Buyfag thread

is this only for figurines?

any kind of anime/manga merchandise,

time to look for oppai mousepads

When you use Goody Japan or BiJ, can you send them a bunch of things from different stores to send back to you together?

is she from any particular anime?



Why do people call BiJ Meme in Japan though?

An Eroge "110 ~Sanfujinka Shikeishuu Byouin Jack~"

thank you

Should I get this semen demon?


Fuckin stop

>order fig from moonland
>delivered in mapleland 3.5 days later
So that's the power of EMS.

>order from the states
>takes forever to get here
>order from japan
>takes 2 weeks at most

Where are you? Bongland? Or down under? And that's with EMS?

Canada, EMS. Always had mediocre service with UPS, at least back when i used to buy a lot.

That's weird, my only other experience with EMS, is when I got it free from TOM (during a good sale), and that took 2 weeks to arrive. And SAL takes 2-3 weeks to arrive from japan.

I just got my Papa Bones nendo. He's pretty cool, and considerably larger than most nendos. However the quality assurance, at least on my unit, seems a bit off. You can see that the paintjob isn't really up to GSC standards (especially on his head cover).

Still a fun nendo though.

Season 2 never

There's a higher chance now that the movies are being produced and aparently won't be just recaps.

Maybe 1 movie per volume may happen too. With the volume of sales the Alan is pulling I say there will be something.

There are two recap movies coming up. So, season 2 maybe?

SAL is super fast just after christmas


Wow autocorrect how... LN*

Looking at that bead to see your room and for any pin numbers

Is it true that in Argentina you have to pay fucking high taxes for imported stuff?

Paying high taxes is a white people's responsibility so yes.

Good luck, user. Tell me if you find anything interesting. I don't think you'll find any pin numbers, but with some luck/efforts you mighht be able to recognize the framed picture that's reflected in the bead.

I'm stumped. What's framed? Also you used a light box?

50% customs fee (applied to the purchase plus shipping cost) plus 6,5% in cc interest


Pic related is the framed picture hung in that room. You can make it out pretty easily if you know what it is.

And no, no lightbox. This was done with the standard room lighting (6k LED bulb). The photos are long exposures though (5 seconds-ish), since they were shot at iso 100 and f/9-13. I did use a tripod, of course.

Has anyone ever tried printing doujin scans and making your own books?

Too retarded

Too expensive

Too shitty quality

Id rather buy the real deal

Will we see this finished?

tfw I used to print out heaps of artwork from some mangaka sites because I didn't know about source code

When the SDF invades China