TTGL is miles better.
I liked both but got more enjoyment out of TTGL
They are literally the same show, so it is really hard to choose. KLK has more likeable cast, but TTGL is more grand and epic.
Stop shilling yourself, D. Brony.
KLK is shit and has no redeeming qualities other than maybe two characters in it.
TTGL is shit but it is at least a rip off of Getter Robo which is great so that makes it slightly more tolerable.
I liked KLK more overall but the strongest episodes of TTGL are better. Ryuko is still, overall, best girl though.
>They are literally the same show
Don't even know this guy, just came across this vid once and thought it made a good point
KLK feels like they took Gurren Lagann, and gave it a new paintjob, while not changing anything about it at all.
TTGL is better.
KLK is more interesting to analyze but pulls its punches for the sake of humor
TTGL is more fun to sit back and enjoy but hits roadblocks when it tries to explain things
They are nothing alike and don't aim for the same thing. You can't compare them.
Both are shit. NEXT!
>They are nothing alike
Gurren Lagann is a modern classic, a landmark in its genre, and a show that succeeds with flying colours on formal, technical and narrative grounds. Kill la Kill was a mess.
You clearly didn't understand anything about Gurren Lagann.
One is hot garbage, the other one is good, what's there to discuss?
TTGL made me feel shit. I almost cried a couple times.
KLK was fun but didn't strike the same chords. I don't know, the message felt different too, I'm not even really sure what it was trying to convey.
Little witch academia of course.
That is not the point, im talking about these shows being almost identical.
TTGL just has better animation
also I liked Simon better than Ryuko and LordGenome better than Ragyu.
Inferno Coppu
>not Ninja Slayer
Recite your death haiku.
Ninja slayer didn't have an official crossover with LWA.
>A hot headed, constantly evolving protagonist and some companions take on a tyrannical villain and the villains four mooks.
>The mc has lost someone important, and the crew helped by someone who later joins them.
>The mc goes through all of the four mooks.
>Then the twist comes, the first villain is not actually a villan, and there is somebody even worse out there.
>Enter the real main villain, who has godlike powers, and an army of faceless mooks.
>Surviving heroes and villains all team up to defeat the main villain.
>The hero has a hard time and mopes around for a bit.
>At first they dont stand a chance against the main villain.
>But then the heroes go more and more over the top, until they beat the main villain.
Which show did i just describe?
While TTGL had better budget KLK was more enjoyable for me, mostly because of its strong cast (TTGL has many forgettable characters)
KLK was above average at best. TTGL was great
I enjoyed more the first one I saw. The second one rose to expectations but it was nothing new like it was the first one. Because just that, it was not the first, so therefore it was nothing new
I am not going to tell you which one I saw first tho
I greatly preferred KLK by the end of it in comparison, something that I thought would never happen.
>if i give vague general descriptions about the plot of two shows then they'll seem exactly alike
wow, who knew
>Two shows made by the same people, featuring extremely similar plots.
Yeah, who new.
>the same people can't make different products
if you grasp hard enough you just might be able to grab those straws
user you do know that after Naka wrote the initial script they came together and decided to gender flip the main characters just to differentiate the show from GL because they felt it would be too close if they didn't, right? This was in multiple interviews.
They both go to shit in the second half but TTGL had Kittan's sacrifice so it edges out towards TTGL, in my opinion.
Not to mention TTGL didn't look like shit in the second half, but KLK had much superior main characters.
PSG is better than both though. Nakashima is a hack.
TTGL goes along with Gamma Ray's Somewhere Out in Space. KLK doesn't.
I'll go with TTGL.
I've emptied my balls enough times to KLK that I could probably fill two whole buckets
TTGL. KLK was dogshit.
KLK. TTGL was dogshit.
KLK felt less childish than TTGL to me
KLK was late night, TTGL aired in a saturday morning timeslot.
I'll take HunterxHunter and Fafner instead. I don't watch trash made by literal human shit that worked at Gainax or for Trigger.
Also please don't reply if you're just going to say I'm doing this for (you)'s. That just shows you only started browsing in the past 2 years and replying to Extra Super Deluxe Newfags is beneath me
Is that Harry Potter?
It's The Hero's Journey with a twist. Like if The Rebellion and the Empire from Star Wars teamed up to fight Galactus or something.
Gurren Lagann. Satsuki was never evil it was always implied there was a bigger bad and Satsuki was the gate keeper. Ryuko also never moped per se, its more that "she lost her way".
>(For me) Story
Hard to say. I prefer my favorite KlK characters over my favorite TTGL characters but overall I do prefer the cast and dynamics of TTGL over those of KlK
TTGL >>> KlK
TTGL >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> KlK
So overall TTGL wins. The action just played a big role in both of them as well but the lack of actual movement destroyed that for KlK. Opinions.
TTGL, no contest
>real backgrounds that aren't 200% cheap smoke
>real animation (for the most part) as opposed to pic related
>better and more sensible setting & concept
>better plot
>better progression and character development
>better characters in general
honestly, name 1 (ONE) thing that klk does better.
there's nothing. i'm serious.
TTGL is an above average show while KLK is bottom of the barrel garbage. i'm serious about this too.
None of the points you made (except the one about the animation, and even that it's arguable) are true, so I don't really have to name everything more.
KLK had a better MC and rivalry.
The second half of TTGL wouldn't be so bad if Simon wasn't boring as shit.
KLK has an infinitely better supporting cast, so that wins.
But please stop comparing them. They're very different shows and this does absolutely nothing but tear them both down.
that gif even shows the cheap filler smoke and the animation so you're already wrong. and that was the first ep iirc
here, have another one
also ttgl's concept is obviously superior.
>piercing the heavens starting from underground all the way to the galaxy
>some obscene shit about clothes
>Using the episode 4 made to look cheap as a joke to mirror TTGL's episode 4 intentionally made cheap to save budget as a metric for quality.
>implying KLK's animation is bad
Simon was boring and Rossiu was a stupid faggot who shouldve stayed underground.
You seem to possess Sup Forums-tier insight on the subject, please stop.
>TTGL's episode 4 intentionally made cheap to save budget
No, that's just Kobayashi's style, check Beck or his episode of Kemonozume, they look the same.
Kill la Kill was a clusterfuck, the plot went off the rails in a bad way and the conclusion was really underwhelming even for this kind of shitshow.
The characters were all one note and underwritten and largely unlikable.
Some of the designs were actually really appealing, unfortunately the main battle mode of the main character was not one of them.
It was a very derivative piece of work, taking a lot from what they did in TTGL, unfortunately just getting naked doesn't have the same appeal as believing in yourself.
The anime was horrendously animated in general, with the average scene being below acceptable production value for a modern TV anime. The use of CGI was disgusting. Several cuts of sakuga can't save this mess.
It was a complete swing and a miss, But luckily little witch academia looks a lot better.
TTGL isn't perfect, but the simplicity of everything is beautiful in a way, and the production values are gorgeous
I loved that KLK was caught for plagiarism over christmas and they basically had to scramble to redo the second half which turned into complete and irredeemable shit
>Kill la Kill was a clusterfuck, the plot went off the rails in a bad way and the conclusion was really underwhelming even for this kind of shitshow.
The plot was perfectly fine and coherent.
>The characters were all one note and underwritten and largely unlikable.
Blatantly false.
>Some of the designs were actually really appealing, unfortunately the main battle mode of the main character was not one of them.
That's up to you I guess.
>It was a very derivative piece of work, taking a lot from what they did in TTGL, unfortunately just getting naked doesn't have the same appeal as believing in yourself.
There is literally no anime inexistence more derivative than TTGL (not that's a bad thing, despite what you seem to believe) and describing the struggles in KLK as just "getting naked" shows you've missed the point.
>The anime was horrendously animated in general, with the average scene being below acceptable production value for a modern TV anime. The use of CGI was disgusting. Several cuts of sakuga can't save this mess.
Again false. It just had a handful of poorly animated episodes.
Nice fanfiction you got there.
Klk. The later part of the anti spiral arc when they're fuvking around in the galaxy feel long and dragged out and not very enjoyable. Favourite part of GL was probably Rossiu takes over the city and chucks Simon in prison. Good fucking riddance. And he came back of course.The first few eps of TTGL was also pretty forgettable. The opening ep of klk I will never forget and ep3 too. I preference the direction and art style of kill more. I actually enjoyed the 2d cutouts.
I enjoyed the themes presented in klk more, not to say that TTGL's themes were bad.
Mako is best girl
but wasn't episode 4. this kind of shit was everywhere.
it's the exact opposite. i can draw and animate.
it's Sup Forums that is blinded by the novelty of it (or whatever the fuck they're blinded with. i have no fucking clue how you can miss this).
this entire show is nothing short of shameless.
>powerpoint sliding everywhere
>filler smoke everywhere
there was even one time where they literally stretched an image across the screen for several seconds. i couldn't believe my eyes. (early episode where the teacher sits on a sofa with ryuuko in a dark room with an open window iirc). i wish there was a webm of that somewhere.
God i just fucking love KLK OVA, felt so fucking satisfying, every single second
Anyone who thinks KLK is better than TTGL needs to leave this board.
>Mako is best girl
This was published the sixth, however the mangaka says that he reached out to them before hand.
It's actually true
You are an apologist if you defend KlKs animation. I have nothing to say to you.
>>piercing the heavens starting from underground all the way to the galaxy
>>some obscene shit about clothes
Yep, Sup Forums.
Not Him but I think that shitty animation is good because it's funny
That's old news. Nothing says the second half was rewritten, idiot.
Other than tonally and thematically it was almost entirely different than the first half with no real direction and had to be delayed 1 week from returning from which it was completely unstructured episodic content.
They rushed that shit out the door
Well sure if you want to watch it ironically I guess.
But none of the actual jokes are funny and because the characters were literal cardboard cut outs I had absolutely no emotional investment in the story at all.
Have fun with your waifu's horrible voice
>tonally and thematically it was almost entirely different than the first half
Absolutely not.
And in case you didn't notice, schedule was tight since the get go.
I think I missed the development in KlK, in comparison to TTGL which basically showed Simon's life and growth from when he was a child till an old man.
Aside from that I could just never relate to this mother vs daughter and sister plot. This might be a personal thing, but I just couldn't feel anything with that. It's not a comparison to saving the whole universe from some kind of anti existence and saving the corrupted loved one. Not to mention that the action was better and you knew that people could actually die which made shit far more exciting. KlK always destroyed any kind of drama or tension with sudden slap stick.
>But none of the actual jokes are funny
>and because the characters were literal cardboard cut outs I had absolutely no emotional investment in the story at all
waaah waaahh if something isn't perfectly animated i can't feel shit for it
that's just my sarcastic phrasing.
but it should be obvious that klk's concept can't stand on the same level as ttgl's.
ttgl cad a coherent idea that was executed from beginning to the end. klk's was random in comparison.
Dubs are great.
People who think TTGL is better than KLK deserve 3 generation punishment.
It's nota case that in Japan KLK was more popular with girls.
But it's cute
Every opinion is subjective, but I know I'm right and you have no arguments
nice meme stefan
That's fine, I didn't have any doubts you'd be unwilling to discuss with opinions like those..
It was entirely different. First half was discovery second half was about nothing until around the end where it turned into moving on and being compassionate, but that was only right around the end. Everything up to that point was just Ryoko is clueless and shit happens.
>And in case you didn't notice, schedule was tight since the get go.
>Get called out plagerizing
>Push episode back a week
>New content is shit and rush
>but it should be obvious that klk's concept can't stand on the same level as ttgl's.
TTGL's concept is far more basic and uninteresting than KLK's.
>ttgl cad a coherent idea that was executed from beginning to the end. klk's was random in comparison.
They were both coherent from beginning to end.
>>better characters in general
I can't remember side characters names even though I watched the movies the series, and the damn OVAs. With KLK I remember all of them.
TTGL was more memorable for its ending and characters than KLK.
Nia dying > Senketsu dying, in terms of emotional impact, since its easier to feel bad about a human dying rather than a piece of clothing dying. Kamina was also a lot more memorable than any of the characters from KLK.
>isn't perfectly animated i can't feel shit for it
you don't understand. it's at the level where you can barely call it animation. you think sliding a single drawing across the screen is animation? or resizing it?
no, normally that's something you do as preparation for actual animation.
even pic related is more of an animation that those shots i posted.
that's because it was more recent
TTGL had the better fights and cooler finishing moves.
I really wonder how many fans that prefer KlK over TTGL are women.
I actually know one grill who prefers TTGL over KlK but I still think they're minorty. Tumblr was all over KlK for more than a year and most of them found TTGL boring or shitty or never watched it because they're newfags.
TTGL is better in just about every way. I'd only give KLK the upper hand in animation because it came almost a decade afterwards.
I prefer TTGL simply because the villains in KLK feel almost too competent. It feels like Ryukko doesnt earn a single victory, small or large until the final episode and it bugs the hell out of me.
The tone was the same since beginning to end. Half serious, half comedic. If you want to lookat a series with staggering tone changes, look at TTGL.
And it was the same thematically. A journey of self dicovery and a struggle of individuality against conformity.
>Get called out plagerizing
>Push episode back a week
>New content is shit and rush
Why do you insist with this baseless speculation? They were cutting corners since episode 1.
Do you think that if Ishikawa was still alive to call out the ripoff of Getter Robo they would have rewritten the second half of TTGL?
No, it's because TTGL's characters outside of the main castwere bland and forgettable.
Did they expect the audience to feel something from those noname background characters dying at the end?