Gabriel Dropout

12 hours untill the best yuri show of the season!

Did you praise to yuri today?

I'll praise this ass instead.

Is this yuri?

I hope this show is as good as the ass makes it seem.

If even this is not yuri then nothing is

I'm ready.

Gabriel > Satan > Raphiel > Vignette

Wrong page?

>best yuri show of the season
The only real competition will be MaiDragon anyway.

Even Urara Meirochou is more yuri than this.

>Urara Meirochou
>male MC is more yuri than this

You don't have a soul.

>male MC

You have gay shit for brains


Taichou is a girl you faggot

I should have seen this one coming from a mile away even though it's neither a male and much less the MC.

>not yuri

>not yuri

What are you talking about?
Is there some gay innuendo I'm not getting?

>Ep 1: 8h 15m

Do they kiss afterwards?

not really

there's only one lesbian character

>there's only one lesbian character
Which one is it?

an angel that will show up later probably

bottom-right of

I find your information sketchy at best.

She just seems blushy and embarrassed around people. I doubt she's a lesbian.

Kissing is too lewd for yuri

Hopefully Masahiko Oota's blend of comedy will lend itself well to this series. JC Staff has set the bar higher than I thought they would with Urara Meirochou but hopefuly Dogakobo is up for the challenge for 2nd best yuri-tinged CGDCT/SoL of the season.

she thinks humans are unclean but wants to fuck the MC

From my extensive 32 seconds of research I have to disagree. It looks like she just admired Gab for her status, and like I said, gets blushy around everyone. Like when Devil-girl says she wants to be friends with her.

Feel free to post pages from the manga that prove me wrong. Because I really only did do a few seconds of searching.


Yeah, but again, she gets blushy like that over everyone.
Like devil-girl saying she wants to be friends here.

Just read the manga, it won't take long

I don't even wanna read your intention now

Here's another page where she blushes at just some other random girl while only saying hello.

Pretty sure I'm right and she's just a stereotypical shy girl character.

What did she mean by this?

Change those yuri googles for a rope in your neck

you are right
yurifags need to die off

So it's like a supernatural Umaru or something?

>Ep 1: 5h 16m

She's counting the virgins

We need a sticky to explain to these deluded Yuri fans what Yuri is.

Holy fuck they just claim it for anything these days.

I'm pretty sure its just one person
no one cant be this dedicated

And we need to know who's the bigger piece of shit: Mugino or you? You're just as annoying as him. You're way too pussy to reply, you avatarfagging shit.

>Ep 1: 2h 20m

One hour and 13 mins.



really, how self insert can even compete?

>ywn laze around, play video games, and then have junk food-fueled sex with an angel who has the same name as you

Why even live?

They will be competing over who gets the dick first faggot Mugino.

30 mins

they are not dumb like you want they be, you user that can't proof anything

I suck black cocks

He is a hit and run shitposter and fujoshit.

>yuri in the OP
First thread is already shit.

As the angel that I also share my name with, I'm only here to collect bullied Satan pics.

Everything is either Yuri or Yaoi these days.

its starting



I haven't heard Kanahana in a while, it'll be nice.


Can you fuck off? i read this manga and there weren't any male scums to interfere my lolis

What a good girl.

Ohta Masahiko will probably include some more yuri if Doga gives him the liberty


>tfw Gabu-chan will never heal you

since when lelouche was supporting gay shit? it's a fake lelouche right? or it's the ledouche

Is Gabriel's VA a Chitose? Looks like she only did background characters until now.

I really hope they animate the job interview.

Yeah, pretty much. Red devil is too, she voiced Norika in Momokuri.

Toilet? This is getting too lewd.

She's already teleported her panties into class, and the promo art is quite revealing.


Vignette's clothes are quite nice.

They added the cockroach chapter, good.

I want to bully her.

Sadist angel.


Dogakobo delivers.



holy shit they actually did it




This show is not only for comedy but has lewd

I love Hanazawa sadist roles


best girl

Yes please.


Cute pantsu



>doesn't even bother making her barefoot
>another shitty foot scene
As expected of those autistic navelcucks over at DogshitKobo. How long until those faggots go out of business?


I would keep her butts warm.


another otaku garbage