I just watched Wolf's Rain. This shit's better than virtually anything anime released these days.
I just watched Wolf's Rain. This shit's better than virtually anything anime released these days
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How new.
Attack on walrus was cool as fuck, I'll give you that.
>when you look up porn of cher from wolf's rain and find porn of real life cher instead
That applies to a lot of pre-2010 anime.
it's a crime that there are no doujins or good fanart of blue or cher
I forgot how beautiful she was.
The girls were delicious.
It's underrated as fuck, Sup Forums seems to hate it but it absolutely nailed the melancholy atmosphere and I spent the end crying bitch tears. It wasn't perfect, I didn't like the villain and thought the some aspects of the sci fi vibe didn't fit with such a naturalistic setting, but it had a god tier OST, great animation, and managed to give a large number of characters solid development.
How's high school?
The pacing is slow and the ending has a slight silver lining to it considering how bleak it got towards the end but overall an all right show.
>am i fitting in yet
You finally felt the gravity of it all, OP.
That coloring looks like horrendously done early 2000s computer shading.
Wolf's Rain had too much yaoi undertone
Watch more anime. The OST's one of the best ever, though, I'll give you that.
gives the show a comfy feel
I've probably watched more than you to be honest, which is why I made the statement that something relatively old and original is much better than the heaps of generic trash released today.
This isn't Aria. How was Wolf's Rain comfy?
>Watching fujoshit for girls
You retards never learn
>Calling everything with a predominantly male cast 'fujoshit'
You retards never learn
>watching moeblobs do cringe worthy things for several episodes on end
You pedos never learn.
What did you expected of BONES magnum opus?
typical Bones animation desu
Just the sky all by itself in this show is better than 99% of anime released today. Fucking love Wolf's Rain, thank god for the days when Adult Swim had good enough taste to play With Hunter Robin and Blue Gender.
I've had it on my backlog for a long time now. This thread is making me feel like watching it. Could someone describe it comparing it to another show or something just to give me that last push I need to start watching?
Heaven's not enough, eh user?
The OP is hype as FUCK.
The ED is better. So is Tell Me What The Rain Knows, and Run Wolf Warrior, and Strangers. Fuck, that OST is so good.
If you're into an atmosphere of depression and melancholy you'll like it, the show's pretty bleak but it makes the colorful moments and the ending a whole lot better, no other anime I can make a direct comparison of it to.
Basically the world is ending, and only wolves know how to get to paradise, that's the premise of the story.
Atleast they get doujin unlike your precious girls from fujoshit
>I just watched Wolf's Rain.
Why would you do that?
gay porn
Old anime is better than the new ones
What a twist /s
it is
The first series that came into my head was Texhnolyze, they both have a depressing, lonely atmosphere and that 'end of the world' kind of feel. But it's a lot easier to digest since it's more simple and has more friendship.
>This shit's better than virtually anything anime released these days.
No, not really.
Actually yes. Yes, really. Go back to Yuri on Ice fujoshit.
Because it's great, unlike your taste in anime, which is shit.
Thanks guys, I've started watching the first episode and I owe it to you.
I love texhnolyze and bleak, grim settings generally. bye.
Go back to tumblr.
I hope you realize YOI and Wolf's Rain would have the same audience. I'm not insulting it or calling it fujoshit, but fujos like it and they do not necessarily have bad taste. Both series are good, in any case.
Are you telling me that THIS is in any way shape or form gay?
closet furry
Looks like Rob Halford's boyfriend.
That image resolution is, in fact, pretty gay.
I'm not certain but I think Wolf's Rain never got a bluray edition. Just did some cursory searching and I'm not finding it.
Nevermind. I found it.