Why did it flop?

What went wrong the animation was great the jokes funny, why did it flop?

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Because you sexualized the Nichijous

You didn't buy the BDs.

I think it went on for too long. Shoulda been like a 12 ep show then have another season some time later.

The show didn't really click with me until the second half

>the jokes funny
Let's not get carried away.

It wasn't funny.


Being the exact opposite of funny probably had something to do with it

Unfunny shit with forced animation


I love forced animation

OP2 > OP1


and even then, it was a gamble to make an anime out of Nichijou.
That said, the OST was great. I saved a chunk of the soundtrack, kudos to whoever composed it.

I only liked a few bits, so I can't say either half really "clicked" with me

personally i thought the gratuitous/forced animation was part of the humor, used for emphasis the same way one might exaggerate speech. nichijou started to feel really thin towards the end, and i like other 4koma adaptions and daily life anime much more, but it was still fun.

i didn't know about the BD price gouging though, that explains a lot.

>the jokes funny
Yeah, no.

I don't know what's more disgusting, the fact that someone is autistic enough to have these opinions, or the fact that they were autistic enough the spend the time to make this image.

"Shit, I don't have a counterargument, I'd better say "Autistic"."

But that's wrong.

>if you're not autistic enough to type up a page-long counterargument about a nice anime that people generally seem to like, you're stupid and I win

classic sperg move

If you are too fucking stupid to back up your opinions whatsoever you can go right back to fucking reddit where you belong. How the fuck do you actually think what you are saying is OK? No one is asking for a page long counterargument, just some attempt at backing up what you are saying.

>counter argument about a nice anime
No need to get TRIGGERED. If you would actually bother to read it, which takes like a minute or two, it's specifically pertaining to why it didn't sell not shitting on the show. If anything it is equally apologetic as it is critical.

In some dark alley Mikuru was violently raped and gave birth to the Antichrist.

There's a difference between writing a long-winded counterargument and having a counterargument at all. You didn't do either.

Is this an actual ED?

I still have no idea what forced animation mean after being here well over a year and I've never seen it used elsewhere.

It cost over $1,000 to buy the whole series.


The """"""""humour"""""""" is fucking awful, over the top shit gets old incredibly fast
>Pinches finger with a needle
>Massive explosion

Those poor quads.

It became a classic and is still selling to this day so in the long run it's one of their most profitable shows.

This says it has sold an average of 7,020 copies per volume including re-releases. That's not bad.

Funimation is releasing Nichijou next month.


Forced animation.


I guess that does look pretty forced.

>jokes are funny


You should only rely on Japs to buy BDs dumbass


Honestly one of the more annoying and repetitive jokes in the series that I'm surprised doesn't get shit on more often in a series where people complain about the annoying and repetitive jokes.

We get it, Arawi. She's a tsundere turned up to 11. Now make her do other stuff.

Unless that actually happened in the untranslated chapters.

I normally hate repetitive humor like this but when it's an excuse for KyoAni to gloriously overanimate it it gets a pass.

When it was funny, it was really funny.

The problem is that half the jokes were fucking awful. It was totally worth watching for the good parts, though.

Fair enough. That transition with Sasahara in the school courtyard was great. It's just my bias against textbook tsuns with little to nothing else going for them.

>the jokes funny
>$120 for 2 episodes

It aired during the earthquake/tsunami/meltdown

>Family Guy is funny
Kill yourself fuckass retard.

Nichijou doesn't rely on reference humor. Lucky Star is a better comparison.

Nichijou is more like the Simpsons

You've likely watched neither show but have a (you) for your troubles.

Pretty much this

It's probably the biggest hit or miss show I've ever watched

And the real problem for me was that a lot of the jokes seemed to rely on their absurd length or repetitiveness to be funny. Spending seemingly half an episode on a flop joke is a huge fail for a comedy; audience just sitting there, no laughing, no nothing, for 5 minutes.

While there were plenty of short skits that rather missed their marks, I can't think of any Nichijou skits that were unfunny AND went on for too long. In fact, the longer ones were usually the most entertaining.

maybe you hate fun, if not just a little bit.

The US version is about $50 for the Blu-ray and DVD combo of the entire series. Being in the US is better for buying anime, as it is a shit ton cheaper than what Japan charges and there are many many streaming options here as well.

Selamat pagi!

too bad I got it from Australia like 2 years ago

now that we're halfway through the localized manga Funi can suck it now

Is it dubbed with Aussie accents?

Becuase Japs have shit taste

it's not dubbed at all

dub would be a pure cringe, the manga localization is bad enough, imagine this with sheboon bixnood speak like in Kill Me Baby dub

Animation WAS great, but the jokes were not funny.