What if S3 sucks?
What if S3 sucks?
It will.
Why is C.C so ugly?
It won't, but if we does at least we had fun in CG threads.
Its the kind of thing that usually ends up sucking.
If they put Gino Thundercock as the main character and make sure he fucks Kallen, Milly, Nunnally and Cornelia every episode then it can't fail.
This. It'll suck
I would watch a SoL starring gino.
The first two seasons sucked so it onlu holds the third will, as well.
Then it can proudly live up to the prestigious Code Geass name.
>MCs are Gino and Rivalz
>Gino teaches Rivalz to get the girl of his dreams
Will revitalize doujins and fanart anyway.
some part of me wants less girls from the old cast to appear in r3 so CCfags will realize how boring the series will become without them.
best girl my ass
We need to tell ourselves its gonna be great, meme magic was proved real
Who knows? I think it'll be better than R2 but people will still complain about something or other. Doesn't matter to me as long I have fun.
its alt universe not part of the main series
What if it's good but it's not fun?
No you could strip them away and the show wouldn't lose much entertainment wise. As long as Lelouch is the mc and he's pulling miracles out of his ass then Code Geass will be fun to watch.
the other seasons sucked too, they are just fun trainwrecks
who leglocks best fetish here?
What if they reveal C.C.'s real name?
>As long as Lelouch is the mc and he's pulling miracles out of his ass then Code Geass will be fun to watch.
i kind of agree. However what i meant is that i consider CC a boring character and her being seprate for Lelouch would prove her winning all those popularity polls doesnt make her a good character.
She scored point by being compared to others while she didnt do much on her own.
I dont think anyone could concinve me other wise ( besides the writers actually making her do something interesting in r3)
But they did, and it's Elizabeth.
I can't imagine it being worse than season 2 but we'll see.
What? When did this happen?
Not an official confirmation of sorts but there was a scene in R1/S1/whatever, episode 11 I think, where Lelouch says her name, and although the audio is silent there's a very helpful close-up on his mouth. 'Elizabeth' is the best thing you can get via lip-reading, or least the way the Japanese pronounce it.
Or maybe people like her because of her personality, development, and how she acts. Don't just assume that because you don't find her character interesting for who she is that everyone else must not as well.
not if we have plenty of Kallen
I'm still on season 1, which is shit. Bland characters, bland plot, shit art style.
I don't know why I keep watching this anime
You're shit.
>bland characters
This must be bait
It would be par for the course then. S2 was a trainwreck
It will be fun discussing it anyway. Doesn't matter if it sucks or its a masterpiece of nime It's a win-win situation.
why is no one praising the fan art implications.
ccreayus is hard at work
I wish I had CC leglock me
Then it will be just as good as the rest of it.
well the first two seasons already suck
I think it'll end up being good, threads should be fun too. Lots of OC as well.
Season 3 will be GREAT! Hate this fucking S2 end.
CC's legs are amazing, along with the rest of her body
Then it will be just like S1 and S2.
As long as they don't force Lelouch and all the other characters back into a high school setting again, I'll watch it.
are you saying S1 and S2 are good?
I'm so glad we can return to hating on all the good anime. I was getting a little worried the past few seasons when there wasn't an obviously well written anime to hate on.
This. The whole thing will be ruined if Lelouch goes back to highschool
"if", It will fucking suck.
S3 can't top S2 ending no matter what happens, It's forever ruined by the greed of Sunrise.
S2 ending was one of the best things I've ever witnessed and now it might as well be hahahaha that never happened because S3 happened.
Just like the first 2 seasons, then!
Leglock is the thinking man fetish.
Wait what? I don't remember Lelouch fucking C.C.
When did this happen?
You guys are still delusional?
What IF?
It will. Why wouldn't it?
Dumb slowpokester
>well written
Read a book, mouthbreather.
Then nothing would've changed.
>Then cucks him.
What do you mean by "if"?
best girl will win
so it wont suck
She'll win the Ginobowl for sure
>Cross Ange producer will talk about the new CG anime in the Animage magazine release.
>Cross Ange Producer
God i hope that Ginofags will be BTFO in S3
Fukuda is a genius you pleb.
Please don't use pictures of my wife for your shitposts.
>implying /our guy/ won't be the star of S3
Based Gino will complete his harem
He is just an assblasted callencuck.
CC is a low profile character who always take stance in the background instead of being more prominent.
Still she provides good banter, fun teasing and is all around adorable.
Take a look for a real ugly alien-looking girl before shitposting
CC and Lulu will make sure it won't be
Hold up, I don't remember this scene?
I forget, did this cunt die?
I forget too, but I hope so.
as long as we get more ass shots of c.c. I don't really care
There's no way it won't be forced and shitty.
Sucks too because CG is my favorite anime of all time.
We can pretend it doesn't exist and laugh at normalfags who think it's good
Darker Than Black S2 treatment.
Easily one of the best parts of CG
Then we don't acknowledge it's existence. Simple as that.
Darker than Black got a S2?
Cross Ange was a trainwreck.
But by God, it was a FUN trainwreck.
Did they fug?
I bought a bootleg of this daki for $10 years ago.
Would gladly pay $100 for the genuine article if they did a re-release.
I'm still waiting for a tsukihime anime
no move on
But I want it to suck. Being so bad it's good is the whole point of this anime.
You are an ignorant at best and a stupid shitposter faggot at worst if you seriously posted that.
You don't know anything about waifusim? Waifufags are okay with their waifu being happy and winning the MC even if the story is bad or whatever. This is legit for every fanbase.
>some part of me wants less girls from the old cast to appear in r3 so CCfags will realize how boring the series will become without them.
That being said if you claim that CC is boring and only popular when compared to other girls then it means the other girls are so bad that they make a "boring" character like CC shine more.
But let's broaden this comparison to all the characters in CG. Pretty much everyone in the CG world is boring when compared to Lelouch. He makes more than 90% of the fun. Without him in it, no one would bother with watching CG, and it would perform mediocrity at best.
I actually forgot Gino existed. For the last few months every time someone mentioned him in the threads I thought it was a spinoff/ova/special I hadn't watched. Holy shit that was a very useless character.
I love leg lock so much. Even better if he's standing and holding her up
t. butthurt CCfag
is only gaem
y u hef 2 be med
>Code Geass Destiny incoming
But it will.
No thats why we have S3 to fix that
>you will never partake in C.C.'s posterior
I only explained what waifuism is and said that in comparison to Lelouch everyone else fades away.
I didn't mean to sound as offensive.