Girls und Panzer

Did you like any scene in der film as much as the Keizoku one?
Did you like any song in GuP more than the Polka?

Why are the Finns so damn best even though they probably have one of the worst tanks in the franchise?

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm not sure, I kind of like the casual fighting throughout the most, it's more atmospheric and comfy to watch. The Chi-Ha assassins and the battle through the Wild West area were stand out for me for some reason.

As for OST, I've always said I liked 'Himeta Omoi ni Furemashita' the most, but I find myself listening more and more to the Outlet jingle more and more for some silly reason.

Aside from the final Nishizumis vs. Shimada fight, I liked that one scene when the Leopons drove through the Western Set with the Tiger(P) and did the reversed-turret drift spin shot.

And as stated, the Outlet song is real catchy and fun. The Sports News song is real great too. Just too short!

The finns had the best scenes and music in the film, although some of the Chi-ha tan music was pretty good.

It's not about what tank you have, it's just how you use it.. Same with Miho in the Pz.IV it's an underdog compared to some of things she's gone up against in it but she's always used it to the best of its ability.

My favorite scene was the entire opening fight by the way.

As a film lover, Operation Mifune was gold. A close third on my list of favorite moments in the film, surpassed by the Finns, and Chubby Child on the coaster tracks

Finns are good at things because of memes.

Hard to beat spurdos when it comes to memes, rally and autism.

>This is your date for the evening

Glad I didn't waste money on condoms.

At least you're willing to grant Chiyo her wish of having grandkids


i want to date chiyo instead


I want to give Chiyo kids and grandkids on the same night.

What would be the best tank crew among the guppies?
Commander: Maho
Driver: Mika
Gunner: My beautiful waifu, Hana
Loader: Neko
Radio Operator: Arisa

inb4 thread dies for the 4th time

Indeed! We discovered the power of memes before anyone else did and have been shaping the world in our image ever since!

To be fair though, our image wasn't pretty to begin with so that's why the world looks pretty shitty now too.

Well done, Finnbro. Is that picture a joke about conscripts in your country? We don't have that here in burgerland and was deemed too autistic to be in the military.

Time for something informative: Phase Erika 3 is in typesetting, 29/52 pages done so far. Expect it sometime this week, there's still some annoying redrawing to be done in some later pages.

Yup, in general folks like to make tons of "Intti-spurdo" comics where they bring up either situations every conscript has faced or situation everyone has faced with some hyperbole or situations everyone has been though but with some fictional shit thrown at it.

I can post more of these if you want.

It is pretty funny, I would not mind seeing a couple more.

Your wish is my command then.


Its time.
Can garupans die?

They're humans, so yes.


They all will, eventually.

Not during sensha-do though.

>Miho's head will never get scooped off by an APCBC shell like in that one scene in Fury

>ywn get married to your favourite guppie
>ywn have children together.
>ywn grow old together.
>ywn hold each other's hand as you share one last kiss before you both pass away together.

>Driver: Mika
You mean Mikko?


Yes, my bad.

>A black tank will ask the garupans if they feel tired.

This. Saw a picture like that few threads ago, anyone?


I want to see her pubes sticking out of the swimsuit. Some of these girls must be very hairy.

Chi-ha-tan is the yamato nadeshiko school.

I like the part from Arisu's singing to Katyusha, Erika and Leopons being defeated. These 6 minutes are very intense and the OST fits perfectly into the action.

I like to think that Rosehip has very unkempt orchard down there, and being the airhead she is, she wears thongs for bikini bottoms, which allows the red bush sticking out both at the front and the back.


I think one interesting subplot for Final would be Oarai fighting against a school that is in danger of being closed. Especially if someone who is friends with Miho or someone else is a major player for that school. It could set up some interesting drama where Miho sees her past self in her enemy but is forced to respect the sport and do her best to win.

Today's Peiper-chan.

Cool, there is also one with Hana, but without happy end

Katyusha looks really beautiful in that dress.

>tfw nobody wants to answer that question


Hana, Nonna and Naomi would be a useful crew, maybe add Maho and/or Darjeeling.
Or Maho and Erika as a two-man team for a small tank.
Or put Katyusha, Momo, Erika and Arisa in one tank to get the loudest crew ever if something goes wrong.

Or Pepperoni, Noriko, Rosehip and Nishi.

>come on Erika, user is really kind and good looking

>Erika's face when Miho was telling the truth

>my soul when she was just being kind

But user, Erika does find you good looking.

>tfw italian blonde with green eyes
Can I get my Carpaccio already?

Tank: M18 Hellcat
Commander: Miho
Driver: Mikko
Gunner: Naomi
Loader: Nina
Radio Operator: Arisa

Tank Destroyer* sorry Kameraden I fucked up. Have a wallpaper


makes me wonder, seeing that for example Maho and Katyusha get lots of presents from fans in Raburabu (with the first one distributing the chocolate among her team and the latter one never sees her presents thanks to Nonna), how do you think the garupans would react to those fans?

What the fuck did you smoke? You get your short, brown haired, manly butchdyke lesbian (male) jap girl.


Also she is half jap half terrone

Could we get a render of that?

They would probably appreciate the fans as long as they don't think too much about it.

Miho is cute!

>not having best gunner as gunner

Kuromorimine karaoke evening:

I wonder what it'd be like to go with them?

>Maho attempting to sing a three part opera in a deadpan tone the whole time
>Erika singing regular Karaoke songs but keeps flubbing lines for 'wani'
>Koume performs Gregorian chants

Post something of value you asshole.

I want Shizuka to ride me like a horse!

Go back to the military thread you asshole. Go police the image dumps there.

You are talking to two separate persons, user.


Who's dick is it though?

>Who's dick is it though?
>Who is dick is it though?

Erwin is cute and she is also my wife!

I want to destroy her smug.

And the post was directed equally to both of you.
I never insinuated otherwise.

I want this meme tank to die.

Arisa on our wedding night.

Do you think Chiyo worries about Mika and Alice?

Why doesnt Nonna just make her own babies?

Is Mika a good older sister to Arisu?

Katyusha don't have a dick.

She can make more katyushas.

She should worry more about Alice's two left feet

I want to accidentally marry Yukari.

Sure thing, here you go!

Thick Erika is the only good Erika

>they find your porn

Too late, I already did it.


Which manufacturer should I buy for an IS-2 model kit?


When will somebody post the Ribbon Warriors Chapter 14 raws!?!?!?!?

you mean 14+10

Why is the thread so dead?
It's everyone scared about the mod ?

This is not the Sup Forums it used to be.

im playing wt

Japs tanks suck.

It's Monday. Just got back from work.

And then they make a bullshit reason why their school would be fine?