Does anyone else like Jojo's Bizarre Adventure? I started watching the Diamond Is Unbreakable when it first started and absolutely adored it, decided to jump right into the manga and take a break from Sup Forums until I finished it to avoid spoilers. Part seven is probably one of the best pieces of graphic fiction I've ever read, honestly. Part 8 seems like its shaping up nicely too.
What's the general consensus Sup Forums ?
Evan Rodriguez
kill yourself, jojobrony
Joshua Powell
I seem to have missed out on some spicy memes over the last 8 or so months, hul...
Asher Clark
Back to Sup Forums, virgin.
Yes OP it's basically the official series of Sup Forums right now
Owen Perez
Yeah I only just noticed that there's actually general threads. Kind of surprising, I would have figured the mods would have shut those down instantly but I guess they love the series just as much. Good to know Sup Forums still has decent taste.
Isaac Perez
>Does anyone else like Jojo's Bizarre Adventure? Nah man, never heard of it.
Dylan Long
Probably the best long running shonen around, definitely check it out. The anime is good but the manga is better in my opinion, everything's on
Angel Robinson
you really are an idiot huh?
Julian Perez
Is this a Jojo thread___?
Ryder King
I'm sorry?
Samuel Taylor
Anthony Nguyen
Jesus Christ dude
Logan Brown
Diamond is Unbreakable was the worst arc of the anime.
Ian Garcia
I don't know how they managed it honestly, in the manga each Part is better than the one before it
Dominic Mitchell
I recommend that you lurk moar.
Chase Turner
>What's the general consensus Sup Forums ? Stopped liking it as much since it's popularity blew up and the fan base became cancer. the manga is still GOAT, no matter what happens
Samuel Flores
here to complain about giogio
Giogio is literally plain greek yogurt (joke intended haha)
All jokes aside, each Jojo has a personality like here
Jonathan - noble gentle giant who wants to protect what is good Joseph - prankster goofball who wants to protect world for grandad's sake Jotaro - family tree shit again, but an edgelord that at least has some depth josuke - like father like son, but highschooler that makes friends Johnny - wants to redeem himself in his father's eyes and learn to literally walk again
now tell me about Giogio besides him having the answer to every fucking problem
he's just "oh yea the answer is x" abbachio replies "FUCK YOU DUMB MOTHER FUCKER STEP OUT OF LINE I WILL CUT YOU" and bruno is like "yea its x"
(I skipped part 6, yea but I'm gonna be reading it soon, but from what I heard Jolyne has some depth.) >inb4 fuck you skip part retard!!!!
Jeremiah Kelly
Logan Hill
Why would you skip the part with the second best finale
Camden Hall
I like Gio. He's a very kind and introverted boy, he has a goal and is the driving force of the narrative. Not to speak of his numerous thematic parallels to both Jonathan and Dio. I'm super tired so I'm not gonna write a huge paragraph for you so I hope this is enough. Also, read Stone Ocean, it's good.
Ian Johnson
During the break for part 3, I read all of part 3 and 4, watched the anime then tried to pick up part 5. A quarter of the way in, it was too boring but I had a friend who recommended reading part 7 and said it was completely different so dont feel guilty. Read part 7, fell in love and just recently found time to finish up part 5 actually. It's only a matter of time before I read part 6
Carter Wilson
>Giogio is literally plain greek yogurt (joke intended haha) I fail to see where the joke is.
Matthew Roberts
Giorno, put simply, is what Dio would have been if Dio wasn't a huge dick. Giorno has that same ambition for power, to rise to the top. But he also has the Joestar spirit in him, as he wants to take over Passione to make it a force for good, and is also caring for his friends. But if you piss him off, he'll make you eat a gun or get MUDA MUDA MUDA'd for 7 pages. He's easily one of the Jojos with the most ambition, tied maybe with Johnny and his quest to get the Holy Corpse.
Wyatt Brooks
italy and greece are like kind of close but not really
Ayden Cooper
John Nelson
Nathan Johnson
Connor Brooks
Yeah fuck off jojotard
Ian Young
>stop talking about things I don't like
Levi Williams
The only thing you can do is cry and that's not going to make anyone leave. Settle down.
Julian Stewart
Yeah so fuck off now JOJOTARD ;^)
Nathaniel Russell
You're not my mom you can't tell me what to do
Bentley Cox
>stop talking about anime on the anime board Have some spook for your time
Aiden Butler
I think it's time to admit that some of the fanbase has gotten pretty bad. You see people RP'ing the characters and saying "I'M LITERALLY JOTARO" and they overall just have an unhealthy Chrischan-esque obsession with the franchise.
Owen Wood
Cameron Perez
I won't lie, I caught myself saying yare yare daze when my imouto beat me at smash bros earlier today. Ive never felt my autism so strongly
Josiah Edwards
I say it daily
Tyler Moore
It's the same kind of obnoxious crowd that runs anything popular into the ground. Certainly the following JoJo already has dwarfs however many newcomers can jump in so I'm not worried. They'll drop off around the time SO is animated anyway.
Henry Richardson
I miss Yasuho
Caleb Martinez
>letting yourself get beaten at Smash by your imouto You weak piece of shit. You must train hard with your main and learn to play on the level of gods.
Asher Parker
>in the manga each Part is better than the one before it Part 3 is one of the worst though.