Oh wow there's finally a black guy in anime and he's smug as heck!

oh wow there's finally a black guy in anime and he's smug as heck!

There have been quite a few black dudes in anime...

But why can't they stop drawing us with ridiculous lips.

Pic related is a passable example of black that doesn't look ridiculous and looks great because of accurate shading.

But what the fuck is the dude next to him supposed to be light skinned?

>he's smug as heck
Of course he is. If you meet a black man who isn't smug in his swagness, there's something wrong with him.

I should probably go before Sup Forums decides to drop by.

>there's finally a black guy in anime
Come back when you have watched more than 20 anime

There's a lot more than you think

this guy existed for a while

Blade had an anime like 6 years ago

dude to the left looks like an albino who dyed his hair.

and eyebrows.

>forgetting the og from the 80s

80's 90's movies and OVAs had americans half the time as black guys, half the time as freckled blonde white guys with an accentuated nose.

The jews did this.

>OG from the 80s
>Anime is from like 3 years ago

what did he mean by this

you call those 'lips' ?

Dude there was a fuckton in post Itachi Naruto.
Killer Bee, The Kazekage, Karui, Omoi, Darui

Plus there's Tosen in Bleach Yoruichi is a maybe, even the animators don't know.

stardust crusaders has existed since the 80s. i just enjoyed that particular pic of abdul.

>Anime is from like 3 years ago
lol lurk moar

>Finally a smug black guy
We literally just finished a arc with the smuggest black guy of possibly all of anime history

But is there an anime where the black dude is the main character?

There's also an old manga called Blaster Knuckle.

Why is there a zombie in the cast?

Black Protagonist when? Sup Forums's ultimate shitposting when? Heroine getting black'd when?

Afro Samurai.

Right next to him is a jew.

>didn't get Sup Forums'd
Oh shit.

I couldn't tell if he was Drake light or what.

In the OP? No. That's the clownface the 11s' xenophobic asses want to give black folk as an easy way to distinguish "blackness". Black people just don't look like that.

>a jew


Hey guys, what's going on in this thread?

>Black people just don't look like that


I've seen thousands of black people during my time on this planet so yeah I know what black features look like. They fucked up the dude's lips.

And the Drake motherfucker next to him, I still don't know what to make of him.

It's a cartoon

>I've seen thousands of black people during my time on this planet
I'm so sorry. It's a wonder you're still alive.

Artists are still required to put some degree of accuracy and realism into their work.

Haha, funny, buddy.

>Artists are still required to put some degree of accuracy and realism into their work.
Not really
Most Asians don't have colorful hair and eyes

>But why can't they stop drawing us with ridiculous lips.
That's how you people look tho.

No wonder they say Afro American are the most racist scum in the world.
Did you just try to tell other races how to draw?

I look nothing like that though.

Can you be more obvious Sup Forums? You cant shoehorn propaganda absolutely everywhere.

>oh wow I watched my first show that wasn't CGDCT and it had a black guy in it

If you don't like people to criticize you, don't do stupid shit like questioning why anime is drawn like anime in the anime board.

Draw your own stupid shit on your own time and have everyone mock you for it.

>dont criticise ever because I dont like that.

Nice trips though.

There's literally a white(?) guy right next to him with fat lips as well. Stop being a stupid whiny nigger.

>this deep in denial

Why are you stereotyping your own race

Anime is very stereotypical when it comes to depicting foreigners. I don't think it's done out of maliciousness or anything. I think it's more of a combination of laziness and lack of awareness. Like one of the worst examples I can think of is Bandai from the DR3 anime. They slapped every fucking stereotype they could on his design, have him voiced by Rie fucking Kugamiya in case someone actually tried to take him seriously and then to top it all off he's the first to fucking die.

There's a lot of ambiguous brown people in anime so to make so the audience knows they're black they just tack on every stereotypical feature they can think of. Most black characters are throwaway minor characters so that works fine for them. Sure, it bothers me as a black person, but I've just gotten used to it. I do appreciate when shows or artists take the time to design a black character that avoids those sort of features though.

Yes, you know me better than I know myself.

Blacks aren't a single race, Sup Forums fag. Just like whites and Asians, their appearances varies, especially by region. For examples, Ethiopians don't have pronounced nostrils and have thin lops unlike what blacks are stereotyped to have.

That's great. KFC is thataway.

Sorry, I prefer my home-made, you inbred, uneducated redneck trailertrash.



Wow what a racist. Guess it's fine though seeing as you'll be murdered by another black dude pretty soon.

This show was fun. I love rie.

>Heroine getting black'd when?

I think Yoruichi is black, I dunno why I do but from transformation from the black cat and natural dark skin and purple hair combo, I dunno, I'm probably just hoping she is but she seems legit about it.

>he's the first to fucking die
Not quite, but now that you mention it
>Only black person one of the first victims
His code and death were the most unfair, too. He never had a chance.

Black heroine getting bleached when?

we need more rie