One Piece

Well Brookfags.. what do you think?

Other urls found in this thread:

Is that a Jojo reference?

I love SanjixNami lots and lots. I know you people do too.

Will probably be better than the anime

There goes the thread

Post some new SaNami art. I need to update my folder.

Is this filler?

No, but autism is repeating the same thing over and over.

Has "Jojo reference" overtaken reddit as the new cool effortless way to discredit and ridicule things?

too small

I don't get that meme

Post a One Piece character without actually posting them.


Can you please explain to me how you even got close to that conclusion.

Jojofags began to get out of hand with their memes once Youtube faggots began introducing it to the normie Shrek meme crowd.

Completely unrelated videos started getting infected with "le sneaky jeje refrance" comments which only served to propagate it further.

Jojofags became reviled for being memey tards and people began making fun of the whole "OMG I GET THAT JOJO REFERENCE" bullshit.

Obviously it came to a point where people were making fun of it all and ridiculing it. Then shitposters caught on and saw that they could make Jojofags mad and stigmatize shit they don't like with that one simple question we all know so well by now. Kinda like what happens with the words "reddit" and "meme" already.

Sole King

Eh, okay. I guess that makes sense if you really don't know what is a picture of.

I still can't believe brook is the first strawhat to throw down with a yonkou.

If you told me this was going to happen, I would've called you a madman



for what?

>brook is the first strawhat to throw down with a yonkou.
Yeah, except it's not gonna happen.

It's already happening wtf are you talking about.

granted he doesn't stand a chance but he's not backing down

Luffy x Robin when

When you stop having autism.
So never.


Brook is also first Strawhat to die.

I wish Jinbe joined back in Fishman Island, but it's still not too late I guess.

To kill kaido of course !


but this impossible my friend. how?

Shut the fuck up you fucking cuckhack

The glorious return of swole Moria of course

wtf I hate Jojo now.

Sorry for answering a question, I'll never do it again lest I offend your sensitive feelings.

I truly appreciate the effort, but the actual panel still has much more impact.

Luffy will become nightmare gear 4 and beat kaido with moria's help, it will be an unfair win

I don't know much about Jojo nor the whole Jojo reference thing, but I'll assume this post is true since I have noticed the trend, and I was there to see the shift of the "le reddit" and "nice meme" memes going from counter-culture to mainstream culture.

What's wrong?

No, he's not. He's the first dead Strawhat. Not the first SH to die cause he was already dead before joining the crew.


She's her tomodachi

Will Absalom totally BTFO a commander of Kaido? A lion zoan of course? Sicilian/Absalom team when?

Oda didn't write it.


She's one of her first lesbian partners

Unless Hogback upgraded him with a 1000% more muscles, no.

He might've done it. Absa might've simply trained too.

People want to see a swole Moria and i'm totally into that. But i also want Absalom to have improved. Him being able to use his signature move but with legit raw strength this time would be a nice touch.

Absalom is just a reporter now. He is kind of the Peter Parker of One Piece

Parker was strong though

>Oda took 102 chapters to reveal Weevil

Time sure flies, fucking hell I remember waiting a whole month for the timeskip like it was a week ago... Damn.

It only took him that long because that's the whole arc of Dressrosa.

god, she looks even uglier and scarier here

What's Pudding's endgame?

She erased Lola's memories of Mama being fearsome and she wishes she were brave enough to do the same

Is that Crocoboy in the left corner? Can't wait for my nigga to appear again

VIZ when?

Probably, since there is Jimbe and Mihawk on the other panels as well. Moria might be on that Thriller Bark ship too

I drew some tits

Now in 3D

I think it would look better if you slowed it down a bit


i don't really see the difference

Year of Jinbe's death


Year of you getting BTFO

This one is better


Please fuck off already

Pepe is working with Capone I think.. look at nitro

Nami better be Sanji's prize

>Young lady


Nami should just not wear clothes.
That'd make her character more interesting.

>meme meme fruit



all the waiting and Weevil was a stupid character after all.
DonĀ“t expect a good new admiral, it would be shit

What's Carrot's nickname for Chopper in Japanese?


Lionel Johns Skips McGee

IF Jimbe lost any limb, it has to be his left leg. Otherwise, I don't really know what was the outcome of that roullete that is actually a dart board.

what if he lost the heart

He lost one of his Dicks

I'm pretty sure he lost something. I don't think Big Mom simply let him back out.

he lost his v-card

arigato gozaimasu

doesn't look like lost a limb
he woulnd't be able to use fishman karate so soon after losing it because martial arts relies very heavily on balance

If Robin lost her right arm, could she still spawn more right arms?

she can sprout wings but doesn't have them originally

There's no way you're this dumb.

must be nice having autism

Thanks for proving my point that you're dumb.
Not only can you not even type correctly, you fail to understand even obvious things.
Robin makes her wings out of many copies of her hands.
Oh, and you don't even know what the word autism means either.


>I can't actually think of anything to say so I'll post a reaction image to try and make myself feel epic

keep it coming

Accept you are wrong and just move on with your life.
I bet you're extra mad today because you couldn't make a thread before the bump limit was hit in the previous thread.

tip tip



Why don't mods just ban the first five posters of each popular thread since they always end up being the same copy-paste shitposters?