We need more yandere MCs

We need more yandere MCs

How did this end btw. I was too angry to read more

ET didn't go home.

This was pretty great.
Even alien monstergirls fall for abusive relationships.

I dunno what it is about this manga that triggers me but it was the same feels I got originally with koi kaze.

Like a sense of revulsion at such innocence. Can anyone help me figure out what it is?

Just read shoujo/josei manga. The male love interests usually have some yandere traits.

shoujo/josei aren't yandere lmao. have you ever read those genres? the males are usually kuudere to the MAX. yanderes are seen as super wierdos.

>koi kaze
pleb taste

Preaching to the choir man. I loved aki sora and usagi drop but koi kaze was fucking unsettling as shit to me.

she kills the two bugs after her man comes and saves her.

the ending is strange though, you see another egg in the sky.

on the one hand it's implied that there are still others like her out there and have arrived on the other for some reason I wonder if she "mated" with him and laid a new set of eggs.

why would you get angry?


I'm probably just a pussy but I found it hard to read. I'll probably finish it at some point.

>author at the end writing about pretty boys who look like psychopaths but are just misunderstood

Does he ever change his attitude?

When she seems to disappear for good.

He becomes a good person.