this is a 3x3 thread you know what to do.
3x3 thread
Other urls found in this thread:
inb4 "kill yourself" and "fuck off" posts aplenty
OP really should kill himself though. That's a terrible 3x3
That's really bad OP. It's like you're obviously 15 years old and just seriously started watching anime in 2016.
1/1 Gurren Lagann is aight.
What's the middle show?
fuck off
kill yourself
(You) first
How can something that looks like this possibly any good?
Sorry bud, can't really value your opinion.
fuck you, dude
Good start boys, but I think we can do a little better.
It's gay don't bother.
What are you doing?
We could be buds.
Shit taste get out.
I've been watching anime for 17 years.
Milky is a masterpiece
Your 3x3 is looking a little pixelated there bud.
I actually kind of wish these 3x3 threads went back to pretentious posters.
I really hate all this entry-level bullshit you people post now.
I'm not clicking that
that's not a 3x3
+ kare kano, planetes
cannot recognize literally anything here so 0/0
>cannot recognize literally anything here
What's the middle show?
this is literally about you.
You don't have to post this shit every thread.
stop posting corny shit like pretending to like ping pong and obscure 80's-90's shit won't make you look cool
People pretend to like ping pong? What's not to like?
Nothing in that 3x3 is obscure and ping pong isn't something people "pretend" to like.
Excellent taste user
nobody actually likes that pretentious shit
You should probably look up the definition of pretentious before you attempt to shitpost.
What's pretentious about it?
This man looks super dirty.
But there's nothing pretentious about it. Matsumoto's stories are fucking great man, get some taste.
4/5 - toradora
5/7 - toradora and anohana
that corny shit is one of your favorite shows of all time, up there with K-ON, Eva, and GiTS? get the fuck outta here
you only like it because it's a novelty and you think saying its in your top 10 makes you look artistic and smart
I've seen the show and it's just kitschy drivel
why to like haruhi but not toradora?
It's sad that you're pointing out ping pong as pretentious while ignoring the actual pretentious Nekojiru-sou. Just goes to show how pathetic your anime knowledge is.
I've literally never seen the show. I was just asking you why you think it's pretentious.
I like you
and you
never watched Haruhi
Yeah well fuck you too buddy.
>you think saying its in your top 10 makes you look artistic and smart
Wouldn't that make the poster, rather than the actual show pretentious?
>I've seen the show and it's just kitschy drivel
So maybe it's one of his favourites because he found it fun and entertaining?
because people only pick it because its artistic and unique and so by picking it over legitimate classics they think they look superior to regular people who don't fall for kitschy flavor-of-the-month trash
Or maybe they genuinely like it, because it's unique and artistic.
But that doesn't tell me how Ping Pong is pretentious.
Again, that makes the person pretentious, not the show. And I would be fairly skeptical of your theory that anyone with a certain taste in anime is literally just pretending.
you know exactly why, it's the "smart" pic because its like a lot of other anime but you just pick it so you can look like a special snow flake
ironically all of you basic bitches always pick it for 3x3s so thankfully anytime that corny shit is in someones 3x3 we regular posters can immediately disregard your posts
What the fuck are you trying to say.
what a point in pretending to like something on anonymous imageboard?
You're not making any sense
you tell me.
you are the cowards that always put that corny shit right up there with the classics so you can look superior and artsy
Holy fuck, you guys need to stop taking the bait so easily.
What 3x3 is yours/post your 3x3.
I get you but that second sentence is a mess
These wouldn't be very interesting threads if everyone's 3x3 was the exact same.
so you can chastize me for not picking your cute little flavor-of-the-month special snowflake artsy fartsy show over real classics?
nah, I'm a little smarter than that as you can tell already
rate my taste please respond
they are all the same because you fools pick the same goofy anime like ping-pong to bolster this facade that you are somehow unique for liking kitchy shit as much as regular people like the classics
What age are you?
>nah, I'm a little smarter than that as you can tell already
Fuck you actually made me spit out my drink.
I can tell you a reason of why i pick every show to my mosaic, and if you think I put them on it only because I want to impress some american fucker on Sup Forums, you can go fuck yourself.
t. netflix anime watcher
Again, I've never seen nor heard of Ping Pong.
actually good versus all the pretentious asses who post obscure shit to look smart/pretentious/smug/cool
it's posted in like 30-40% of 3x3's on here because it's the go-to for showy little snobs
Rate other people too, pretty please!
>It's in 30-40% of people's favorites
>People only choose it to be special snowflakes
You're contradicting yourself.
Ping pong has only been posted on 2 3x3s in this thread my guy.
3/8. That Niea_7, though.
no, the intention is to look better than regular people who pick the classics by picking kitschy shit, I already pointed out how it's ironic that they all pick it hereyou are contradicting yourselves by trying to look special for picking ping pong yet all you fools are just copying eachother
Or maybe they genuinely like it. Is that so difficult to comprehend?
Most of ya'll have shit awful taste.
Y-you too
yeah, nah
I've seen it already and it's not that good, it's just a silly show with a unique art style that people say is one of the all-time greats to look superior
Wait are you telling me differently people have different taste?
Whats up Digi? Having fun at Radcon 2?
So you're incapable of processing the idea that someone might like something that you didn't?
how are you not understanding this? you are being stupid and/or ignorant now
DO people seriously pretend to like anime?
Who does that benefit? Seriously?
Oh boy, he busted out the capslock now.
masterpiece, only opinon that matters in this thread
Why does Ping Pong trigger Sup Forums so much?
You've been rused user. I was merely PRETENDING to like Ping Pong. You must feel pretty silly right about now.
Probably because it's the most recent Yuasa show, so people who are new and pretentious all claim to like it.
I don't have anything against Ping Pong myself and I don't think it's pretentious.
it's only nu-picked (illegitimately picked)
>people are still obsessed with that 3x3 video after like 8 months
>people who are new and pretentious
People who are new and pretentious on Sup Forums say their favorite anime is re:zero though.
can't really tell if that's Millenium Actress or Perfect Blue, but +1 regardless.
2/5, extra points for NANI?!?!