and opposites of what is true and admirable, too much postmodernist relativity, applause of stupidity and so on.
Its the end of civilization and I hope we will reborn or the next one will be full blown muslim medieval one, african ancient era (nothing changed lel) and maybe asian futurism if they dont fuck up. The msot realistic is that we will die in revolution that happens because we have mass destruction weapons.
Thigh show of the season.
I want to lick her legs while she bullies and humiliates me.
Why the fuck do boys keep confessing to her if every single person knows she not only rejects EVERYONE, but goes out of her way to publicly humiliate them in the process?
Even as far as harems go this series is full of stupidity.
>zip for easy unzipping
Just a regular slut
People desire the most what they can't have.
Is she the new Utaha?
You're as wrong as you could possible be, 3rd world-kun.
Worth a shot right?
>doesn't have glorious cowtits
They want to be humiliated.
I want her to humiliate me.
That's fucking retarded. So I guess I could chain up a lion in the middle of their schools courtyard and the guys there would just commit mass suicide to feed the lion because "Man I really want to pet it, the way I know it will kill me just makes me want to try more!".
It's the pantyhose that matters.
No. No I don't think things with a 100% documented rate of failure and monumental negative consequences for trying is "worth a shot".
Would you have confessed to a girl just because she was cute if you knew she'd expose your entire internet browsing history to everyone?
Umm, excuse you? I'm an attic dweller.
Money doesnt make you developped
Yeah but imagine being that one guy who actually get to pet the lion everyday.
Like the lion just lets it happen just for you.
You wouldn't feel pretty special about that?
You don't think people will admire the fact that you pulled it off?
Probably, yeah.
Plus since everyone else got rejected, the stigma wouldn't be as harsh cause other guys would share the feeling.
Exactly. I will lurk the threads and collect her delicious leg shots just as I did with Utaha.
Maybe they're Ms who want to be rejected and publicly humiliated by her.
>implying some guy on the brink of suicide wouldn't take her down with him
why do roasties never get btfo in anime?
It's literally the definition of first world.
Come on buddy I know you grew up in some 3rd world place without school but you've got internet access there's no excuse for being so blatantly wrong.
I used to get bullied by a pair of girls on high school. Like genuinely bullied, not just teased. I never hit them, though I did got mad.
What did they do?
Why did they do it?
Were they cute?
It's the same for libtards and anti-vacciners.
There are retards that are born of high standard of living and collective security of the society.
They can think that all the shit that they do thanks to being mentally unstable - they will get away with because they are in some sort of privileged position.
In Japan I can see that some teachers in school are male.
In my country almost entire school staff are females, males are discriminated against by female teachers and many studies showed that.
That's when all that "you can't hit a girl", "be nice to girls" indoctrination starts.
TL;DR: Bitches like her get away because of high percentage of brainwashed White Knights who are always come to her aid even without any hope of getting pussy.
Did you at least jack off to it when you got home?
Did you become a supreme gentleman after that? I know I would.
It's namecalling and shit. Girls who don't take it respond with starting a nasty rumor or something else bitchy but they don't beat up each other to settle it because it's a different game. That's why she's confident they can't beat her in popularity mind games.
They hit me, teased me and verbally abused me, that sort of thing.
>Were they cute?
One of them was tall, pretty and had large breasts.
At least you've touched upon the real answer.
All the other guys have to try and fail so the MC (and by proxy the self-inserting loser viewer) will feel special when she does eventually choose him over all the other guys.
>Momoka has the same VA as Aki
It all makes sense now.
When I was in middle school a girl would stomp on me on the bus.
Go on.
>comparing a weedy little girl to a beautiful mature woman
Get out.
lol, yeah.
That's nothing new though.
>literally the definition of the first world
Did you actually read the definition? 1st World is US and Friends, 2nd World is the former USSR and Friends, 3rd World is Unaligned Nations. How much "money" they have is incidental. Its why nations like Saudi Arabia and the UAE have bigger GDP's and fancier development than places in Europe but aren't considered First World, while Turkey is worse of economically than Brazil and India but *is* still considered part of the First World: they aren't part of the "Western" bloc.
Idk if there is source material, but you're blind or stupid if you don't understand that it'll turn into love triangle with MC choosing secondary best girl who was at his side all this time in the end.
>using the Cold War definition in 2017
Stop being a pedant.
>hitting a woman
there is no reason to, unless you're a midget or the woman is stronger than you.
>18 year old girl
What about female villains?
>It sounds like a challenge.
Like US ever going to abandon it's "permanent external Scarecrow" policy.
They discovered it right after WWII and found it so tasty - americans never lived a year without it since then.
This and this desu
Here in Venezuela the bitch would just get lyinched by the whole class. Money doesn't buy the rage of common people.
And I liked it!
You can get implants if you're flat and have money.
Bullshit, many of them will deliberately provoke you and only a slap can satisfy them.
Otherwise you are perceived as weak and will be cucked.
I've personally witnessed many times with acquaintance and his GF.
Bitch just loves to rile shit up until he slaps her then she's silk and niagara.
She says "ara ara." She's a grandma in my books.
She goes to a private school and is surrounded by people of good people who lack your raging latin blood.
this happened literally in the first episode, did you even watch it?
In Brazil they'd help bullying the bullied boy for being too beta.
"It's" as in "The USA", friendo.
He said earlier "USA is not a first world country". The USA is the entire basis of what first world is.
>private school
That changes only who hits here. The boys wouldn't do jack, but the girls would get tired of her shit eventually.
Money really does not make you developed.
Russia have so much $ - we could live better than Norway and Finland, but two words: corruption and indifference.
Having resources and money is not enough, you need to invest them into future of your country and play the long game.
Many countries have money but they burn it like there's no tomorrow, only securing guaranteed short-term profits.
That's why they're 2-3 world countries.
What does that have to do with flat girls getting implants?