Why does Sup Forums like this unoriginal, edgy pile of shit?

Why does Sup Forums like this unoriginal, edgy pile of shit?
>Take the premise of Madoka Magica and add in Hunger Games
>Flashbacks to spoil a character's demise
>MC does LITERALLY NOTHING in the entirety of the first season
>First scene of the first episode spoiling how edgy this show was going to be while madoka surprised us later on
>No character development for most of the characters
> Season ends with two survivors instead of one, like a certain first movie of a franchise
Was it just waifu and trap bait?

It got sequels and shit, not a one off series.Its an advertisement for the LN.

> add in Hunger Games
Do you actually think Hunger Games invented "a bunch of people fight to the death"?

Are the sequels any good or are they SAO levels of rushed?

I didnt follow it after the anime ended.Check the catalog.

>First scene of the first episode spoiling how edgy this show was going to be while madoka surprised us later on
No point in beating around the bush anymore.
I honestly found this show more fun than Madoka. It spent more time showing girls fighting and killing each other than being emo. It doesn't really matter that it was unoriginal, because pretty much all anime is derivative of other anime.
Madoka was also a ripoff of Urobuchi's favorite rider season, and all his works are the same anyways.
>Battle royale
>The monsters were actually human!
>The scope of the conflict reaches godhood by the end

>Season ends with two survivors instead of one

Despair porn is very popular.

Delete this

Ripple is pure

It was shit
>Hype up a character for 11 episodes and have it killed by literally who