Ring your mom and take out the trash

>Ring your mom and take out the trash

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lmao he never said shit about saving your mom

my mom can get fucked by BBC


>i'm a sheltered boomer whos mind is still thinks I live in 1970s canada but let me tell you how to live in your brand new DIVERSE canda B U C K O

>Cheer up your aunt and bring home the milk


Thanks you telling me how to live god peterson

Did my xmas shopping for my folks and Im taking pops out to dinner today. I'm glad Im close to my family. Dad is almost 60 and his health is starting to go south, gotta make as much time as I can.

Be a good son, make the time for your parents if you can.

be thankful you had a good mom user it's not something you get by default

I had no dad at all btw

I think he's universally against collectivism. Identitaryans thought they would get a pass and now they're throwing a hissy fit and pointing out things like his patreon, which has been around for over a year

I ate my parents brains

The fact you guys make this thread every 30 minutes makes me think you are upset or intimidated by what Kermit has to say. You would do less to promote him if you just didn't talk about him. I like him. He's a little overemotional and seems poised to breakdown, but I think he means well

How can individualists ever recover

I'll believe that when I see him stop being a spineless coward and attack a single insistence of race collectivism other than "white".
Actions speak louder than words. And petersons actions are literally just more status quo.

>guy who spends all day every day moaning about feminsts and BLM thinks its ok when females and blacks are collectivist

bad strawman wouldnt shitpost with

>race isnt real but jews have the highest iq

To be fair, you have to have averyhigh IQ to understand Jordan Peterson. The dialectic is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn most of the points will go over a typical listeners head. There's also Petersons individualist outlook, which is deftly woven into his oration - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromJungian Psychoanalysis, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to trulyappreciatethe depths of these talks, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Jordan Peterson truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Petersons existential catchphrase “Clean your room“ which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epicFathers and Sons.I'm smirking right now justimaginingone of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Petersons genius unfolds itself on their youtube screens. What fools... how Ipitythem. And yes by the way, I DO have a Maps of Meaning tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

Peterson is the "right-wing" equivalent of pic related.
stupid naive sheltered boomer
if he spent a fucking week in a ghetto I'm betting that race identity would suddenly just "click" for him

>He dosent realize that you cant attack the jew if you are a public figure

do you guys spend all your time on the internet or something?

I can see what's going through his head:
>Oh man, I am so shocked! I had no idea white racism is so bad, these noble oppressed black men would see the need to attack a white male like me. They must see centuries of colonialism, slavery and racist sexism in me.
>I deserved this. So. Much.
>Whatever can I do to appease and help these poor minorities?
>I know, I will donate to charity and adopt a black child. Maybe I can even convince my wife that we will have three black children together!
>My friend Tyrese is just the man for that!
>OH GOLLY GEE! I am just so brilliant to come up with this master plan!

How about "don't give kids shitty advice that will literally get them fucking killed"?
If you say stupid shit, you should get called out on it. Peterson is not immune from this.

Do your parents think like Peterson?

lol what are you on about? do you think he would go "you betcha" if black supremacists tweeted at him for reparations? he has always held that privilege is unavoidable and an excuse. he says that individual merit is all that matters. these are from lectures posted at least 6 months ago if not longer. stop whining

Thankfully no. I had a proper father in my life.
That's why hearing what he says makes me angry. It's shitty advice.


>who is Kevin MacDonald
STFU Amerimongrel

>call your mom
Peterson confirmed for a pansy ass momma's boy I stead of a real man
As if being a christcuck wasn't bad enough

This was the call to serbian and croatian Generals back then.

Dad simulator general

NO. Thank G O D!!!!

But he would Need to get Us citizenship in Canada he would be thrown into the gulag.

Literally who

wat a f a g g o t....


*this 100%

I think he's an interesting speaker and don't really care about the drama one way or the other. But I fucking love these memes bucko


>The worst thing peterson has done is rejecting a journalist for being comfy with nazis and trying to not look like a jew hater

you guys are fucking tards, contrarians need to gas themselves

>clean your cuckshed, bucko
>now go travel to the underworld and save your moms husband from the dragon, boyo
why is Doctor Boomer so perfect? he's like the dad I always wanted and never had.

Good one.
I think he would just be beaten by some ghetto hustler (who all friends can tell dindu nuffin) and believe the symphtomes of his Brain dangage to be a religious ephipany (or at least a methapor for that). Or he would think he is tested by god or something. I doubt he would make the right connections.

GTFO nupol! Jesus Christ

Farage might be wrong in there. He recently called out our good ((((friends)))) behind the curtian.

it's amazing how quickly people fall for manipulation. the same people who liked him 6 months ago suddenly hate him and nothing has changed. it's all because of propaganda. you should be embarrassed if you're posting this shit without an agenda

Do you not see how that makes him a hypocrite?
He is just as bad as the "neo-marxist" he claims to stand against.

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru

>Ring your mom
He's not fucking British.



>Clean your Father
>Slay your room

>Kermit voice
>so, uh...
>clean your room
>and like
>wash your balls
>buy my book, that'll be 10 bux
>thanks bucko

Juden Peterstein is a kike-loving, cuck fraud. He said he was my dad, then he said Hitler was bad. I trusted you, you fucking kike faggot! I want my patreon money back you JEW!!!!!!!!!

Meh, I liked his Soros talk in the EU parliament even more. But he still cucked out on Pegida leadership for UKIP. He is 100% civ nat, but so is almost all of the UK

>wash your balls
>rescue your dog from the underworld

again, who the fuck is pushing this agenda? he has hundreds of long lectures on youtube providing information on a variety of things from christianity to gnosticism to intersectionality. who is possibly convinced it could be summarized in 7 greentext lines?

>I expected a successful person over the age of 15 to be a nazi larper like me


Canadian JordanIDF is always the most ridiculous



I just need to pay this Dad simulator how much?

And my wife will never lie to me in 20 years of marriage?

And I'll be able to tell when she lies (but she doesn't, but I know when she does, which doesn't happen) like some sort of magical guru?

it's questionable that so many people are posting retarded things. that includes you with your condescending description of the Peterson audience as categorically having daddy issues. why do you care if people like him either way?

If you want to talk about Individualism. Don't talk to a Canadian.
Multiculturalism IS collectivism.

Maybe also all other roads are leading to jail there and the legal system has completely insane elements on all layers there. Here those higher up are still playing very close to the rules in the books, maybe it’s also a common law failure were you can always claim that something special is inherently new is in this case and therefore you can’t use precedent.

Pegida women wasn't against the law, otherwise she would have been arrested long ago. Wasn't even actually racist, let alone named the Jew.

>why do you care if people like him either way?
Because he is purposely giving people shitty advice. Talk about fattening up lambs for the slaughter.
Telling people to ignore race is pure arrogance and stupidity.

>condescending description of the Peterson audience as categorically having daddy issues
I know two Peterson fans and they both have them. Also locking at some of the comments under his videos many seem to have worse issues.

I literally ate dinner with my Mom and took out the trash this evening.


>literally the same exact posts every single anti-peterson thread
>we are not shills goys! ;^)

They have arrested people there for speaking bad about Islam. This guy Tommy Robinson for example, but there are more cases. I don’t know about pegida there.

>many people are posting retarded things
t.a fucking leaf

>literally the same exact posts every single anti-peterson thread
>we are not peterson shills goys! ;^)

What is the timestamp supposed to convey? All he says is that the truth makes a relationship stronger. And his advice isn't related to giving money, he says he quit smoking and drinking, worked out, and got disciplined. is any of that reprehensible to you?
your image suggests that ignoring race would be better than the reality. doesn't fit your comment very well
multiculturalism isn't inherently collectivist. what's more collectivist is racial division and tribalism, but something tells me you want that. get rid of the gadsden you fucking poser

I text my mother earlier that i got an A on a law midterm, and recycling goes out tomorrow night.

hey I have the same trash schedule, you in Kingston?

How much did it cost you to get that life changing advice from Peterson?

Don't even bother, these retards don't see reason at all, they will just repeat the same exact retarded statements without even arguing


>your image suggests that ignoring race would be better than the reality
You are a fucking naive fool if that's the conclusion you drew from that.
People will perceive your race regardless of what good feels you preach in your classroom. You can understand that and work with it, or you can plunge your head deeper up your own ass, the choice is yours.

>get rid of the gadsden you fucking poser
Pure individualism means I can associate with whoever I want.
If I as a sovereign individual chose to associate with my own race, what are you going to do to stop me?
Canadians have no idea what individualism means, we Americans live and breath it. You leafs are all repressed leftist faggots.

yeah they have an agenda. if you go on /lit/ at least they have reasons to hate Peterson(he misinterprests hegel and thinks Solzhenitsyn is better than Tolstoy!). this is just pathetic stuff

Live in Niagara
i donated $600 CAD to his patreon, our leader says budgets balance themselves so it was actually free advice

Woah there, bucko. Did you just make a comment without citing your sources? Don't you know Sup Forums is a sacred hall for debates?

Murder yourself you tremendous super kike.

There wouldn't be a problem if they actually tried, but instead they just outright lie and act like complete niggers Case in point

Wow how come your mom lets you have two great leaders for advice?

because we live in a statist dystopia. Never listen to anyone who envies Canada for our medical system or not having DRUMPF as a leader. I have lived here, the US, and Europe. You have it best

>literally posting from spic island

He is also useless because Carl G. Jung has the same stuff, but better and additional material Peterson doesn’t understand because he is misrepresenting/strawmening Nietzsche as only a prophet of modernity.
Also he presents himself as opposed to postmodernism, but supports allmos every goal of postmodernism beside some pronouns, the iconoclastic tendencies to some extend and anti religious stuff.

Yep, complete and utter retarded niggers.

You should come back home, user

Sorry I consider anything smaller than my state an island

I've read some Jungian psychology and they all mostly talk about Nietzsche specifically in the context of Zarathustra. Even Evola mainly talks about Nietzsche as a prophet of modernity(Ride the Tiger).
I don't know what postmodernism is so I won't quibble about whether he is or he isn't.

>I don't know what postmodernism is

you're living in it.

My home is London, I'm not going to the caliphate ever again



it wont be your home for long.

I understand it in a literary sense but I don't really get it politically or sociologically. I'm guessing it has something to do with pic related and french bastards, given what wikipedia says. I'd love to get a rundown though


read up

also this is the very unhelpful wikipedia article on surrealism


But Nietzsche is not only a great visionary, but was educated in philology, also had great knowledge of philosophy and history. There is also a kind of modern advise „how to do x“ level in his work. Nietzsche is also joking around a lot in Zaratustra and many English readers don’t get the jokes. Surely he saw a world without the old gods would be different, but there are other and I would argue deeper concepts to gain from reading thus spoke Zarathustra. Prophecy is people recognizing what they heared in the world around them. The prophet is the one who knows how to direct the view and thoughts of those he is preaching to.

I thought you were talking about the guy from Kids in the Hall for a second