

Those white girls are about to check their privilege.

The implications of this picture scare me.

>their faces when they realize the chicks have penises because it's 2017

>report a problem

really makes u think

Toll paid incoming.

her father literally used her funeral to talk about how they need to "open their hearts" and so on, holy fuck he enrages me

Maybe you should have clicked on the "Report a problem" button on the bottom right you fucking coward.

Your fear of being called a "racist" killed those 2 women.

It's like the IIHF Championships all over again. Sweden fucking Finland.

Let the liberals kill off their young
Conservatives just need to hold strong

Its amazing how bad the older generations of whites in the west are brainwashed.

You got things like that in Europe while we have things like Jewish worship in the churches in the South were I'm from. I actually brought this up when I visited my dad and step mom in Georgia and they looked at me like I had a dick growing out of my head.

Its going to take generations to turn this around. If it wasn't for the internet and places like /pol or /b we would be doomed. This is why the Jews and liberals want to pass things like "net neutrality" to silence those who dare speak the truth.

Have you tried the "report a problem"?


So much wisdom here on /pol, glad I came here.

fucking boomers

tortoise versus the hare :v)

>Import people

>They're a net loss, pay for them

>Give them more in unemployment benefits because of "muh racism"

>commit more crimes

In what world does this make any fucking sense? What is wrong with Scandinavians? In ancient times these invaders would have been killed.

The Scandinavians reached their peak.
Only by introducing middle-eastern seed can we create a new race, able to fly further and endure the coming ages.

Its because they spent generations as a white/jew only country.

Jews spread liberal ideology, everyone on EARTH is equal in intelligence, morality, value of life, wants in life, ect.

Brainwashed whites open the gates to Europe expecting their brothers to come and act just like them, think just like them, believe in the same things they believe in.

Just read that, read it again.

>act just like them, think just like them, believe in the same things they believe in.

Its insane to believe that, fucking insane to believe that everyone on earth is the exact same. I dare say its even racist to believe that EVERYONE ON EARTH acts like WHITES.

Whats amazing is how these Jews have completely infiltrated the west, infiltrated the education system, infiltrated the governments, and not only convinced the whites to kill themselves, but to PAY the jews and the invades to kill them.

Something is inherently wrong with whites to sell out their own like this, for the leaders of nations to simply hand over the wheel to the Jews and let it all go without a fight.

>meme flag

Or we can remove what's been inculcated, or this mentality will dissolve when this utopian industrial landscape goes away. Inbred, ugly, low-IQ Semitic genes will be destroyed when the artificial safety net goes away.

>The Scandinavians reached their peak.
Only by introducing middle-eastern seed can we create a new race, able to fly further and endure the coming ages.

What this really means.

We are destroying the white race first, we brainwashed them into believing in equality and egalatarianism. A bastardized people are easy to control by the Jews and this is how we are going to do it.

Make the white man play the Jew's game of getting in debt, getting a job, and threaten to take away that job if you dare speak up against your genocide.

I got some bad news for you "oppressed" black man. Once the whites are gone the Jews are going to enslave you. And thats the best case scenario for you. If the Asians take over Africa and North America they are going to eradicate you off the face of the planet. They don't give a FUCK about being called a "racist" they'll see the shit you do, take you outside and put a 9mm bullet in your fucking head.

>Make the white man play the Jew's game of getting in debt, getting a job, and threaten to take away that job if you dare speak up against your genocide.
That's the real reason they want migrants.
White people are too fiscally conservative and won't get into debt like they used to.
Mirgrants are fresh off the boat stupid consumers that take in state welfare and will happily finance a brand new car

>Jewish worship
Is that were they start obsessing over Judaisim despite being Christian?

My mother is doing that, trying to learn Hebrew, hating on Catholics and now she's taking the "Sabbath" on Saturday.

Your opinions are irrelevant, you are obsolete.
Only by fusing different DNA can we conquer the stars.

>jewish worship
whats that

Plenty of southern pastors, famous ones, preach about "gods chosen people" the jews.

Its insane thinking that those leaches could be the chosen people of god. Maybe the chosen people of Satan.

The majority of the south worships the jews, the same exact people who are exterminating the people of the south in the wars for Israel.

>Southerners are the majority of the US military.
>First sent to fight America's (Israel's) wars.
>Die by the thousands.
>If they make it back they get to watch their history destroyed by blacks and ANTIFA.
>Go to church, worship the Jews.
>Rinse and repeat.


Conquering the stars. Explain to me, how does mixing with Blacks and Muslims, resulting in things like sickle cell crisis help?

How does breeding with a violent, ignorant, easily manipulated people solve anything related to going to the stars?

It doesnt. They're dumbing down the population and the Jews will do the thinking.

You'll be the ones put into a tin can and shot off into space, chimping out after the first 2 days because Shafunqua and Mosquito (yo babby mamaz) are cheating on you. I see that space exploration being very short.

I'd put money on an Autistic white kid making it to Mars over you savages. All they need is a rubix cube, food, water, hentai, and video games to survive that trip.

*record scratch*
*freeze frame*

Yep. That's me. You're probably wondering how we got into this situation. It all started on a normal Tuesday afternoon...

>not understanding how DNA fusion works
It is no wonder that your people must be reassembled.

>yfw when joke is bad because image date 2009


"Diversity" isint interested in space or exploration.

They are interested in feeding the billions of people they are breeding. They are essentially going to kill the planet with mass over population.

Course all the Jews can do is rub their hands at the profits they might earn from such a massive population.

oooh people Walking into a car park, you must be edgy, Mc edge master of the over the edge clan


She was in med school training to be a doctor.

Gets raped, murdered and thrown in a river by a "Afghani refugee" who was offended she wouldn't have sex with him.

Father then goes on to tell Germans they need to donate money to refugees and the suspect DINDU NUFFIN.

We pay for the ideals of the older generations.

> you must be edgy, Mc edge master of the over the edge clan

>worked at refugee centre
>daughter of a senior EU official
good riddance