What is this face trying to convey?
What is this face trying to convey?
Other urls found in this thread:
A disappointment at the lack of Dr.Pepper currently within reach
She sees your dick
>yfw no puddi
Man, Suzu is so cute in 0. I just want to beat her into submission, rape and murder her. Anyone else get this feel?
mixed emotions
this is not what I mean when I said to eat my pudding
She wants Japan to have a higher literacy rate.
Where are they?
I'd save this image if it used this face
Just started playing, this guy is pretty cool
For you
Him and Maho are easily the best thing about the vn
Thats a tiny fucking ice cream
Okarin is a cool motherfucker.
>That music when Maho is shown for the first time after saying ちょっと、そこの方
Annoyance at being stuck in a shit show with shit logic. It'd be one thing if they said they could travel through time and left it at that. Actually putting a phone on a microwave, though just ruined it.
here's your japanese shaman girl(male)
>I only want the most realism in my Science "Fiction" show
>tfw no genius gf with a taste for yaoi
>christina is a fujo
A tiny ice cream for a tiny girl.
>implying that doesn't make her even better
I can't find a version of that where his head isn't cut off.
someone posted it last thread
From where though? I looked a the mega upload that supposedly had all the sprites from 0 except the revamped sprites from the original game, and yet I couldn't find a single leskinen sprite that didn't have the head cut off at the top.
and okabe is a jew
Maho looks like she should be Okabe's daughter.
Okabe's not that old m8
Why didn't future Okabe instantly wake up to the Steins Gate world line after sending the D-video?
No that's Kagari.
Maybe he did, it's supposed to be ambiguous.
Because he "dies" before they send it
Because time travel give these kinds of problems. If you do X to prevent Y from happening you never need to do X which makes Y happen which makes you do X which you dont need to do if you do X since it cancels out Y.
One of the ways to explain it is that there are parallel time lines where 1 okabe does have to go through it to make the other okabe never suffer through it
>my OC gets reposted
I feel vindicated.
So much jelly.
Why is she a leaf?
Because I'm a leaf.
>wanting absolute realism in an adventure show that has solid rules
How delusional.
The Day of the rake will take care of your kind
Because there can only be one active worldline at a time. Also, I believe this is why true end happened the way it did. He had to be outside the timeline in order for it to work.
Leaves always grow back.
>there can be only one active worldline
I still don't get why that's a thing. If you're hopping timelines, you're travelling in 5 dimensions. The others don't just go away when you leave them, that makes no sense.
Worldlines only exist when they are observed. The reason the rule of "1 worldline" exists is most likely because Chiyomaru understand the primary problem with time travel is the grandfather paradox. Having only the observed worldline being the active one avoids this paradox.
Somehow he reminds me of Mads Mikkelsen
That's not how it works though. A worldline is a 4D object, it doesn't stop existing because you moved to a different one. The universe doesn't operate on "it only exists when you see it".
Does the universe function in a way that allows for paradoxes to occur in reality? Does it naturally form situations where its laws can be broken?
One of the implicit themes Chiyo's always had in his writing ever since Chaos;Head was that the universe is self-correcting. Errors and inconsistencies are adjusted for so that they either fit into the equation or are erased.
Here is an attempt at the promised image. I will probably not make a better attempt, but I dislike how poorly the image scaled down. Wish I could find a larger ted cruz image
Reality doesn't operate like that.
To actually avoid paradoxes, it's rather simple.
>Go back in time
>Kill your grandfather
>You are now in a worldline where you are never born; however, since you are from a /different/ worldline, you can go back to the one you came from and find your parents still exist.
That or the self-consistency principle applies, if there's only one timeline.
Why doesn't he have a neck?
Because that image has his head turned, while Cruz's is more dead-on with a V neck, meaning the neck doesn't have much room to start. Anything more than this also has issues with the shadows that I am too lazy and unskilled to fix
Yeah, I like how he doesn't have any ulterior motives.
>The universe doesn't operate on "it only exists when you see it".
But the popsci version of quantum mechanics does.
Reality doesn't operate in any mechanism that allows for meaningful time travel.
SciADV works on a metaphysics inspired by but not based in reality.
Reality as described in Steins;Gate does function like that. You're trying to make arguments about how time travel works in SciADV based on theories that only apply to our reality, and of which none have even been proven.
Paradoxes occur naturally because our understanding is limited so to us that which appears to be a paradox is actually true because we can't escape our finite viewpoint. Basically paradoxes exist only in our heads but in reality are currently beyond our understanding.
Well it /could/ but it would be an artificial creation. There isn't any natural phenomenon we know of that would create a wormhole.
Worldlines are like train tracks. The universe is one train, and when the tracks change the whole universe changes to accommodate the new track, hence the (imperfect, due to the various degrees of Reading Steiner) memory rewriting.
How they know it works like that you would have to ask SERN in 2036 or maybe Okabe when he comes up with the divergence meter. Characters bring up that they don't know the evidence for the metaphysics in detail all the time since the story always takes place around times where people are only beginning to discover time machines.
All that shows is that SciAdv doesn't understand what worldlines are.
A worldline is a 4D object. That's it. You yourself are a worldline when viewed in 4D, as am I and every other particle in the universe.
Mathematically speaking, Kerr black holes could create closed timelike curves but that is not meaningful time travel to begin with considering all it does is place your past into your future.
What Steins;Gate calls a "world line" has no relationship with the physics concept of worldlines. It refers instead to a metaphysical property in-universe relating to Attractor Field Theory, a fictional physics model.
>What Steins;Gate calls a "world line" has no relationship with the physics concept of worldlines.
Bu default, the compiler sets the sprites to 1080p (game resolution), which crops the top of the head on a lot of characters. I compiled them all at higher resolution and cropped out the extra.
Which, if they were following how the universe actually works, would prevent timeline changes, because cause-and-effect requires that anything resulting from backwards time travel be consistent causally with what comes after. ie, you could try to cause the Grandfather Paradox but you would know beforehand that you obviously failed, because you can't exist if your grandfather is dead.
>happy christmas party
>soviet union
what the fuck
>Time Travel has a very small effect on divergence
Tell that to Puchin and friends
Doing things in the past can have tremendous effect on divergence, but the act of time traveling itself has a minuscule effect.
# but that's exactly why it's a paradox because you know you failed to kill your Grandpa but hypothetically you can kill your Grandpa and still exist if you are a time traveller. That's why it changes world lines. Reality must be different than the original reality if the past changes the future
>Okabe's mom got a sprite
>it's just a silhouette
Somehow she kinda looks like Judy
It depends on whether the universe is 5D (or greater) or 4D. If there's only one dimension above 3 (time), then causality trumps all, and the Grandfather Paradox is impossible.
If there's multiple timelines in the 5th dimension, then you can start seeing alternate universes where you can kill your Grandfather and still be around to see what happens.
Of course, from the perspective of three dimensional life forms, including fifth dimensional mechanics is basically inserting God into the mix.
We're 4 dimensional. Without experiencing time the universe would be static to us.
But time isn't real, it's an accident of motion.
How does that make it not real? We're still moving through another dimension.
>steins gate
>solid rules
Timeless physics posits that it's just an illusion of changes where there is only "nows" and never "thens" or "befores". No contiguous path from past to future, just motionless snapshots that our memories tell us had a previous state that there is no real evidence of.
>Understand easilly all that shit that happens in both VN
>Still don't get how King Crimson works
life is suffering
Time is a 1st temporal dimension and not the mathematical 4th spatial dimension that most people talk about. Even in a spacetime model, humans would not be considered 4D beings, but 3D beings living in a 4D continuum.
# physics isn't the only science to consider and when you include rationality which plainly shows a causal chain from past moments to future moments it is clear that the 3D space dimensions move along an invisible axis known as time. Time isn't an accident of motion rather all motion requires a dimension of time. Motion is reliant upon a concept of time even if it isn't a concrete concept.
No, it actually is a dimension. There is no difference between space and time, it's an illusion. "Time" is just our experience of moving in one direction through the 4th dimension.
At what point does Leskinen become aware of Okabe's "potential", since he states that in the beginning he just purely liked him?
At the Christmas party.
That's why Leskinen didn't do anything in Rinascimento because he didn't go.
Her pudding has been eaten even though she clearly labelled it as her, absolutely astonishing.
Wasn't Leskinen also interested in the time machine info that Kurisu posessed, and therefore would try to get close to anyone that might have known Kurisu in hopes of learning something, or am I mixing up his motivations with Reyes' here?
But it was just Makise brand pudding, It doesn't say Christina on the pudding.
Of course, but he didn't expect Okabe to have something like Reading Steiner.
What does Makise pudding taste like?
y teh anime so unrealistic tho xD
Agreed, very cute!
Dr Pepper, gelbananas and Kurisu's sweaty crotch in summer after a whole day of walking around akiba
Gelbanas don't taste like anything, though.
I'm sure it tastes like something or kurisu wouldn't have called it "gross"
I recall Mayuri specifically commenting that they don't taste like anything.
Things that are slimy yet tasteless are gross in their own way.