Why does Sup Forums hate Light but love Lelouch?
Why does Sup Forums hate Light but love Lelouch?
Lelouch had people he loved.
Light was working from his bedroom from a personal sense of justice.
Lulu was a fallen noble, fighting a Macaque war with the long view of redeeming his place in the world and exacting revenge against his father's tyranny.
Absurdity of setting allows for absurdity of plot device.
Light is edgy 14yo psycopath who wanted to become The god.
Lulu was seeking revenge and protection for nunnally and in the end just peace for world.
Real reason is that Lelouch succeeded and Light didn't. Any other explanations are sentimental crap like "he had loved ones" and crap. Fans of one were typical fans of the other back in the day, now fans like so denigrate the other to pretend their character wasn't as much of a chuuni edgelord fantasy.
Basically both succeeded in getting fans to follow a protagonist even as they did terrible villainous things, with one getting a bad end while the other being treated more sympathetically.
Lelouch is honestly better character
Think they're both good characters. All honestly if they were in the same series, they'd be great foil characters to one another. Best way in showing the differences is really in their endings which I don't think I need to waste time typing that out since I think everyone knows how these two end.
You're pretty stupid. Even after Light got his sister traumatised and his father killed with his bullshit, he barely felt anything and moved on.
Lelouch, unlike Light, only became more saddened by the lives he destroyed as the series went on. It started with Shirley but Euphemia's tragedy damaged him to the point where he had to get C.C. to comfort him.
Light only ever really cared when someone directly challenged him.
No shit light barely felt anything cause he was thinking greater than just about himself. He is thinking about the whole world and the moment he started killing criminals he took on that burden.
It's not that hard to understand
Objectively not
Lulu is generic and just like hundreds if other MC's personality and moral wise while Light is the only type of MC in his category and for once in a decade we had a MC resolute towards his goals and didn't get washed away because muh family and friend bonds
Because light was a 'super genius' who did everything perfectly but didn't account for his hired thug screwing up.
Light cucked himself while Lelouch finished the endgame.
Except Lelouch did end up deciding to take on the whole world and even made himself out to be an evil emperor. Even then he couldn't stop himself from feeling bad, especially when it was related to his loved ones. It's what makes a character more endearing and human. Light just comes off as a heartless psycho.
Light isn't heartless if you count the memory loss light. He was a total bro then. It just proves giving a god like power to a kid in the real world would corrupt him
Because Lelouch died a virgin, just like they will.
>You're pretty stupid.
No, you are for unwittingly proving my point. All that you're going on about it is sentimental. Light is not written to be sympathetic. He is written as a ruthless serial killer dedicated to his aims, escalating in cruelty.
Fans kiss Lelouch because he has flamboyant and has feelings, even though it doesn't change the fact he's doing awful shit and taking/ruining lives around him. Yeah, he gets sad. So what? That doesn't stop him. He continues with his ways to the very end.
Once again, the fans overlapped. Once again, after all the fun, one got a humiliating ending while the other got his way for the most part. Hell, even Lelouch's stupid Hitler on steroid ending that brought peace is being threatened with another season. Basically a bigger waste of time and lives than Light ever took so we can have Lulu back. Hooray!
People don't like losers
The beginning:
>Lelouch: muh imouto, muh revenge
>Light: I will create justice for this world!
The ending:
>Lelouch: I will use my deathe to create a new world
>Light: I don't want to die! I don't want to die! I don't want to die! I don't want to die! I don't want to die!
I think the problem is Lelouch still have waifu, have friends, have sister to correct him when he was wrong. Meanwhile Light considered everyone is his tool and use DN anytime he can, so he was swallowed by his own power and become a selfish dictactor.
Majority of Sup Forums is manchilds who think it's better to have someone with cool superpower as a role model rather than a real smart guy with a weapon.
We're talking about why a character is more liked than the other, not which one is written better/contributed to the world more/did more wrong/etc.
Having your character care about the people around them goes a long way in making them more likable whether they go further with their plans or not.
>We're talking about why a character is more liked than the other
And the main reason is that one won and the other lost. Once again, they had (and still have to a great extent) the same fans and I bet you that would still be the case if one hadn't lost. The fact that one is more hard-hearted is just fluff.
This is true. The series says that having that power in any human's hands is not good. Light normally is more of a goody two-shoes justicefag than L. But if he has the will, he'll put all his energies into something. He drummed up the resolve to murder and so put all his energies into being a murderer. And so regardless of whatever end intended, he became a bad person. Straight-forward.
CG is more confused when it comes to the whole brainwashing thing but to be fair, it's a more flexible power.
lelouch remembered to at least not let good ass go to waste.
Because Light is not husbando material unless you like being used and abused
You could wind up dead being around Lelouch. Why CC wins by default.
Did you even read that guys first sentence? And he nailed it on the head. Light was ultimately a loser in death, cried like a bitch. Lelouch died but it accomplished his ultimate plan, and the Britannian empire he hated collapsed due to his machinations as the final Emperor.
Lulu is a winner, Sup Forums has no time for a bitch like Light.
At the end of the day, Lelouch was a better person with more noble goals than Light Yagami.
Lelouch died for his cause, Light died kicking and screaming that he didn't want to die after building his throne on countless corpses. Lelouch cared about others, Light didn't really, he saw others as either pawns to control or enemies that needed to be killed.
Lelouch didn't die
Even though light fucked up he was getting shit done and was purely focused in his goal not letting wishy washy shit like friends or siblings be a route problem for him which i find likable in a character especially how intelligent he was with his plans unlike lulu who constantly bullshitted his geass and was letting fuckers like suzaku become a problem for him
I like both
>better person
Light doesn't build bonds and lead an entire fucking fleet to war and then says "fuck you guys I'm out" at the end of S1
He is a scumbag of a leader and don't act like he hasn't gotten loads of innocents dead.
I found Light to be more likeable and interesting than Lulu. He is more consistent and less annoying.
>and then says "fuck you guys I'm out" at the end of S1
That's not how it happened at all and you know it.
>And the main reason is that one won and the other lost
Everyone is giving you reasons as to why Lelouch is favored over Light which boil down to him being a far more human and sympathetic character compared to the sociopath Light was. And yet you're still hooked on this line of reasoning. I don't understand your line of logic, are you assuming you're smarter than the rest of the anons here and everyone else is too dumb to articulate their thoughts?
I like both, but I like Lelouch more. But then again I also like Light more than L, so my opinion is rather unpopular.
To answer your question, Lelouch was much more willing to risk his own skin along with his soldiers than Light. He got injured/captured several times because of this, and partook in what seemed like a suicide mission against Schneizel and came on top. Light would never take on those risks- for him he would have stopped when he reached the Imperial Throne and disappeared totally then and there to rule from the shadows.
I don't get why "human and sympathetic" means acting like a menstruating woman that's completely governed by her emotions
If anything being human means that you actually use your brain and intelligence rather than feelings
I don't think Light was ever goal-driven. To me, he was obsessed with the implications of his goal, becoming a god, an indisputable being on the face of earth, mainly because his entire life was about being first in everything he was given an opportunity. So when he was given godlike powers, his first thought was to also become number one in that department. You could also argue his "boredom" was actually the fact he was tired of having his entire life so easilly defined as being the best, which can actually be unsatisfying.
That's why he consistently acted in a way that was highly unproductive to his goals. Because he couldn't stand being disagreed and confronted. There wouldn't ever be a plot to Death Note if Light actually gave shit about his goals. He could just kill politicians and force them to stop investigating him or else the killing would go on, for example, never directly confronting L.
>never directly confronting L
This, the moment Light proved he was a fucking idiot that prioritized "winning" over his actual goals was when he went out of his way to make sure L knew that he had access to police information. Because of that L, narrowed down from millions of suspects (every teenager in Kanto) to a couple hundred (teenagers related to police officers), making it inevitable that he would get caught. If he hadn't done it, L never would have been able to find any clues to narrow it down further.
I for one like how Light's life ended. It made him seem more human, but I guess that he stopped being "cool" in everyone's eyes because of that.
Light is edgy and awful and my least favorite anime character. Lelouch is a meme.
Becase Light planning a ruthless total domination of his sense of Justice and killing anyone who bars the way without any moral restraint.
Leloch, though guilty of many crimes maintains a conscience and at the end, he believes that he must die to atone for his sins. The fact that he feel guilty and choice to become a scapegoat makes him more likable than a cold and ruthless killing machine as Light.
>That's not how it happened at all and you know it
That's EXACTLY what happened
He suddenly abandoned them
But I like both of them
I stopped caring about Light once he got older and started/decided to sacrifice people who did nothing wrong just to save his skin.
Like deciding to write his sister's name back when Mello kidnapped her or sacrificing Takada by making her suicide.
I never had a problem with killing those who wanted to go catch him. That was fair game but by the end it was abundantly clear that rather than 'making the world a better place' had long since been replaced by 'anything to survive ugh' as his first priority.
>He is a scumbag of a leader and don't act like he hasn't gotten loads of innocents dead.
>literally killed himself at the end as a repentance for everyone who died because of him
Because Light was a piece of shit who worshiped the ground he walked on.
Lelouch at least tries to be a decent person for a while. He's just kind of a dumbass in regards to some choices he makes.
It's easy.
Both of them decided on the path of carnage.
One of them actually repented for doing so.
Because Death Note was absolute dogshit and CG wasn't.
I stopped liking Light after he killed her.
Not because of the murder itself, he obviously had to else get caught, but because of him smugly taking out his phone and asking her if she wanted to talk to his father now. He knew he succeeded, there was no need to gloat like that.
Lelouch had more justification for his actions given the context of the universe he lived in
Japan is always shitty. The world is always shitty. Everyone in Code Geass besides Rurushu was dumbass. Everyone in Deathnote was a dumbass except Light and L.
This is why Sup Forums dislikes Deathnote and Light. Because the mangaka actually had the balls to kill a well-made character (L).
Yeah he was a piece of shit who liked seeing other people suffer. Should have written his own name in the book.
Lelouch stayed the same character he was ever since he picked up the Zero moniker.
Light turns into a moustache-twirling Disney villain who kills his own father and laughs while doing so.
Also both series went to complete shit in Part 2.
It's realistic though
He was immature and dying brought it to the forefront. Granted there are others that take dying in stride but the point was to show how pathetic light was when powerless and stripped of his god complex.
In the end, the difference between them is on how they took a loss. Lelouch screwed up a lot, but even when at his lowest, he sought to turn the tables or drew strenght from his loved ones.
Not perfect Light. He saved himself by sacrificing and backstabbing others, never realizing that such acts were signs of sociopathy and not of the intelligence he was so proud of. Had he accepted his defeat in a noble way, he'd probably be remembered more fondly. Had he truly believed in his shit and left a spare death note for someone to continue his work in case the worst happened, he might be called a hero. But he squirmed like a bitch. He believed himself above the law. He didn't realize he was a murderer, whike Lelouch fully accepted he was one and that he wouldn't have a happy end. That's the difference.
>He didn't realize he was a murderer, whike Lelouch fully accepted he was one and that he wouldn't have a happy end. That's the difference.
>cue necessary sequel
Yet they both are killers to wrongs don't make a right
Now you see why S3 is a problem? Lelouch didn't repent for shit now. So what you're trying to argue is meaningless
One had a simple plan
The other did not
lelouch called he wants you to suck him off
I hate Lelouch. I was very happy when he "died" in the finale.
>but because of him smugly taking out his phone and asking her if she wanted to talk to his father now. He knew he succeeded, there was no need to gloat like that
If you EVER had to do something that was incredibly hard against someone who was proving to be a large problem and then you finally get to expose them don't tell me you wouldn't feel happy as fuck and gloat.
Lights dream could have ended RIGHT there thanks to her, it was perfectly understandable why he was gloating, he did the same thing to L but with a grin, he would have definently gloated if they were alone.
I felt sorry for the FBI guy more than her. She baited herself and deserved to die while the fbi guy was just doing a job which he had no choice.
Yea fucking 10 years later
Clearly a cash in that won't end well
Doesn't matter to me since a lot of time has passed and at worst I will pretend it doesn't exist like s2 of death note. Though it is satisfying to Btfo lelouche is dead fags
Lelouch had Kallen.
>remembered as the worst person in history
>can never see his loved ones again
>forced to live for eternity knowing what his done
>probably will try to fix shit whenever the peace is jeopardized
Lelouch was entertaining. Light was just an autist with a plot device.
>He didn't realize he was a murderer, whike Lelouch fully accepted he was one and that he wouldn't have a happy end. That's the difference
Yet Lelouch was fine with shooting a cousin in the face while cried like a little bitch when a unknown father to his friend died. Somehow not understanding that people dies during his campaign
At least Light knew from day one that people where going to die
>Yet Lelouch was fine with shooting a cousin in the face
He wasn't. He vomited and was a mess for a while before he got over it and knew it would only get worse and that he had to see the whole thing through now that he murdered
you mean half brother
As much as Sup Forums loves Clovis, he still lead the slaughtering of tons of elevens in the ghettos. And Lelouch still reacted negatively after he killed him.
Sup Forums is reddit: the website
Didn't the FBI guy kill his boss and team? He went to void because of his job.
Who can tell with royal families
Why do you compare between them ?
The mangaka wrote Light with the intention of him being unlikable
Because Light is too realistic and asspull are more entertaining than keikaku
Light's a sociopath. Lelouche is just arrogant. You have to be young and naive to buy into Light's monologues.
That said, Light has better writing as a "smart" character though, while Lelouche's feats of intellect are almost entirely bullshit/offscreen. It's basically the difference between Patrick Jane and Cumbercunt Sherlock.
>He suddenly abandoned them
>He went to void because of his job.
Bad news user everyone goes to void when they die.
>All that you're going on about it is sentimental. Light is not written to be sympathetic.
Yes, and that's why he's not liked as much, you faggot.
>Yet Lelouch was fine with shooting a cousin in the face
He wasn't fine with it, and Clovis was a terrible person.
> while cried like a little bitch when a unknown father to his friend died. Somehow not understanding that people dies during his campaign
Are you literally autistic? Do you not understand that something like that hits harder than nameless and expected casualties? Hell, he and C.C. both specifically mentioned that he had no right to stop just because of it, but that doesn't change the emotional impact.
>She baited herself and deserved to die
Delete yourself.
Yeah and the truth is no one actually cared that much. Lelouch could be just as ruthless as Light, but he had morality pets paraded onscreen so fans thought "aw, he's not so bad". Even got way more innocents killed.
Face it, if the endings were reversed and Lelouch got executed for his shit while everyone hated his guts instead of being bailed out by plot conveniences, the tune sung would be different.
This is a thread about why people like them, not about how one is in the "right." People like Lelouch because he's not edgy, and actually has compassion for people. Even some of those who opposed him like Suzaku.
>he had morality pets paraded onscreen
>if the endings were reversed
These are two separate things, though.
Lelouch screwed up a lot and got bailed out a lot. If Light got outsmarted, it brought him closer to death. When he lost, he died. Lelouch got captured and got a goddamn reset. Big difference.
And this is all silly. Saving oneself while sacrificing and backstabbing others (things Lelouch did himself btw) would be natural for a criminal. Using your intelligence for bad (being 'sociopath') is also. There will be no nobility in his death, he'll either be executed or have his name written in the death note. All that noble chuuni nonsense of CG isn't in DN; it straight up shows how it's going to be for anyone who thinks they have a right to commit vicious crimes, no matter what they intend. Using the killing book isn't right, period.
>He believed himself above the law.
So did Lelouch. He was a vigilante like Light, a terrorist at that.
>He didn't realize he was a murderer
Yes he did. He thought he was justified.
>Lelouch fully accepted he was one and that he wouldn't have a happy end.
Only after he had gone too far. He got to choose his end. Light's chosen end was standing at the top of the world. No other way.
Also, Lelouch literally did get killed for his shit while everyone hated his guts.
>People like Lelouch because he's not edgy
Don't kid yourself, the edge was and forever is part of his appeal.
>it straight up shows how it's going to be for anyone who thinks they have a right to commit vicious crimes, no matter what they intend
And I mean how they are as a person, not their fate. They're going to be a terrible human being.
Lelouch had edge, but one of the things that I think people liked was that he was never as edgy-and-sophisticated as he wanted to be or to believe he was, and no one except Diethard really treated him that way.
Light was selfish. Lelouch was doing it for humanity.
Because Light is just edge
Edge is not the whole of Lelouch's character though and he preferred to kill himself so others would have a good life instead of becoming the eternal god emperor of the world to try and create a better world like Light would have done
Light was very clearly a villain. He was "doing it for humanity" but that meant having people worship and fear him as a shadowy god of death and judgement and generally precipitating a reign of terror on the world.
He's basically the villain with the "but I wanted to help people" reason for existing.
Also he posed as a good guy.
Lelouch was willing to die if it meant helping people. He posed as a bad guy for the greater good.
Yeah, you got me there. If Lelouch got executed after the end of S1 where he looked his worst, where people from friends like Suzaku to his army had reason to dislike him, the tune would be different. That wasn't going to happen of course but a humiliating ending can't be ignored.
This is true. Then let me fix that to him being not AS edgy as Light who is the literal definition of a mid 2000's teenage edgelord.
It would be different, for sure, but I'd argue it would still have been very different from Light's end. Lelouch abandoning his allies, and even the sakuradite threat, was ultimately because he wanted to save Nunnally, and he showed both trust of and concern for C.C. even while on the island. That's very different from Light's finale, and more generally, Light just didn't have that sort of dynamic to him. They could both be ruthless, but their motivations for and temperament regarding it were different, and that sets them apart more than the fact that one of them failed and the other didn't. Seriously, can you imagine Light caring about the importance of someone choosing their own partner over an arranged marriage, let alone caring because some random classmate affirmed its importance?
Both were selfish and had altruistic ends. Lelouch's more selfish concerns often conflicted with his altruistic ends many times. Similarly Light's ego also got in the way, but you could say it was naturally because his plot was egotistical to start with and the character could only go downhill.
>he preferred to kill himself so others would have a good life
The hilarious implication of this is Lelouch would only make people suffer by living so dying was the best thing he could do for others. Kudos to Lelou for doing the right thing.
The difference is it was always a means to Lelouch while it was the end for Light.
I agree with this. Looking back, all the evil and edge is amusing. I think that the purpose for both characters. Shit, Sasuke looks just plain hammy, but I don't know if it's intentional.
Okay I see your point but you gotta admit the endings are like light and day. Would you like Light if he did it for his qt3.14 imouto? She's even cuter than Nunnally.
It would have been cool if he fucked her and dropped his edge shit for a few episodes.
Because Light was a villain and Lelouch was a hero.