New chapter is out on batoto
Kimetsu no Yaiba Chapter 44
This guy looks like a bro
Zenitsu is best boy
I thought the girl wanted to make friends with demons.
>Tomioka actually gives a shit about what others think of him
Wasn't expecting that
>Long ass exposition = harassment
I thought so too and those pillars look nothing like the ones we see in chapter 4
Best boy
I made some reaction images, but I'll post them another time
enjoy this
Yeah I don't really get the change compared to previous chapters. She was saying she'd forgive the demon spider girl if she suffered for the lives she took but now she wants Nezuko dead without knowing anything about her?
Its a big plot hole unless the author explains it next chapter
Unless she never had any intention of forgiving spider girl and was just trolling her
>never had any intention of forgiving spider girl and was just trolling her
Going with this.
Yeah, she's trolling Tomioka pretty hard this chapter so maybe that was the same for spider girl.
That would mean her "wouldn't it be nice if we got along with demons" comment wasn't about what she wanted but specifically to get a rise out of Tomioka, she probably knows a bit about his past.
the next thread will be next week even later
Sup Forums dosent like yaiba only black clover
I think you mean "KNY_threads.jpg"
The comment about the butterfly estate the other girl made, makes me think Shinobu is from some high status family
dat moment when black clover is better than your favorite manga
We don't need it to be popular on Sup Forums
The nips like it enough and its getting a color cover next issue, that's the only thing it needs to stay alive
Dude jump is dead right now. Only Boku no hero academia sell well. Most of the manga sell below 100k like kek dude. 5 years ago this would be insane.
I want to protect Zenitsu.
I feel like this needs an exploitable version.