Well, all's well that ends well, I guess.
Well, all's well that ends well, I guess
The ending for the manga was much better than the anime. Shame Leone still dies. And poor Akame.
What a little crybaby. He's totally not cool.
Also: damn, she must have done some serious yoga or something to take that D.
I know people have called agame "edgy" but this is just overkill, you won, just end him and move on to building your city.
The killed the kid emperor that way.
you clearly see the guillotine stand in the panel.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying. He got a quick and efficient killing. And he didn't start blubbering like chubsy-ubsy there.
I'm just going to pretend that Tatsumi went back to human form eventually. The other scenario hurts my brain.
oh I misunderstood your point. but yeah I get why they were cutting him up. I honestly feel the author just wanted to fill his last chapter with some edge since it doesn't look like he got a chance to put some in like the last 4 chapters
>The other scenario hurts my brain.
Your brain, her vaginal canal!
Who the fuck writes this shit? The ending to Bleach felt less forced than this.
How can other speicies even compete?
Surely he just blasts her all over and she smooshes it into her snizz with her hands. I mean, she'd die otherwise.
I mean if people can die from being creampied by a horse, or so I've heard.
I dont watch beastiality porn, honest
Does her womb gets filled with so much cum that it bursts her womb or something?....haha
I happen to be an expert on this.
The creampie intestinal destruction only happens if you take it up the ass, and you need the proper positioning for the horse to actually penetrate with full force. While horses have powerful legs, their pelvic thrust muscles are underdeveloped compared to a human. The damage comes from the length and size of the dick less than force behind it.
The only confirmed horsefucking kill I know of was a male who took it up the ass. In the mouth, in the pussy is way safer.
Yes actually, assuming they don't die first from internal bleeding and damage caused by an animal that weighs several hundred pound, pounding away at their internal organs with cock roughly the size of a grown man's forearm.
>The only confirmed horsefucking kill I know of was a male who took it up the ass
just when you think you've reached the end of the rabbit hole.
was that mr hands?
>he doesnt know of mr. hands
i remember that spawned a court case in the state of washington that banned bestiality
The weight actually is minimized in horse fucking, because horses can really only fuck in one position: from behind, to an animal that's roughly the same height as it. And even then the horse is very awkward with its thrust delivery and the full weight isn't cast into every thrust.
Humans are literally designed for fucking long and hard. Men have huge dicks and powerful leg muscles, with a pelvis build for generating a lot of force on pelvic thrust. There is no evolutionary benefit to this beyond being better at sex than animals.
yah, Mr hands was unlucky
there are guys who fuck horses multiple times per day, and don't get eviscerated like mr hands did. the weight and positioning were just right and he wasn't prepared for it
You clearly don't understand the point of justified retribution. Sometimes it needs to be done.
Man, for a cool ass villain that nigga died miserably
I was hoping for some kind of ACCORDING TO KEIKAKU SHIT
>the weight and positioning were just right and he wasn't prepared for it
but they are still at war. the other is finished.
He was basically Yuuki Terumi but without any of the dickish charm and was basically just flat out evil. The best part is that you expect the piece of shit to pull some Aizen nonsense out of his ass, but realistically there are no magical invincible mary sues in war and they pounded that lesson into him one swing at a time. After reading it all up to that point in one go I was convinced he deserved worse.
That doesn't make a difference. Making an example out of the man who's responsible for the war in the first place, especially one that was cartoonishly evil, isn't going to hinder productivity, if anything it's only going to boost morale by lighting a fire in the hearts of the oppressed.
Nice, she got the dragon cock and had kids with him. This is much better than the anime ending.
Didn't they kill Hitler and Mussolini in a similar fashion? It's historically accurate of what happens to dictators.
Well correction, just Mussolini, Hitler suicided before it happened, but they did parade Hitlers corpse around.
that's a damn lie
Mussolini was executed via amateur firing squad. Hitler shot himself.
Hitler was partially cremated and buried
I swear, this shit is world history 101. You guys are fuckin dumb
Consider all the things fatso did directly or by manipulating retard kid emperor. AgK left very clear that PM was the source of all the corruption and evil stuff going on, which wasn't exactly a secret either.
This is no dictator who at least can be argued commited evil for the sake of a greater good. This guy did nothing but knowingly spread misery and delighting himself in watching the empire fall into ruins. If he had accepted his defeat honorably, he still could be deserving of a quick death.
But he was a remorseless coward until the very end. Anything but outright torture woukd qualify as him getting away with it. This show was edgy with the innocents. Why it can't be edgy where it matters?
Still dont like Drifter / Hellsing art style
This Is My Fetish.
>record scratch
My sides
>men have huge dicks
Y-yeah haha, w-we do
Our dick/body ratio is the strongest.
I thought it was some bat
Damn no catgirl Lionnee sad she had to die.
>>Damn no catgirl Lionnee sad she ha
The only sad thing is that she died alone in the street. She had a good run at the end, drinking and partying. Someone should have made her eat some scrambled eggs.
sic semper tyrannis
better than the anime where she just dies in an alley at least she got one last meal
But he did nothing wrong. He was just manipulated.