I did not expect /ss/ in this anime.
I did not expect /ss/ in this anime
>tfw no qt Dauphin/Oscar anime
Why even live?
>antoinette's son looks like a carbon copy of oscar
Rose of Versailles remake by Kyoani when?
What does it mean!
I want to do dirty dirty things to Oscar.
And you shouldn't have, because the wasn't.
Oscar is the purest, do not taint her like that.
>remake by Kyoani
Why ruin a masterpiece that already exists?
Also, it wouldn't be the same w/o Dezaki
Like mindbreak her by sounding her dick?
This is one of the worst sentences I've ever heard on Sup Forums
Like duel in a muddy Paris street?
Japan already did that job.
But because everyone is a pleb its just not getting tagged properly on exhentai
What ever happened to that movie? I can vaguely remember a trailer or something.
Always expect /ss/
Oscar is not for lewds
>fat, old, FRENCH men
Those were such hot two pages.
delet this
Why would you even say such a thing?
In related news, every oscar fan should read innocent.
Because I want to do it!
did you just go out of your way to draw this right now user?
If Oscar's not in it, why bother?
Don't do this ever again user. Ever.
I love her face and hair.
Cute Oscar doing french revolutionary things.
nani are you talking about?
Is nothing sacred?
So, what is this about?
Some sumo wrestling prize
I kind of didn't feel anything for this kid's death at all.
There has been a teasing trailer a few years ago.
Huh, interesting.
I would set her reincarnation straight with my dick if you know what I mean.
Saint-just is kind of scary
She's a good girl, she only needs the good ol D and to stop taking drugs.
kill yourself