
Can we all agree that second season seiren girls are more promising?
Only Hikari from the first trio feels like she can be interesting


A whore can't be interesting.

This is your whore for this evening.

>setting a world record for old men's dicks serviced
>not interesting
Hikari belongs in the guinness book of world records

Kaoru best girl.

How much is Hikari tho?

Who eats corn like that?

She wouldn't fuck you more than once either way.
She likes her variety and her Papas.
Her schedule is filled up.

>Amagami image

The other thread that got deleted about girls sitting on tables makes Jojo threads look good.

LWA is out why are crossboarders still fixed on this anime?

>Can we all agree that
No, you faggot.

>She wouldn't fuck you more than once either way.
She hangs out exclusively with the senior gamer dude.

When she's not with the other male senpais.
Or with her boss.
Or with her Papas.

>post amagami pic as OP image

I don't understand how you can say that to such a hardworking girl.

That's one way of putting it I suppose.

Didn't know it was the same character designer, that's why I thought it looked so similar.

She has to earn every bit of that yen

She's helping society

She's a honest girl

>people shitting on the first cour girls.

It's forbidden for high-school students to work!
Report to the councilors office tomorrow, Tsuneki-san!

>a gyuaru slut
>a childhood friend
>gay more gurrrl

>Rusie, sex hair and thicc all in the second cour

I can see where they're coming from. But senpai seems nice too.

Wait isn't Thicc in this season?

Wow, she's like a real version of Tomoko

Nigga I'll fight you

With most new shows that have aired so far being shit and threads being even more shit, Winter 2017 sure is a fun time. I hope it gets better in a week or two.

Oh look, the whiny bitch is back again.

I'm actually new here, hello.

Doesn't matter. All whiny bitches going into random threads to blog and whine are one hivemind.


Senpai looks like the best girl of season 1 at least

Gamer grill is a senpai?

Why would a girl willingly sit on her ass and not the skirt?

To tease our hero about it afterward.

She knew what she was doing.



She sits like that with her friends during lunch afterwards, seems like a weird habit of hers.

Why is gamer girl none?

This is stupid and unfunny.

tip: She's not.

I don't get Sup Forums and attention whore

>moralfag with crippling complexes
>gamer girl

gaymer girl is attention whore
the childhood friend is gone
Sup Forumschan is moral comittee officer

Ruise is Sup Forums because she's part of the student council or something like that. Also her eye bags imply that she spends sleepless nights on the internet.

No idea about attention whore.

>Ruise is the friendship end

I want her ass on my face right now!

>Sup Forums
Pick only one

I'd rather have thicc-chan's ass on my face. Wonder what her fetish will be.

That would make me really angry.

Morality is derived from religious or mythological stories.

So whether you like it or not Sup Forums are closer to morality than the rest of Sup Forums as long as they are memestering about Christianity.

>yet another Central or Northern European trying to redefine words

>Wonder what her fetish will be.

Imagine her butt sweat dropping on your face as you bury yourself in her ass and she moans in an immodest manner.

>you will never pay Tsuneki to sleep with you for a night

Hopefully boobies.

Why arent the BDs up for preorder?

Considering she's probably going to be "ecchi things are KINSHI" type girl I wouldn't be surprised if it is.

How can Hikari convince us that she's pure? I'll never be able to stop thinking she's only going to marry MC for a stable income and for someone to lick her ass clean before it gets filled up with some old man's hot semen later that night.

But that would make trying to get in her pants even better

Why's she T-rex anyways?

One user forcing his unfunny joke, other anons copying it to fit in.

Because she has K-On style fetus arms in a couple of scenes.

Even if it's unwashed and constantly leaving skid marks on her panties?

What if Shouichi's desk smells faintly of poop from now on?

You know. Since you think all jokes are unfunny, have you considered the possibility you have autism?

>skid marks
>implying slutneki wears pantsu

>dem nails

I already said it 4 threads back.

Fake nails bought by her Papa.

I would gladly take a cute whore like that

Why is she eating corn on the cob like that?

For you.
MC is a spineless hapless normalfag with a fetish for ass sweat.

At least Junichi had clean and wholesome fetishes. Flat bellies. Legs. Big tits. He's an alpha.

This guy is dreaming about girls sitting on his face.

I want girls to sit on my face too. Just not Tsuneki.

>4 threads back
>buy 3 get 1 free

Pottery. Also who even needs 4 containers of wet wipes?


>This guy is dreaming about girls sitting on his face
Sounds good to me

>Also who even needs 4 containers of wet wipes?
Japanese office working men with no wives who get back to their one room homes eat konbini dinners and then masturbate for 2 hours straight to BDs of kuro gyarus.

Because this anime has the fanbase it deserves.

That's a banana.

Which is also a euphemism for her being a slut.

>He doesn't want cute girls with a sweaty butt to sit on his face

Is this what having shit-taste looks like?

I would much rather have a comfy Makoto sitting on my face.

As in - a good fanbase.
Not a bunch of /e/ dumping circlejerking boring autismos.

>Past expiration date

But she's married.
To Junichi.

Is she practicing for this evening?

You tell me, you're the one with shit smeared on his face.

Lol I'd be pretty pissed off desu

>after marrying her.

You are making it look like "high school girls sitting on tables" wasn't like a quarter of the episode's content.

>But she's married.
>To Junichi.

>a quarter
>30 seconds after the OP
Can you math nigga?

Can everyone stop shitposting, please?

The rest was mostly introduction.


put the second episode in the bag, first

B-but I want to marry Inukai-san

I'd be pissed if she wasn't cute. The only reason anyone would want to do things with a girl's ass sweat and poop smell is because she has a nice face and body.

Ok, but please let's stop pretending this series' main point is not pandering soft-core fetishes and making autistic loners circlejerk about the girls.

>comes into every thread
>whines everyone is shitposting a couple of timews
>exits thread

tip: If you think we should be talking about something else you're free to start the conversation. Though I strongly suspect you're off your Xanax so that options is not available to you currently.

>first girl is an actual slut
>childhood friend is overshadowed by her tittymonster friend

2nd season when

Nice shitpost.

Look at her hands in this scene.

Why does she sit like that?

>childhood friend

Maybe her butt hurts.