Great to know how backwards the GOP priorities are

Great to know how backwards the GOP priorities are.

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Obama was a terrorist

((( )))

Free Pre-k is political conditioning and paedophilia
It was first tried in 1960's west Germany in what has been colloquially called "red kindergartens" where children were described as to "go up to men and unbuckle their trousers" without instruction

>keeping the money you earned is equivalent to a handout
man are people this stupid?

> implying that the money you work for itsn't yours

>Obama and the dems give hundreds of billions to illegal immigrants
>money that could pay for free college for every American student
>could also pay for free healthcare for every American citizen

lol yeah but, keep bitching about the GOP

>i didn't steal your money, therefor i gave it to you, bow down to me peasant

taxation is theft
reducing taxes means not stealing it, not that it was given back

bc all rich people in the usa are self made millionaires who got to where they are through hard work and true grit
jesus fucking christ are you this naive?

get a load of this faggot right here

>>free college
costs 130 billion
>>give 1.4 trillion
letting people keep they money they earned

> not stealing that much is “giving“ in a leftists sick mind
The arrogance!
They even consider it totally granted!

The world MUST remove all leftists, if it ever wants to prosper.

Remove the parasites!


You know what makes a nation prosper? Education. You know what doesn't make a nation prosper? Tax cuts for people who are already so rich that they could stop working forever.

Ultimately, free education would even benefit the rich as well since they would have more and better skilled workers.

america already has free education its called FAFSA
and tax cuts wont effect FAFSA

Who needs workers? I mean, you know, muh robots and muh automation and all that hooplah.

After I build my palatial estate with walls and barbed wire and armed guards around it and a helicopter pad with my own helicopter with mounted 50 caliber guns on it I won't have to deal with the dirty, uneducated, impoverished common folk anyway, so why should I care? It won't be long before I get all the money to do that. I just have to get promoted from assistant manager at Arby's to manager and then surely I'll be on the fast track to fabulous wealth! That's how America works, right?

Please God let that be how America works...


that's a pretty good argument for tax cuts, glad to see your priorities are straight


>says the smiling man that gave 12 trillion to rich people that drove their companies into the ground.

Yeah bro FAFSA is totally free. It's not like you pay those loans back with interest or anything and are unable to default on them even through bankruptcy.

Yep, totally, 100% free. Yes-siree Bob. Completely free.

FAFSA is free you dolt. My grill used it for free college.

Its not that hard. Youll get it tyresse.

Honestly. This is a huge game changer lmao. Was the free public college meant to only cost 130 billion?

Full retard. Even a quick glance on wikipedia will tell you that it doesn't make anything free.
Nobody says that. Obviously there has to be limits to what people can get, and in fact, I think the US currently spends too much on handouts, especially in the medical sector.

The fact is there's still no practical reasons to give a tax cut to people who don't need it and who wont use it to benefit the nation.

BS. You cannot convince me that that 13 billion a year would cover pre-k and community college for everyone.

Also no mention of how this would've been funded? Or how the money their giving to the rick was already theirs - it was just taken by taxation.

>letting people keep their money is "giving"
how much you wanna bet: (((Lierman)))


Ouch, that's gonna sting.

>They are about to give $1.4 trillion to the rich people without blinking
What does he have against free Donations to the oppressed Jewish 1% ? Twitter users should confront him over his antisemitic stance...


Lol keep crying because you are incapable and lazy

Too bad they doubled the national debt at 10 trillion. What was so much more important to Obama that he chose it over funding free school?

>They are about to give $1.4 trillion to rich people without thinking

Notice how liberals never see taxing as taking from people. They think they are entitled to this money, or at least entitled to it to distribute it to who they want. They don’t even consider the idea that someone else made or EARNED this money. Legally. To be a modern liberal is to be the living embodiment of envy-not wanting other people to have things that belong to them.

Seriously, they’re not liberals. We need to start calling them Enviests.

Free college just devalues college more.

Do these people not think that far ahead?

"If you like your health plan, you can keep your health plan."

>free college for every asshole in the world would only cost $13 Billion a year
Q:How can you tell when a jew is lying to you?
A: The jew always lies, you stupid goyim.

It's not a loan you retard. I've been going to school for free for two years and I don't owe them shit

>Full retard. Even a quick glance on wikipedia will tell you that it doesn't make anything free.

Instead of just stating shit on twitter that you pulled from your ass?

Also this.
There's a reason tradeskills are in extreme demand and college diploma normies are not.

>"free" college
>"giving" rich people money
it's not free when you took money from somebody to _pay_ for it and letting them keep their money is not giving it to them. how stupid can you be?

>13 billion

>As with all grants, there is a maximum amount that the government funds for each applicant. For the 2010–2011, 2011–2012, 2012–2013, and 2013-2014 award years, the maximum amount was $5,645.

Kyle (((Liarman)))

They didn’t do that in my kindergarten class. Have you told an adult about your experience?

Cry moar, faggot.

In the words of your hero Bill clinton
>It depends on what the definition of give is.

because letting people keep their money is the same as redistributing the wealth of others

Taxation isn’t theft if you’re a citizen of this country. It’s part of being in society with a government and public works

FASFA is free you fucking moron. They offer both grants ("free" money) and loans (money you have to pay back)
FFS, at least try to hide the fact you're underage.

>1.4 trillion to rich people
How do people fall for this shit? The rich got a .3% tax cut. More like the government took 1.4 trillion from California and New York leeches and gave it to everyone else.

They are bro, forget it. Sup Forums is for retards. They don’t understand anything about taxes or the government - you’re wasting your time

What kind of colleges are you going to that you can pay for with just PELL grants alone? Fucking clown college?

>being born means you're responsible for my college tuition
>it's not my fault i can't afford it on my own, why should i be responsible?

>Letting people keep more of their money is a donation
>This is what G*rmans actually believe


Apparently is the same as not taking.

>CC takes in $70 billion a year in tuition
>Obama said it'll only cost $130 billion for 10 years
Is this like how every family will save 2k for obamacare?

>spending even more money on niggers and spics
>expecting them to change this time

I aint giving anymore money so shity education.

>not taking somebodies things


>The educators' notes indicate that they placed a very strong emphasis on sex education. Almost every day, the students played games that involved taking off their clothes, reading porno magazines together and pantomiming intercourse.

this. i fucking hate liberals

>Implying not taxing that money is "giving" it to them
>Implying a loss of revenue is the same as spending
At least know wtf you're talking about before making an argument you faggot

When the government is treasonous, it is theft.
I’ll gladly and willingly contribute when this country looks out for my best interest again.

Well they're giving about 2300 dollars a year to me and I'm by no means rich. That's all I care about.

Fuck Donald ShitFuck.

Fuck Republicans.


Seriously, tho I'm glad as fuck this piece of dogshit billionaire welfare bill is going through.

It's a HARD REALITY call to the racist working class whites who voted for Fuckface and let fake news steal it from Her.

Was it really worth it just to ban a few Muslims, cunts?

Just so you wouldn't have to put up with a brutally intelligent woman with a brain ten sizes bigger than yours being President?



Now you remember why.

The Republican Party will do ten thousand times more damage to your lives than a dozen of the meanest, most lethally trained Muslim terrorists ever will.

Republicans in full control of Congress will literally KILL more people than Isis with a year's supply of dirty bombs.

Republicans will literally have more blood on their hands than Kim Jong-fucking-Un after ravaging your healthcare.

Poor people will die in droves, far worse than 9/11 thanks to this shit.

Next the fucking assholes are coming after Medicare, Social Security, whining about the deficit all the time while their rich buttfuck lobbyists pour themselves another glass of Dom.

Oh, and your healthcare is in their sniper sights, too. You do realize Obamacare helped everyone not in the 1%?

Stop being stupid. Stop hating brown people. Stop being childish manbaby cunts to women.

We can still stop this and learn a very, very painful lesson.

If you aren't voting Democrat next year, just stay the fuck home.

If working class whites will either sit on their asses or, better, go to the polls and vote (D) all the way, this madness can end.

The Republican Party can be kicked from Congress for a generation.

Asshole, Pence, and Paul Ryan can be impeached and removed.

Pelosi can be President.

And maybe we can finally have a functioning fucking government again.

Sounds a lot better than screeching at brown people and throwing a tantrum over a President with a vagina...right?

>further disenfranchise the poor by making their education free and therefore obligatory

>they arent giving rich people anything, they just are stealing less of it to pay for bums and leeches
>fuck paying for other peoples' education

1 post by this id after i wrote it, saged.

>All this autism
I'm not even a republican, I'm a National Socialist. And you're fucking retarded.

>Have parents who love you enough to set up a college fund for you at birth
Even if you don't have that
>Save damn near every dollar you earn/are gifted
>Get a part time job in high school
>Work full time in the summers
>Go to community college for your first two years of college to get bullshit mandatory and 101 courses out of the way for a fraction of the price of 4 year university
>Continue Working while you're in CC
>Transfer after receiving your Associates degree
>Apply for every single grant/scholarship for which you even remotely qualify
>Don't live on campus and commute from home
>Continue working while at 4 year uni
This is what I did and I graduated 5 years ago with a little over $5K in debt, which I finished paying off about a year ago.

>spend 500,000,000,000 on education a year
>expect people to believe throwing college in will cost far less

Shows how bad public education is. May as well force grades 13-16 on everyone.

They were saving the money for something better than libtards and poors.

I followed a similar path. I took out a few loans and paid them back withing a few years. I worked hard to pay for my college. I also had basically no social life from age 16 until age 23 because I spent all my time working or studying while I payed every penny I had so some useless fucking University president and chancellor could live in very nice free houses and drive fancy cars while getting paid hundreds of thousands each year while the people actually teaching me made a pittance.

>brain ten times larger
Encephalitis is a serious health issue. She may want to see a doctor.

the government ceasing to take people's money =\= giving people money, you colossal fucking retard

You kike shillfags are REALLY butthurt this week, aren't you? I mean, I can understand now that

- Roy Moore will be elected
- Trump tax plan passed
- Travel ban upheld
- Mueller BTFOed with biased agent outed
- Sealed indictments will put away shitloads of leftist politicians soon

And all the rest of the good stuff happening. God, how sad it must be to be a liberal faggot these days, how can you lose so frequently and not just kill yourselves?

>taxing less money is the same as spending more money

rich people pay all the taxes though. so """giving""" rich people back their money that was taken by the government isn't really """"giving""""" them back anything at all.

i wish these shitheels could just admit they need rich people to support their political careers by handing out gibs to niggers.

The majority of millionaires are indeed self made. Everyone has a tinge of disgust at those who've never had to work for their wealth but most of the time, it's people who've pulled themselves up.

>giving money
I'm sorry I thought the left loved giving out free welfare? Oh wait they think letting people keep the money they earned is "giving them money" because the ((public sector)) sees those funds as theirs

Community college is free if you are poor. Know what the black kids do, get the finacial aid, drop the claases and buy yeezys/weed

>I also had basically no social life from age 16 until age 23 because I spent all my time working or studying while I payed every penny I had so some useless fucking University president and chancellor could live in very nice free houses and drive fancy cars while getting paid hundreds of thousands each year while the people actually teaching me made a pittance.
Dont forget about paying the football and basketball coaches millions of dollars a year to babysit barely literate roided out niggers who are only there to play a game a couple months a year.

>free CC and preK would have cost $130b
yeah ok

also preK is bullshit. studies already prove that preK vs. no preK is irrelevant by 3rd grade.

CC actually serves a purpose but it shouldn't be free, it should be more privatized so it can better serve the market (which is its only purpose to begin with)

also this rich guy here who makes $35k a year is getting a pretty nice little tax cut, and so is the small company I work for, so fuck you.

>not taxing people
>giving them money



I don't get why the rich need a tax cut anyway

>Was it really worth it just to ban a few Muslims, cunts?
It would be worth ten times what I paid, yes.
I'll volunteer when it comes time to load you kikes into the ovens. I'd work for free and still come in every morning whistling a tune. I hate you just that much.

Now kill yourself you plebbit-spaced faggot shill. I guarantee the death you give yourself will be far less painless than what you have waiting for you.

Luckily (at least from what I was told) the Football program (and all the sports teams I believe) were self-funded through merchandising and ticket sales. I'm not sure if I believe that shit though. It's utterly ridiculous how much the cost of higher education has grown while the quality of the education has nosedived. It's much the same as it is in corporate America and basically everything in this society: costs go up, quality goes down, those at the top make away with all the cash.

It's an absolutely mental system and will either change or collapse. This is unsustainable.

>I don't want a tax cut
lol from that thread


Keeping your own money is now the government giving it to you

Community College was covered just by Georgia's state system. I was ineligible for PELL but I knew people that got it; they'd get extra money each quarter and they usually spent it on guns and cars and drugs and shit.

Free community college sounds nice in theory but in reality companies just need to train people internally like they used to do and faggy liberal HR people need to be fired so that a bunch of niggers and SJW's aren't getting all of the jobs. I do the hiring for my division directly and HR fucking hates me because I don't have enough "diversity" but we're the most efficient group in the entire company so they can't say shit. Meanwhile another division that HR has full control over, they're the worst division because it has the most niggers, women, and faggots.

Is most people in this thread being retarded about taxation or do they really not want a functional government?

I've seen this whole "Taxation is Theft" argument before, but it does not hold up in any organised society. Go back through history and you can see that taxation has existed for as long as human society (with all those mod cons like armies) so why do people want to have a non-functional governmental system that could have issues paying for things like armies, and presidents, and elected officials. If you don't want a society with any of those things in them, then why are you on the internet at all? I mean you should be guarding your home, while tending your farms on your personal land purchased and separated from your birth nation and is now a micronation ethno-state.

>Go to college
>Get a "feminist studies" degree
>Make drinks at starbucks

Yep, people sure are "prospering" by their education.

> letting someone keep their own money is now "giving it away"

yeah, this isn't the same thing. Those rich people aren't "getting" anything but their OWN MONEY back. Stupid liberals don't even know how taxes work.

I agree that this kind of useless education shouldn't be subsidized. Free education should be for useful degrees only.

They need tax cuts because they already have been paying for your retarded commie nigger ass for forever.

>About 1.7 million Americans, less than 1 percent of our population, pay 70.6 percent of federal income taxes

On top of paying the most taxes for most of the country they are also the ones investing in stocks, bonds, notes, foundations, charities, and business creating jobs.

Dumbfuck commies like you just think that they have giant bags of money just sitting in safes. Most people do not have their bulk in liquid assets.

How much do you think those rich people earn, and how much tax do you think they could be avoiding? I mean the Panama and Paradise papers did show many of the extremely wealthy in the states are paying a lot of tax, but should be paying even more and are hiding in it offshore accounts. Breaking the law in the process.

>Free community college sounds nice in theory but in reality companies just need to train people internally like they used to do and faggy liberal HR people need to be fired so that a bunch of niggers and SJW's aren't getting all of the jobs.

I agree with this 100%. I got sick very quickly when I was looking for work after school
>Entry level position/internship
>Must have 3 years experience, 5 years preferred