>Dropped Masamune-kun no Revenge Idol Jihen Seiren
Jeremiah Bell
Oh my god why didn't I know this exists. This is going to be the death of me and I'll love every second.
Daniel Taylor
>seconds You betcha.
Liam Thompson
Ok tier Demi-chan
Meh tier Masamune-kun no revenge Youjo senki
William Lee
Around 30 seconds actual episode and 1 minute OP song
Brayden Lee
>love every second All 120 seconds including the OP.
Luke Sanchez
How nice this will be if the OP visual changes every episode.One can dream.
Camden Perry
>Comments that Exorcist is Yaoi >Doesn't realize Chinkpact is too
Justin Morris
OP looked fine, the song sucked though
Nathan Russell
Fuck, I knew it. Oh well that only means I'll survive more than one episode.
Jonathan Lee
Anyone watch Tanya saga of evil yet?
Owen Lee
Its shit. The combat moments are decent, but everything outside them is boring and uninteresting.
Nathaniel Wilson
Watch it yourself fag,its alright
Nicholas Powell
Nvm. Creepy as fuck.
Gavin Rivera
Shit show that doesn't have a cute loli to redeem it
Henry Sullivan
Guess the show
Aiden Gutierrez
That literal chinese cartoon.
Leo Mitchell
Still waiting for Chinese anime with actually decent animation. Last was Cupids Chocolate
Next is Avatar
Grayson Johnson
>god-tier Rakugo S2
>good tier LWA
>fucking dropped tier Urara
>meme tier, but will watch Idol Jihen
>anticipating tier Onihei
>not interested tier Everything else.
Colton Sullivan
Can we at least get all the shows before we do these threads, Dear lord.
God tier: LWA. Demi Chan. Rakugo.
Great tier: Urara. Seiren Masamune Kun
Good tier: Youjo Senki Nyanko days. Eidlive Fuuka.
Lets finish it for the sake of it tier: Nanbaka Minami Kakamura.
Daniel Taylor
Good as expected and will finish tier: Rakugo2 LWA
Don't usually watch pedo bait however nothing else was released or interesting so I gave it a shot and it legit made me laugh and will probably finish tier: Urara
Watched because nothing else was released or looked interesting and might finish solely for Vampire tier: Demi
Watched because nothing much else was released or looked interesting and may not finish tier: Akiba's Masamune
Have to endure next days until Hand Shakers and Maid Dragon.
Nicholas Bennett
>Triggered. Nice tumblr meme.
Owen Barnes
ACCA at least is better than Yojou Senki and not hyped at all because no one read the manga.
Henry Cruz
Hand Shakers sounds absolutely terrible
Jaxon Lee
should really give it till the end of the week once everything has aired before starting this kind of thread
Eli Lopez
Agreed, I'm 90% sure it will be bullshit. Maybe I will still give it a chance because I'm getting desperate here.
Jaxson Hall
AOTS doesn't air until 21st of january though
Aiden Roberts
How new can you be? Are you not ashamed of yourself?
Handshakers is GoHands going big budget and essentially remaking [K] but with lolis instead fujoshi bait. Being great is guaranteed, even if the story is complete wreck.
Jeremiah Hill
K was also shit and "but with lolis" has never been a good thing
Grayson Wood
Absolute rubbish.
Cameron Morgan
>K was also shit Opinion discarded
Liam Martinez
>FUCKEN' DROPPED tier >Seiren
Leo Miller
Many people watch it, except faggot pedo sissies from Sup Forums.
Hudson Lewis
>I liked it Akiba's Trip The Animation Demi-chan wa Kataritai Seiren Urara Meirochou Youjo Senki
>Dropped after the first episode Idol Jihen Little Witch Academia Masamune-kun no Revenge Minami Kamakura Koukou Joshi Jitensha-bu Schoolgirl Strikers: Animation Channel
>Waiting ACCA 13-ku Kansatsu-ka Hand Shakers Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon KonoSuba 2 One Room
Samuel Kelly
How can one person have so much shit taste?
Joshua Davis
The real answer
Ryder Adams
>Rating seasons 1 week in Anyways, I'm enjoying LWA/Demi/Urara and watching Youjo to shitpost about /k/ matters. Waiting for Konosuba, ACCA, and Maidragon.
Jordan Nguyen
I agree, but Gintama should be Good, not god. We no fun allowed now.
Christopher Reed
You don't need more than one episode to tell that Spiritpact is going to be shit. The only question that remains is just how shit it's going to be.