Saekano thread

I just finished season 1 and recently found out that season 2 is coming this April. What kind of game dev shinanigan drama can we expect for the next season?

I can promise you a lot of garbage both in the show and in these threads

Megumi a s__t.

So I'm guessing that it's the usual waifu faggotry like Yahari and nisekoi?

Except more Utaha being best girl and Eriri being a shit.

Megumifags falseflagging as Utahafags now. Disgusting

Holy shit, how hard is it for you tsundereshitters to get through your skulls that people don't like your insufferable cunt? You don't have to be some falseflagger to realize this.

A lot of shitpostings and an intolerable fanbase, unfortunately.

Shut up THK we all know you're falseflagging as an Utahafag now.

>we all know

Go take your meds you paranoid schizo.